794 research outputs found

    Exact on-event expressions for discrete potential systems

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    The properties of systems composed of atoms interacting though discrete potentials are dictated by a series of events which occur between pairs of atoms. There are only four basic event types for pairwise discrete potentials and the square-well/shoulder systems studied here exhibit them all. Closed analytical expressions are derived for the on-event kinetic energy distribution functions for an atom, which are distinct from the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function. Exact expressions are derived that directly relate the pressure and temperature of equilibrium discrete potential systems to the rates of each type of event. The pressure can be determined from knowledge of only the rate of core and bounce events. The temperature is given by the ratio of the number of bounce events to the number of disassociation/association events. All these expressions are validated with event-driven molecular dynamics simulations and agree with the data within the statistical precision of the simulations

    Solvable rational extensions of the Morse and Kepler-Coulomb potentials

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    We show that it is possible to generate an infinite set of solvable rational extensions from every exceptional first category translationally shape invariant potential. This is made by using Darboux-B\"acklund transformations based on unphysical regular Riccati-Schr\"odinger functions which are obtained from specific symmetries associated to the considered family of potentials

    Random matrix models with log-singular level confinement: method of fictitious fermions

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    Joint distribution function of N eigenvalues of U(N) invariant random-matrix ensemble can be interpreted as a probability density to find N fictitious non-interacting fermions to be confined in a one-dimensional space. Within this picture a general formalism is developed to study the eigenvalue correlations in non-Gaussian ensembles of large random matrices possessing non-monotonic, log-singular level confinement. An effective one-particle Schroedinger equation for wave-functions of fictitious fermions is derived. It is shown that eigenvalue correlations are completely determined by the Dyson's density of states and by the parameter of the logarithmic singularity. Closed analytical expressions for the two-point kernel in the origin, bulk, and soft-edge scaling limits are deduced in a unified way, and novel universal correlations are predicted near the end point of the single spectrum support.Comment: 13 pages (latex), Presented at the MINERVA Workshop on Mesoscopics, Fractals and Neural Networks, Eilat, Israel, March 199

    Orthogonal Polynomials from Hermitian Matrices

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    A unified theory of orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable is presented through the eigenvalue problem of hermitian matrices of finite or infinite dimensions. It can be considered as a matrix version of exactly solvable Schr\"odinger equations. The hermitian matrices (factorisable Hamiltonians) are real symmetric tri-diagonal (Jacobi) matrices corresponding to second order difference equations. By solving the eigenvalue problem in two different ways, the duality relation of the eigenpolynomials and their dual polynomials is explicitly established. Through the techniques of exact Heisenberg operator solution and shape invariance, various quantities, the two types of eigenvalues (the eigenvalues and the sinusoidal coordinates), the coefficients of the three term recurrence, the normalisation measures and the normalisation constants etc. are determined explicitly.Comment: 53 pages, no figures. Several sentences and a reference are added. To be published in J. Math. Phy

    Multiplier Sequences for Simple Sets of Polynomials

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    In this paper we give a new characterization of simple sets of polynomials B with the property that the set of B-multiplier sequences contains all Q-multiplier sequence for every simple set Q. We characterize sequences of real numbers which are multiplier sequences for every simple set Q, and obtain some results toward the partitioning of the set of classical multiplier sequences

    On Superstring Disk Amplitudes in a Rolling Tachyon Background

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    We study the tree level scattering or emission of n closed superstrings from a decaying non-BPS brane in Type II superstring theory. We attempt to calculate generic n-point superstring disk amplitudes in the rolling tachyon background. We show that these can be written as infinite power series of Toeplitz determinants, related to expectation values of a periodic function in Circular Unitary Ensembles. Further analytical progress is possible in the special case of bulk-boundary disk amplitudes. These are interpreted as probability amplitudes for emission of a closed string with initial conditions perturbed by the addition of an open string vertex operator. This calculation has been performed previously in bosonic string theory, here we extend the analysis for superstrings. We obtain a result for the average energy of closed superstrings produced in the perturbed background.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX2e; uses latexsym, amssymb, amsmath, slashed macros; (v2): references added, some typo fixes; (v3): reference adde

    Limiting Laws of Linear Eigenvalue Statistics for Unitary Invariant Matrix Models

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    We study the variance and the Laplace transform of the probability law of linear eigenvalue statistics of unitary invariant Matrix Models of n-dimentional Hermitian matrices as n tends to infinity. Assuming that the test function of statistics is smooth enough and using the asymptotic formulas by Deift et al for orthogonal polynomials with varying weights, we show first that if the support of the Density of States of the model consists of two or more intervals, then in the global regime the variance of statistics is a quasiperiodic function of n generically in the potential, determining the model. We show next that the exponent of the Laplace transform of the probability law is not in general 1/2variance, as it should be if the Central Limit Theorem would be valid, and we find the asymptotic form of the Laplace transform of the probability law in certain cases

    Polynomial solutions of nonlinear integral equations

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    We analyze the polynomial solutions of a nonlinear integral equation, generalizing the work of C. Bender and E. Ben-Naim. We show that, in some cases, an orthogonal solution exists and we give its general form in terms of kernel polynomials.Comment: 10 page

    Average characteristic polynomials in the two-matrix model

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    The two-matrix model is defined on pairs of Hermitian matrices (M1,M2)(M_1,M_2) of size n×nn\times n by the probability measure 1Znexp(Tr(V(M1)W(M2)+τM1M2)) dM1 dM2,\frac{1}{Z_n} \exp\left(\textrm{Tr} (-V(M_1)-W(M_2)+\tau M_1M_2)\right)\ dM_1\ dM_2, where VV and WW are given potential functions and \tau\in\er. We study averages of products and ratios of characteristic polynomials in the two-matrix model, where both matrices M1M_1 and M2M_2 may appear in a combined way in both numerator and denominator. We obtain determinantal expressions for such averages. The determinants are constructed from several building blocks: the biorthogonal polynomials pn(x)p_n(x) and qn(y)q_n(y) associated to the two-matrix model; certain transformed functions n(w)\P_n(w) and \Q_n(v); and finally Cauchy-type transforms of the four Eynard-Mehta kernels K1,1K_{1,1}, K1,2K_{1,2}, K2,1K_{2,1} and K2,2K_{2,2}. In this way we generalize known results for the 11-matrix model. Our results also imply a new proof of the Eynard-Mehta theorem for correlation functions in the two-matrix model, and they lead to a generating function for averages of products of traces.Comment: 28 pages, references adde

    Bound States of the Klein-Gordon Equation for Woods-Saxon Potential With Position Dependent Mass

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    The effective mass Klein-Gordon equation in one dimension for the Woods-Saxon potential is solved by using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. Energy eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenfunctions are computed. Results are also given for the constant mass case.Comment: 13 page