3 research outputs found

    Devaney's definition of chaos in topological spaces

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    G艂贸wnym celem pracy jest pokazanie, 偶e w przestrzeniach metrycznych wra偶liwo艣膰 na warunki pocz膮tkowe wynika z pozosta艂ych dw贸ch warunk贸w definicji chaosu Devaneya. Om贸wiono tak偶e jakie implikacje zachodz膮 mi臋dzy warunkami wyst臋puj膮cymi w definicji Devaneya w og贸lnych przestrzeniach topologicznych.The primary purpose of the present thesis is to prove that, for topological dynamical systems on infinite metric spaces, the sensitive dependence on initial conditions follows from the other two conditions appearing in Devaney's definition of chaos. Possible implications between these conditions in general topological spaces are also discussed

    Studies of a murine monoclonal antibody directed against DARC: reappraisal of its specificity.

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    Duffy Antigen Receptor for Chemokines (DARC) plays multiple roles in human health as a blood group antigen, a receptor for chemokines and the only known receptor for Plasmodium vivax merozoites. It is the target of the murine anti-Fy6 monoclonal antibody 2C3 which binds to the first extracellular domain (ECD1), but exact nature of the recognized epitope was a subject of contradictory reports. Here, using a set of complex experiments which include expression of DARC with amino acid substitutions within the Fy6 epitope in E. coli and K562 cells, ELISA, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and flow cytometry, we have resolved discrepancies between previously published reports and show that the basic epitope recognized by 2C3 antibody is 22FEDVW26, with 22F and 26W being the most important residues. In addition, we demonstrated that 30Y plays an auxiliary role in binding, particularly when the residue is sulfated. The STD-NMR studies performed using 2C3-derived Fab and synthetic peptide corroborated most of these results, and together with the molecular modelling suggested that 25V is not involved in direct interactions with the antibody, but determines folding of the epitope backbone