15 research outputs found

    Direct participation of higher education institution employees in the organisational change process: study report

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    Motivation: Changes in the organization’s environment require its adjustment through the process of organisational change. For changes to bring expected, positive results, it is recommended that all employees be involved. Employee direct participation is one of the most effective methods of winning them for change and making them favour changes in the form of cooperation, engagement and reduction of resistance. In the literature, there are not too much studies focused on employee direct participation in the organisational change process at universities. Therefore, this area seems to be an interesting research field.Aim: The objective of this study is to analyse the process of change of organisational structure (number of departments) at a faculty of a higher education institution in the Pomeranian Province, in terms of the direct participation of research and academic staff and teaching staff in this process. The study was conducted using quantitative methods (a questionnaire). The study sample (the faculty and its employees) was selected intentionally due to the usefulness of data sources.Results: It was found that the selected employees participate in the change cycle in a limited way, with indifference and resistance being main attitudes to that change. Research results suggest that the causes of that state include autocratic style of management on the part of change designers, little time devoted to involve employees in the process, and negative atmosphere caused by staff rotation (dominant internal factor)

    Direct participation of higher education institution employees in the organisational change process: study report

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    Motivation: Changes in the organization’s environment require its adjustment through the process of organisational change. For changes to bring expected, positive results, it is recommended that all employees be involved. Employee direct participation is one of the most effective methods of winning them for change and making them favour changes in the form of cooperation, engagement and reduction of resistance. In the literature, there are not too much studies focused on employee direct participation in the organisational change process at universities. Therefore, this area seems to be an interesting research field.Aim: The objective of this study is to analyse the process of change of organisational structure (number of departments) at a faculty of a higher education institution in the Pomeranian Province, in terms of the direct participation of research and academic staff and teaching staff in this process. The study was conducted using quantitative methods (a questionnaire). The study sample (the faculty and its employees) was selected intentionally due to the usefulness of data sources.Results: It was found that the selected employees participate in the change cycle in a limited way, with indifference and resistance being main attitudes to that change. Research results suggest that the causes of that state include autocratic style of management on the part of change designers, little time devoted to involve employees in the process, and negative atmosphere caused by staff rotation (dominant internal factor).</p

    Employee Direct Participation in Organizational Change Process – Pilot Study Report

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    Organizational changes are the most sustained and inseparable elements of contemporary organizations. They produce positive results when all employees are engaged. Employee direct participation is one of the most effective ways to involve members of the organization in changes. The author has developed a model of employee participation in a cycle of the organizational change process. Its empirical verification and presentation of the results of the study is the aim of this paper. The research was conducted by means of a direct questionnaire and involved 197 respondents from the organizations located in Pomeranian Voivodeship

    Partycypacja bezpośrednia pracowników a zmiany organizacyjne

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    Zmiany we współczesnych organizacjach są nieuniknione. Wdrażane są celowo i świadomie, aby dostosować organizację do szybko zmieniających się warunków zewnętrznych, zwiększyć lub stworzyć jej szanse na sukces rynkowy. Niezwykle ważny w procesie zmian organizacyjnych jest czynnik społeczny. To ludzie tworzą organizacje i ich w szczególności zmiany organizacyjne dotyczą. Stąd każda organizacja powinna zadbać o właściwy przebieg procesu zmian, o użycie odpowiednich metod i technik ich projektowania i implementowania, a przede wszystkim o przeprowadzenie cyklu w taki sposób, aby uczynić pracowników sojusznikami zmian. Zdaniem autorki skutecznym sposobem osiągnięcia tego jest partycypacja bezpośrednia pracowników. Dlatego celem artykułu jest opracowanie modelu uczestnictwa pracowników w cyklu procesu zmian organizacyjnych. Model ten wyjaśnia, jak poprzez partycypację bezpośrednią pracowników uzyskać można ich zaangażowanie w ten proces i ukształtować właściwe postawy wobec zmian

    Academic Staff Direct Participation in Managing Higher Education Institutions – Pilot Study Report

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    The aim of the study is to present the results of pilot study on academic staff direct participation (ASDP) in managing higher education institutions (HEI) (content, scope, intensity, practicality of impact), in key areas of its activity and its advantages and risks. The research was carried out under questionnaire survey method among academic staff of selected HEIs, in autumn 2018. It was found that ASDP applies to all areas of activity of these HEIs (content), primarily educating students; is full (academics participate in all stages of the decision-making process), has mainly operational scope (related to basic tasks in the position at work), less often strategic; it is perceived participation because the real impact of the respondents in managing HEIs is limited (passive form of participation dominates). The identified main benefits from participation indicate that ASDP can be an effective tool for creating commitment of academic staff in managing HEIs in handling their key areas of activity. The results presented are not representative (pilot study), but interesting. Therefore, the author is planning to carry out in-depth research on ASDP in managing HEI in the future.Celem opracowania jest prezentacja wyników badania pilotażowego dotyczącego partycypacji bezpośredniej nauczycieli akademickich (PBNA) w zarządzaniu uczelnią (treść, zakres, intensywność, realność wpływu), w kluczowych obszarach jej działalności oraz związanych z nią korzyści i zagrożeń. Badanie zrealizowano metodą ankietową wśród nauczycieli akademickich wybranych uczelni, jesienią 2018 r. Stwierdzono, że PBNA dotyczy wszystkich obszarów działalności tych uczestniczą we wszystkich etapach procesu podejmowania decyzji), ma głównie zakres operacyjny (odnoszący się do podstawowych zadań na stanowisku), rzadziej strategiczny; jest to partycypacja postrzegana, gdyż realny wpływ badanych na zarządzanie uczelnia jest ograniczony (dominuje forma bierna partycypacji – współdziałanie). Zidentyfikowane główne korzyści z partycypacji wskazują, że PBNA może być skutecznym instrumentem kształtowania zaangażowania kadry akademickiej w zarządzanie uczelnią i w realizację jej głównych obszarów działalności. Zaprezentowane wyniki nie są reprezentatywne (badanie pilotażowe), ale interesujące. Dlatego autorka zrealizuje w przyszłości badania pogłębione nad PBNA w zarządzaniu uczelnią

    Entrepreneurial Features of the Small Companies’ Employees – on the Example of the Alfa Enterprise

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    It was indicated in the article, that entrepreneurial features characterize the owner, people on managerial positions, as well as regular workers employed by the Alfa enterprise. Employees’ entrepreneurial attributes in most cases coincide with the attributes of the owner, which contributes to building the enterprises’ market value. The obtained conclusions are an inspiration to the author in marking the direction of further research and a basis for an invitation to a discussion for all the people interested in this issu

    Partycypacja bezpośrednia nauczycieli akademickich w zarządzaniu uczelnią - komunikat z badania pilotażowego

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    The aim of the study is to present the results of pilot study on academic staff direct participation (ASDP) in managing higher education institutions (HEI) (content, scope, intensity, practicality of impact), in key areas of its activity and its advantages and risks. The research was carried out under questionnaire survey method among academic staff of selected HEIs, in autumn 2018. It was found that ASDP applies to all areas of activity of these HEIs (content), primarily educating students; is full (academics participate in all stages of the decision-making process), has mainly operational scope (related to basic tasks in the position at work), less often strategic; it is perceived participation because the real impact of the respondents in managing HEIs is limited (passive form of participation dominates). The identified main benefits from participation indicate that ASDP can be an effective tool for creating commitment of academic staff in managing HEIs in handling their key areas of activity. The results presented are not representative (pilot study), but interesting. Therefore, the author is planning to carry out in-depth research on ASDP in managing HEI in the future.Celem opracowania jest prezentacja wyników badania pilotażowego dotyczącego partycypacji bezpośredniej nauczycieli akademickich (PBNA) w zarządzaniu uczelnią (treść, zakres, intensywność, realność wpływu), w kluczowych obszarach jej działalności oraz związanych z nią korzyści i zagrożeń. Badanie zrealizowano metodą ankietową wśród nauczycieli akademickich wybranych uczelni, jesienią 2018 r. Stwierdzono, że PBNA dotyczy wszystkich obszarów działalności tych uczestniczą we wszystkich etapach procesu podejmowania decyzji), ma głównie zakres operacyjny (odnoszący się do podstawowych zadań na stanowisku), rzadziej strategiczny; jest to partycypacja postrzegana, gdyż realny wpływ badanych na zarządzanie uczelnia jest ograniczony (dominuje forma bierna partycypacji – współdziałanie). Zidentyfikowane główne korzyści z partycypacji wskazują, że PBNA może być skutecznym instrumentem kształtowania zaangażowania kadry akademickiej w zarządzanie uczelnią i w realizację jej głównych obszarów działalności. Zaprezentowane wyniki nie są reprezentatywne (badanie pilotażowe), ale interesujące. Dlatego autorka zrealizuje w przyszłości badania pogłębione nad PBNA w zarządzaniu uczelnią

    Human Resources Management in Higher Education Institutions in Poland

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    Human Resources Management in Higher Education Institutions in Poland The paper presents the diagnosis of the human resources management in Polish higher education institutions. The analysis of source literature was applied as a research method. The essence and components of HRM in connection with the university management system were discussed, the theoretical solutions, including those resulting from the provisions of the Law, and their practical implementations, were given a broad outline. The directions of changes concerning HRM that have recently taken place in HEIs were indicated. In conclusion it was stated that the human resources management in Polish higher education institutions still requires improvement, primarily in the areas of motivation and remuneration, evaluation and development of employees. It requires the improvement of the university management system, a reliable development of its mission, vision and strategy, and on the basis of those - the development of personnel strategy, and HRM processes, procedures and tools. It has been suggested that the inclusion of university employees, particularly the research and teaching staff, in the management process (through the participatory management style), can contribute to both improving the process and developing and improving the personnel function

    Actions Objected at Employees in CSR - Report from the Study

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    The study analyzed the essence of the social responsibility of organizations and indicated the areas of actions to which this concept applies in the organizations. Particular attention has been paid to CSR practices objected at employees as key stakeholders of the organization. The purpose of the study was achieved in the form of analysis of CSR practices addressed to employees of the selected organizations in the Pomeranian Voivodeship. It has been confirmed that the study subjects undertake socially responsible actions addressed to their employees. These actions are compliant with the guidelines of ISO 26000 standard in the area of practice in workplace. However, it has been shown that socially responsible objectives are not commonly present in the strategies of these organizations. Personal strategies and the knowledge of the concept of CSR among employees also occur not frequently enough. The presented study is a pilot study. The reached conclusions apply only to the participating organizations. However, it should be noted that the concept of CSR is not yet widely and successfully implemented in organizations within the Pomeranian Voivodeship. It requires further popularizing and intensifying. Also, the practices of CSR addressed to employees should be further improved

    Uczelnia społecznie odpowiedzialna z perspektywy studenta jako interesariusza – komunikat z badania pilotażowego

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    The article presents results and conclusions of a pilot study. This study aimed to determine the importance of distinguishing (model) characteristics for students of SRU, shaping mutual relations with students in five dimensions distinguished by the authors (values, relations, graduate, education, efficient organization) and to indicate the importance of these dimensions by students. It was found that education is the most important dimension for students, and it should be included in the social responsibility strategy implemented by the university, because it leads to the formation of a graduate desired in the modern labour market in the KBE. The features of particular dimensions identified by the authors were considered important by the respondents. They constitute a certain model to which universities can be compared, and which can be a hint as to what to look for when designing activities addressed to students as internal stakeholders of socially responsible university.W artykule przedstawiono wyniki i wnioski z badania pilotażowego. Miało ono na celu określenie ważności dla studentów cech wyróżniających (wzorcowych) USO, kształtującą wzajemne relacje ze studentami w pięciu wyodrębnionych przez autorki wymiarach (wartości, relacje, absolwent, kształcenie, sprawna organizacja) oraz wskazanie przez studentów rang ważności tych wymiarów. Stwierdzono, że wymiarem najważniejszym dla studentów jest kształcenie i ono przede wszystkim powinno być uwzględnione we wdrażanej przez uczelnię strategii społecznej odpowiedzialności, gdyż prowadzi do ukształtowania absolwenta pożądanego na współczesnym rynku pracy w GOW Zidentyfikowane przez autorki cechy poszczególnych wymiarów uznane przez respondentów zostały jako ważne. Stanowią pewien wzorzec (model), do którego mogą być porównywane uczelnie, i który może być wskazówką na co zwracać uwagę projektując działania adresowane do studentów jako interesariuszy wewnętrznych uczelni społecznie odpowiedzialnej