6 research outputs found

    Zastosowanie robotów medycznych w kardiologii — przegląd obecnych rozwiązań technicznych

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    The constant development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the growing demand for highly specialized medical procedures, as well as striving to increase the precision of these procedures caused, that support by robotic devices is sought. The article presents the main directions of development of robotic application in cardiac surgery and cardiology with special emphasis on projects conducted in Poland. Currently, first commercial robotic systems for applications in cardiac surgery, interventional cardiology and ablation of cardiac arrhythmias are available. Plenty of research and development projects, which intend to introduce new robotic systems for other invasive procedures and non-invasive cardiology, is ongoing.Stały rozwój technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych (ICT) oraz rosnące zapotrzebowanie na wysoko specjalistyczne procedury medyczne, jak również dążenie do zwiększania precyzji tych procedur, doprowadziła do poszukiwania wsparcia w urządzeniach robotycznych. Artykuł prezentuje główne kierunki rozwoju robotyki w kardiochirurgii i kardiologii ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem projektów prowadzonych w Polsce. Obecnie są już dostępne komercyjne systemy robotyczne do zastosowań w kardiochirurgii, kardiologii interwencyjnej oraz ablacjach zaburzeń rytmu serca. Prowadzonych jest wiele projektów badawczo- rozwojowych mających na celu wprowadzenie nowych systemów robotycznych do innych procedur zabiegowych oraz kardiologii nieinwazyjnej

    User-centred design and evaluation of a tele-operated echocardiography robot

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    We present the collected findings of a user-centred approach for developing a tele-operated robot for remote echocardiography examinations. During the three-year development of the robot, we involved users in all development stages of the robot, to increase the usability of the system for the doctors. For requirement compilation, we conducted a literature review, observed two traditional examinations, arranged focus groups with doctors and patients, and conducted two online surveys. During the development of the robot, we regularly involved doctors in usability tests to receive feedback from them on the user interface for the robot and on the robot’s hardware. For evaluation of the robot, we conducted two eye tracking studies. In the first study, doctors executed a traditional echocardiography examination. In the second study, the doctors conducted a remote examination with our robot. The results of the studies show that all doctors were able to successfully complete a correct ultrasonography examination with the tele-operated robot. In comparison to a traditional examination, the doctors on average only need a short amount of additional time to successfully examine a patient when using our remote echocardiography robot. The results also show that the doctors fixate considerably more often, but with shorter fixation times, on the USG screen in the traditional examination compared to the remote examination. We found further that some of the user-centred design methods we applied had to be adjusted to the clinical context and the hectic schedule of the doctors. Overall, our experience and results suggest that the usage of user-centred design methodology is well suited for developing medical robots and leads to a usable product that meets the end users’ needs

    Novel Hematological Parameters in the Assessment of the Extent of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device-Related Infections

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    Background: Patients with infectious complications related to the presence of cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED) constitute a heterogeneous group, ranging from local pocket infection (PI) to lead-related infectious endocarditis (LRIE) infection spreading along the leads to the endocardium. The detection of isolated LRIE and the assessment of the spread of infection in a patient with PI is often difficult and requires complex imaging and microbiological tests. The aim of the current study is to evaluate the usefulness of new simple hematological parameters in detecting infectious complications in patients with CIED, differentiating vegetation and vegetation-like masses, and assessing the extent of infections in patients with PI. Methods: A retrospective analysis of clinical data of 2909 patients (36.37% with CIED-related infections), undergoing transvenous lead extraction (TLE) procedures in three high-volume centres in the years 2006–2020, was conducted. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to assess the sensitivity and specificity of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), neutrophil-to-platelet ratio (NPR), and lymphocyte-to-platelet ratio (LPR) in the diagnosis of CIED infections, evaluate the spread of the infectious process in patients with PI and differentiate additional structures related to the presence of lead. Results: The values of NLR and NPR were significantly higher in infectious patients than non-infectious controls (3.07 vs. 2.59; p p = 0.008) and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) was 0.59; p p p p = 0.008). The AUC of NLR and NPR for the prediction of vegetations was 0.65; p p p p p p = 0.001. High specificity in the detection of coexistence between PI and LRIE was demonstrated for NLR (87.33%), with an optimal cut-off value of 3.13. Conclusions: Novel hematological markers (NLR and NPR) are characterized by high specificity in the initial diagnosis of CIED infections, with optimal cut-off values of 3.06 and 0.02. NLR is also useful in the assessment of the spread of infection in patients with PI, with a calculated optimal cut-off value of 3.13. NPR may be helpful in the differentiation of vegetation and vegetation-like masses with an optimal cut-off value of 0.03

    Lead Dependent Tricuspid Valve Dysfunction-Risk Factors, Improvement after Transvenous Lead Extraction and Long-Term Prognosis

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    Background: Lead-related tricuspid valve dysfunction (LDTVD) has not been studied in a large population and its management remains controversial. Methods: An analysis of the clinical data of 2678 patients undergoing transvenous lead extraction (TLE) in years 2008–2021 was conducted, with a separate group of 119 patients with LDTVD. Potential risk factors for LDTVD, improvement in valve function, and long-term prognosis after TLE were assessed. Results: LDTVD was diagnosed in 4.44% of patients referred for lead extraction due to different reasons. The most common mechanism of LDTVD was propping upward or clamping down the leaflet by the lead (85.71%). The probability of LDTVD was higher in female sex, patients with valvular heart disease, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, large right ventricle and high pulmonary artery systolic pressure, the presence of only pacing lead, and in case of collision of the lead with tricuspid valve and adhesion of the lead to the heart structures. The prognosis of patients with LDTVD was worse, however, patients with improved valve function after TLE showed a significantly better long-term survival. Conclusions: Lead dependent tricuspid valve dysfunction is a potentially serious condition that requires thorough diagnostics and thoughtful management. The risk factors for LDTVD are primarily related to the course of the lead and its adhesion to the heart structures. Improvement of tricuspid valve function after TLE is observed in 35.29% of patients Patients with LDTVD have a worse long-term survival, but the improvement in valve function following TLE contributes to a significant reduction in mortality

    Assessment of Perceived Attractiveness, Usability, and Societal Impact of a Multimodal Robotic Assistant for Aging Patients With Memory Impairments

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    The aim of the present study is to present the results of the assessment of clinical application of the robotic assistant for patients suffering from mild cognitive impairments (MCI) and Alzheimer Disease (AD). The human-robot interaction (HRI) evaluation approach taken within the study is a novelty in the field of social robotics. The proposed assessment of the robotic functionalities are based on end-user perception of attractiveness, usability and potential societal impact of the device. The methods of evaluation applied consist of User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ), AttrakDiff and the societal impact inventory tailored for the project purposes. The prototype version of the Robotic Assistant for MCI patients at Home (RAMCIP) was tested in a semi-controlled environment at the Department of Neurology (Lublin, Poland). Eighteen elderly participants, 10 healthy and 8 MCI, performed everyday tasks and functions facilitated by RAMCIP. The tasks consisted of semi-structuralized scenarios like: medication intake, hazardous events prevention, and social interaction. No differences between the groups of subjects were observed in terms of perceived attractiveness, usability nor-societal impact of the device. The robotic assistant societal impact and attractiveness were highly assessed. The usability of the device was reported as neutral due to the short time of interaction

    Challenges for Service Robots—Requirements of Elderly Adults with Cognitive Impairments

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    ObjectiveWe focused on identifying the requirements and needs of people suffering from Alzheimer disease and early dementia stages with relation to robotic assistants.MethodsBased on focus groups performed in two centers (Poland and Spain), we created surveys for medical staff, patients, and caregivers, including: functional requirements; human–robot interaction, the design of the robotic assistant and user acceptance aspects. Using Likert scale and analysis made on the basis of the frequency of survey responses, we identified users’ needs as high, medium, and low priority.ResultsWe gathered 264 completed surveys (100 from medical staff, 81 from caregivers, and 83 from potential users). Most of the respondents, almost at the same level in each of the three groups, accept robotic assistants and their support in everyday life. High level priority functional requirements were related to reacting in emergency situations (calling for help, detecting/removing obstacles) and to reminding about medication intake, about boiling water, turning off the gas and lights (almost 60% of answers). With reference to human–robot interaction, high priority was given to voice operated system and the capability of robotic assistants to reply to simple questions.ConclusionOur results help in achieving better understanding of the needs of patients with cognitive impairments during home tasks in everyday life. This way of conducting the research, with considerations for the interests of three stakeholder groups in two autonomic centers with proven experience regarding the needs of our patient groups, highlights the importance of obtained results