67 research outputs found

    Die Herausbildung der Grammatik beim Fremdsprachenlern-prozess (Ausgewählte Problemkreise)

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    Die Herausbildung der Grammatik beim Fremdsprachenlern-prozess (Ausgewählte Problemkreise

    Exercises as a Basis for Foreign-language Encoding-processes

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    Various forms of language-activity influence the acquisition of a foreign language. In this article, the author underlines the importance of foreign-language exercises, and their effectiveness in the developing the learner’s encoding of decoded foreign-language information structures in the form of constant structure-matrices. The theories of teaching and learning drawn on in the article point to the variety of methods and degrees of foreign-language acquisition, both through cognitive exercises and through the pattern approach. Such exercises develop receptive and productive language-communication skills.Various forms of language-activity influence the acquisition of a foreign language. In this article, the author underlines the importance of foreign-language exercises, and their effectiveness in the developing the learner’s encoding of decoded foreign-language information structures in the form of constant structure-matrices. The theories of teaching and learning drawn on in the article point to the variety of methods and degrees of foreign-language acquisition, both through cognitive exercises and through the pattern approach. Such exercises develop receptive and productive language-communication skills

    Zum Verhältnis von Theorie und Praxis im Fremdsprachenunterricht

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    Theoretical glottodidactic discussions are not only limited to the analysis and elucidation of the processes of teaching and learning foreign languages. They also create specific concepts for practical implementation. The essence of these processes is interpreted in many scholarly disciplines – for example, in didactics, glottocodematics, psycholinguistics – in the specific manner of that discipline. Thus, different theories recommended for glottodidactic practice propose their own/differing didactic-methodological solutions. The point of departure that is the language to be taught is, however, constituted by linguistic theories, which set out the distinctive features of that language, and particular glottodidactic theories are concerned with the effective acquisition and mastery of these feature

    Zur Entwicklung der kodematischen Theorie des Fremdsprachenunterrichts

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    The discussion addresses the linguistic code and its contribution to the development of the codematic theory of foreign-language teaching. This theory deals with the essence and properties of the course of processes of coding and decoding foreign-language structures. Teachers and learners participate in these processes as primary and secondary senders and receivers of transmitted lexical-grammatical structures with the aim of learners’ mastering them. The process of learning and mastering foreign-language structures takes place in two stages, that is, during their decoding and construction in the form of structural matrices in the receiver’s appropriate memory. In this way, in the receiver (learner) there forms a warehousing mechanism with regard to the foreign language. This mechanism is equipped with a receptive and (re)productive functioning force, that is a force that activates the structural matrices. Structural matrices in long-term memory attain the appropriate force of activation, and therefore demand constantly being brought up to date in various syntagmatic-syntactic constructions, that is in the process of their encoding.The discussion addresses the linguistic code and its contribution to the development of the codematic theory of foreign-language teaching. This theory deals with the essence and properties of the course of processes of coding and decoding foreign-language structures. Teachers and learners participate in these processes as primary and secondary senders and receivers of transmitted lexical-grammatical structures with the aim of learners’ mastering them. The process of learning and mastering foreign-language structures takes place in two stages, that is, during their decoding and construction in the form of structural matrices in the receiver’s appropriate memory. In this way, in the receiver (learner) there forms a warehousing mechanism with regard to the foreign language. This mechanism is equipped with a receptive and (re)productive functioning force, that is a force that activates the structural matrices. Structural matrices in long-term memory attain the appropriate force of activation, and therefore demand constantly being brought up to date in various syntagmatic-syntactic constructions, that is in the process of their encoding.The discussion addresses the linguistic code and its contribution to the development of the codematic theory of foreign-language teaching. This theory deals with the essence and properties of the course of processes of coding and decoding foreign-language structures. Teachers and learners participate in these processes as primary and secondary senders and receivers of transmitted lexical-grammatical structures with the aim of learners’ mastering them. The process of learning and mastering foreign-language structures takes place in two stages, that is, during their decoding and construction in the form of structural matrices in the receiver’s appropriate memory. In this way, in the receiver (learner) there forms a warehousing mechanism with regard to the foreign language. This mechanism is equipped with a receptive and (re)productive functioning force, that is a force that activates the structural matrices. Structural matrices in long-term memory attain the appropriate force of activation, and therefore demand constantly being brought up to date in various syntagmatic-syntactic constructions, that is in the process of their encoding.de &nbsp

    Zur Kommunikationsleistung des Fremdsprachenlerners

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    The structures of a foreign language, presented by a teacher-sender, are received bya learner as specific signals that are subject to phonetic-phonological and graphic-graphemic decoding. They are accordingly transferred to the foreign-language center, in which semanticgrammatical decoding is performed. Individual structures acquired in this fashion constitute constructive elements of the storage mechanism for learning language in the form of constant structure-matrices. In the process of the receptive-productive dynamization of the language’s structures, the learner simultaneously masters their effectiveness and potential, which make it possible to apply the codified information to current situations. Autonomous forms of learning a foreign language lead to an increase in the reserves of vocabulary and to its more effective application. Independent manipulation of a foreign language in emergent situations means that the learner develops the ability to use it in contacts with communicative partners

    Dosimetric features of strontium orthosilicate (Sr2SiO4) doped with Eu2+

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    Poster zaprezentowany na miedzynarodowej konferencji naukowej 1st International Conference on Dosimetry and its Applications, Prague, Czech Republic, 23-28 June 2013; w formie artykułu, po recenzjach został przyjęty do druku w Radiation Physics and Chemistry (2014); DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2014.05.043Thermoluminescence (TL) of strontium orthosilicate doped with Eu2+ has been investigated in the range RT- 750 K. Trap parameters of a TL peak at 450 K established by means of glow curve analysis suggest the possibility of applying this sensitive peak for TL dosimetry. The thermal stability test shows that the 450 K peak is partially unstable. The isothermal decay experiments reveal that the traps responsible for this peak can be emptied by a competitive way that is efficient during storage at a constant temperature, and is characterized by lower values of activation energy and frequency factor

    Strukturelle Anordnung des fremdsprachlichen Materials

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    The structural arrangement of material for teaching a foreign language is connected with the choice of appropriate words and grammatical constructions, taking into consideration learners’ ages and the conditions of the glottodidactic process. The basic units that constitute foreign-language materials are words, word groups, and sentences; these are defined as micro-, meso-, and macro-units of language. Their choice and their linear combination make glottodidactic texts. They are presented in exercises and in paradigms of conjugation and declination

    Glottodidactic control and regulation on the inter-individual level

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    The subject of this discussion consists of selected concepts regarding the codematic foundations of foreign-language learning and cybernetic systems of foreign-language communication. The author focuses on processes of controlling, regulating, and directing foreign-language structures at the inter-individual level from the teacher to the learner. The control process, coupled with the process of basic information transfer, supports and strengthens it, both with linguistic (suprasegmental) means and extra-linguistic (visual) means. The basis of the regulation process are the effects of the coded structures of the learner, effects delivered to the teacher by the control system functioning through feedback. Glottodidactic direction includes the above two processes in order to transfer inaccurate structures, once corrected by the teacher, with the aim of re-decoding them and correctly assimilating them

    Zum Wesen der fremdsprachlichen Einkodierungsprozesse. On the nature of the foreign-language encoding-processes.

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    The following article considers the concept of the trichotomous arrangement of codeprocesses involved in acquiring foreign languages. It particularly focuses on the site, course, and results of processes whereby foreign-language structures are encoded. The processes of encoding known foreign-language structures take place: first, during the completion of consolidating exercises that aim at attaining appropriate proficiency; second, in the course of decoding and coding foreign-language information; and third, in the course of ego-centered communicative processes, in which the language user fulfills the function both of sender and of receiver
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