1,374 research outputs found

    Electric field induced charge injection or exhaustion in organic thin film transistor

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    The conductivity of organic semiconductors is measured {\it in-situ} and continuously with a bottom contact configuration, as a function of film thickness at various gate voltages. The depletion layer thickness can be directly determined as a shift of the threshold thickness at which electric current began to flow. The {\it in-situ} and continuous measurement can also determine qualitatively the accumulation layer thickness together with the distribution function of injected carriers. The accumulation layer thickness is a few mono layers, and it does not depend on gate voltages, rather depends on the chemical species.Comment: 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetotransport in a two-dimensional electron system in dc electric fields

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    We report on nonequilibrium transport measurements in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron system subject to weak magnetic field and dc excitation. Detailed study of dc-induced magneto-oscillations, first observed by Yang {\em et al}., reveals a resonant condition that is qualitatively different from that reported earlier. In addition, we observe dramatic reduction of resistance induced by a weak dc field in the regime of separated Landau levels. These results demonstrate similarity of transport phenomena in dc-driven and microwave-driven systems and have important implications for ongoing experimental search for predicted quenching of microwave-induced zero-resistance states by a dc current.Comment: Revised version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Diffusion of Mn interstitials in (Ga,Mn)As epitaxial layers

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    Magnetic properties of thin (Ga,Mn)As layers improve during annealing by out-diffusion of interstitial Mn ions to a free surface. Out-diffused Mn atoms participate in the growth of a Mn-rich surface layer and a saturation of this layer causes an inhibition of the out-diffusion. We combine high-resolution x-ray diffraction with x-ray absorption spectroscopy and a numerical solution of the diffusion problem for the study of the out-diffusion of Mn interstitials during a sequence of annealing steps. Our data demonstrate that the out-diffusion of the interstitials is substantially affected by the internal electric field caused by an inhomogeneous distribution of charges in the (Ga,Mn)As layer.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Metal nanofilm in strong ultrafast optical fields

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    We predict that a metal nanofilm subjected to an ultrashort (single oscillation) optical pulse of a high field amplitude 3V/A˚\sim 3 \mathrm{V/\AA} at normal incidence undergoes an ultrafast (at subcycle times 1fs\lesssim 1 \mathrm{fs}) transition to a state resembling semimetal. Its reflectivity is greatly reduced, while the transmissivity and the optical field inside the metal are greatly increased. The temporal profiles of the optical fields are predicted to exhibit pronounced subcycle oscillations, which are attributed to the Bloch oscillations and formation of the Wannier-Stark ladder of electronic states. The reflected, transmitted, and inside-the-metal pulses have non-zero areas approaching half-cycle pulses. The effects predicted are promising for applications to nanoplasmonic modulators and field-effect transistors with petahertz bandwidth

    Space-charge mechanism of aging in ferroelectrics: an exactly solvable two-dimensional model

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    A mechanism of point defect migration triggered by local depolarization fields is shown to explain some still inexplicable features of aging in acceptor doped ferroelectrics. A drift-diffusion model of the coupled charged defect transport and electrostatic field relaxation within a two-dimensional domain configuration is treated numerically and analytically. Numerical results are given for the emerging internal bias field of about 1 kV/mm which levels off at dopant concentrations well below 1 mol%; the fact, long ago known experimentally but still not explained. For higher defect concentrations a closed solution of the model equations in the drift approximation as well as an explicit formula for the internal bias field is derived revealing the plausible time, temperature and concentration dependencies of aging. The results are compared to those due to the mechanism of orientational reordering of defect dipoles.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. accepted to Physical Review

    Efficient nonlinear room-temperature spin injection from ferromagnets into semiconductors through a modified Schottky barrier

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    We suggest a consistent microscopic theory of spin injection from a ferromagnet (FM) into a semiconductor (S). It describes tunneling and emission of electrons through modified FM-S Schottky barrier with an ultrathin heavily doped interfacial S layer . We calculate nonlinear spin-selective properties of such a reverse-biased FM-S junction, its nonlinear I-V characteristic, current saturation, and spin accumulation in S. We show that the spin polarization of current, spin density, and penetration length increase with the total current until saturation. We find conditions for most efficient spin injection, which are opposite to the results of previous works, since the present theory suggests using a lightly doped resistive semiconductor. It is shown that the maximal spin polarizations of current and electrons (spin accumulation) can approach 100% at room temperatures and low current density in a nondegenerate high-resistance semiconductor.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; provides detailed comparison with earlier works on spin injectio

    Surface potential at a ferroelectric grain due to asymmetric screening of depolarization fields

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    Nonlinear screening of electric depolarization fields, generated by a stripe domain structure in a ferroelectric grain of a polycrystalline material, is studied within a semiconductor model of ferroelectrics. It is shown that the maximum strength of local depolarization fields is rather determined by the electronic band gap than by the spontaneous polarization magnitude. Furthermore, field screening due to electronic band bending and due to presence of intrinsic defects leads to asymmetric space charge regions near the grain boundary, which produce an effective dipole layer at the surface of the grain. This results in the formation of a potential difference between the grain surface and its interior of the order of 1 V, which can be of either sign depending on defect transition levels and concentrations. Exemplary acceptor doping of BaTiO3 is shown to allow tuning of the said surface potential in the region between 0.1 and 1.3 V.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, submitted to J. Appl. Phy

    Resonant tunnelling features in the transport spectroscopy of quantum dots

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    We present a review of features due to resonant tunnelling in transport spectroscopy experiments on quantum dots and single donors. The review covers features attributable to intrinsic properties of the dot as well as extrinsic effects, with a focus on the most common operating conditions. We describe several phenomena that can lead to apparently identical signatures in a bias spectroscopy measurement, with the aim of providing experimental methods to distinguish between their different physical origins. The correct classification of the resonant tunnelling features is an essential requirement to understand the details of the confining potential or predict the performance of the dot for quantum information processing.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. Short review article submitted to Nanotechnology, special issue on 'Quantum Science and Technology at the Nanoscale

    Photoreflectance and surface photovoltage spectroscopy of beryllium-doped GaAs/AlAs multiple quantum wells

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    We present an optical study of beryllium delta-doped GaAs/AlAs multiple quantum well (QW) structures designed for sensing terahertz (THz) radiation. Photoreflectance (PR), surface photovoltage (SPV), and wavelength-modulated differential surface photovoltage (DSPV) spectra were measured in the structures with QW widths ranging from 3 to 20 nm and doping densities from 2×10(10) to 5×10(12) cm(–2) at room temperature. The PR spectra displayed Franz-Keldysh oscillations which enabled an estimation of the electric-field strength of ~20 kV/cm at the sample surface. By analyzing the SPV spectra we have determined that a buried interface rather than the sample surface mainly governs the SPV effect. The DSPV spectra revealed sharp features associated with excitonic interband transitions which energies were found to be in a good agreement with those calculated including the nonparabolicity of the energy bands. The dependence of the exciton linewidth broadening on the well width and the quantum index has shown that an average half monolayer well width fluctuations is mostly predominant broadening mechanism for QWs thinner than 10 nm. The line broadening in lightly doped QWs, thicker than 10 nm, was found to arise from thermal broadening with the contribution from Stark broadening due to random electric fields of the ionized impurities in the structures. We finally consider the possible influence of strong internal electric fields, QW imperfections, and doping level on the operation of THz sensors fabricated using the studied structures. © 2005 American Institute of Physic

    Single-particle states in spherical Si/SiO2_2 quantum dots

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    We calculate ground and excited electron and hole levels in spherical Si quantum dots inside SiO2_2 in a multiband effective mass approximation. Luttinger Hamiltonian is used for holes and the strong anisotropy of the conduction electron effective mass in Si is taken into account. As boundary conditions for electron and hole wave functions we use continuity of the wave functions and the velocity density at the boundary of the quantum dots.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure