22 research outputs found

    Oponiak zatoki strzałkowej górnej z towarzyszącymi obustronnymi przewlekłymi krwiakami podtwardówkowymi – opis przypadku i studium patofizjologiczne

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    Bilateral chronic subdural haemorrhage accompanying meningioma is a very rare clinical condition. We present a case of a 69-year-old female patient with large meningioma completely obliterating the posterior third part of the superior sagittal sinus with accompanying bilateral chronic subdural haematomas. Three anatomical zones of venous collateral circulation were revealed by the preoperative digital subtraction angiography. The tumour and haematomas were removed completely with no major complications. The most likely pathomechanism of the development of bilateral chronic subdural haematomas was venous hypertension caused by an occlusion of major cerebral venous trunks. As a result of a minor thrombotic incident or insignificant head injury, the distended veins of collateral circulation that were volumetrically burdened could have been damaged. Patients with large tumours occluding the superior sagittal sinus, who did not qualify for or refused surgery, should be carefully monitored clinically and neuroradiologically because of possibly increased risk of an intracranial haemorrhage.Przewlekłe krwawienie podtwardówkowe towarzyszące oponiakowi wewnątrzczaszkowemu jest stwierdzane niezwykle rzadko. W pracy zaprezentowano przypadek 69-letniej pacjentki, bez istotnej przeszłości chorobowej, u której stwierdzono olbrzymi oponiak sklepistości czaszki całkowicie zarastający światło tylnej jednej trzeciej zatoki strzałkowej górnej współistniejący z obustronnymi mnogimi przewlekłymi krwiakami podtwardówkowymi. Przedoperacyjna cyfrowa angiografia subtrakcyjna wykazała obecność trzech stref krążenia obocznego kompensującego niedrożność zatoki strzałkowej górnej. Guz oraz przewlekłe krwiaki podtwardówkowe usunięto doszczętnie, przebieg pooperacyjny był pomyślny. Jedną z opisywanych przyczyn powstawania przewlekłych krwiaków podtwardówkowych w przypadkach powolnego zamknięcia dużych żył mózgowych jest pękanie przeciążonych objętościowo naczyń krążenia obocznego. Opisywany przypadek to prawdopodobnie pierwszy dobrze udokumentowany przykład potwierdzający słuszność tej tezy. Pacjenci z guzami zamykającymi światło zatoki strzałkowej górnej, którzy nie są poddawani leczeniu operacyjnemu, powinni być monitorowani klinicznie i radiologicznie ze względu na zwiększone ryzyko krwawienia wewnątrzczaszkowego

    Response of Cladocera Fauna to Heavy Metal Pollution, Based on Sediments from Subsidence Ponds Downstream of a Mine Discharge (S. Poland)

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    Mining is recognized to deeply influence invertebrate assemblages in aquatic systems, but di erent invertebrates respond in di erent ways to mining cessation. Here, we document the response of the cladoceran assemblage of the Chechło river, S. Poland (southern Poland) to the cessation of Pb-Zn ore mining. The aquatic system includes the river and associated subsidence ponds in the valley. Some ponds were contaminated during the period of mining, which ceased in 2009, while one of the ponds only appeared after mining had stopped. We used Cladocera to reveal how the cessation of mine water discharge reflected on the structure and density of organisms. A total of 20 Cladocera taxa were identified in the sediment of subsidence ponds. Their density ranged from 0 to 109 ind./1 cm3. The concentrations of Zn, Cd, Cu and Pb were much higher in sediments of the ponds formed during peak mining than in the ponds formed after the closure of the mine. Statistical analysis (CCA) showed that Alonella nana, Alona a nis, Alona sp. and Pleuroxus sp. strongly correlated with pond age and did not tolerate high concentrations of heavy metals (Cu and Cd). This analysis indicated that the rate of water exchange by the river flow and the presence of aquatic plants, a ect species composition more than pond age itself

    Genome instability in Chironomus annularius sensu Strenzke (Diptera, Chironomidae): A biomarker for assessment of the heavy metal contaminants in Poland

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    We studied the effect of heavy metal contaminations on genome instability of Chironomus annularius sensu Strenzke from three sampling sites on the River Chechło valley in southern Poland and a control site in Saraya, Bulgaria. The analysis of the heavy metal concentrations in sediments at the three river sites indicated concentrations higher than those in the fossil reference data (Zn 83-160 times, Pb 64-250 times, and Cd 210-793). According to the geoaccumulation index (Igeo), the sediments at all Chechło stations were classified as extremely polluted (Igeo class 6) by Cd, Pb and Zn while they were much less polluted by Cu (classes 1-3). The concentration of Cd, Pb and Zn in the sediments studied exceeded 21-79, 11-44 and 18-34 times the toxic effect threshold (TET) respectively; therefore, the sediments potentially have detrimental effects on the fauna. Genome instability was determined by somatic structural chromosome alterations (mainly heterozygous inversions) in the salivary gland chromosomes of C. annularius. On the basis of the number and frequency of these aberrations the somatic (S) and cytogenetic (C) indices were calculated as these indices allow a better quantification of the impact of heavy metals on organisms living in sediments. In the three Chechło sampling sites somatic aberrations occurred at a frequency significantly higher than in the control site (P<0.001). The three Chechło samples possess a high spectrum of somatic rearrangements with S index varying from 1.5 to 2.23 while in control site, S is 1.08. The C index of C. annularius from the polluted river sites varied from 0.163 to 0.380, far in excess of the C value of the control site (1.0), indicating strong pollution (<0.5) according to previous studies. In addition, a high level of inherited aberrations was detected (19 inherited band sequences, two of which were new). In all river stations the inverted homozygous band sequences A2.2 occurred in a high frequency (85%) and no standard sequences (A1.1) were observed. The transcription activity of Nucleolar Organizers (NORs) in chromosome arms A, C, E, G was often damaged and NOR activity was completely suppressed in 12.48% of larvae. Moreover, appearance of malformations in the external morphology of larvae was detected in 16.67% of larvae from all polluted sites. Therefore, the genome instability as estimated by two cytogenetic indices is a good biomarker of long-term toxicity and could be successfully implemented in the sediment monitoring procedures. 

    Neo- and Paleo-Limnological Studies on Diatom and Cladoceran Communities of Subsidence Ponds Affected by Mine Waters (S. Poland)

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    Plankton assemblages can be altered to di erent degrees by mining. Here, we test how diatoms and cladocerans in ponds along a river in southern Poland respond to the cessation of the long-term Pb-Zn mining. There are two groups of subsidence ponds in the river valley. One of them (DOWN) was contaminated over a period of mining, which ceased in 2009, whereas the other (UP) appeared after the mining had stopped. We used diatoms and cladocerans (complete organisms in plankton and their remains in sediments) to reveal the influence of environmental change on the structure and density of organisms. The water of UP pond was more contaminated by major ions (SO4 2, Cl) and nutrients (NO3 , PO4 3) than the DOWN ponds. Inversely, concentrations of Zn, Cd, Cu and Pb were significantly higher in sediment cores of DOWN ponds in comparison to those in the UP pond. Ponds during mining had higher diversity of diatoms and cladocerans than the pond formed after the mining had stopped. CCA showed that diatom and cladoceran communities related most significantly to concentrations of Pb in sediment cores. Comparison of diatom and cladoceran communities in plankton and sediment suggests significant recovery of assemblages in recent years and reduction of the harmful e ect of mine-originating heavy metals. Some features of ponds such as the rate of water exchange by river flow and the presence of water plants influenced plankton communities more than the content of dissolved heavy metals

    Prevalence, risk factors and treatment of arterial hypertension in dwellers of Boguszyce village

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    Wstęp Nadciśnienie tętnicze jest jednym z podstawowych czynników ryzyka chorób krążenia zwłaszcza wśród mieszkańców wsi. Celem obecnej pracy była ocena częstości występowania, czynników ryzyka oraz leczenia nadciśnienia tętniczego wśród mieszkańców wsi Boguszyce w powiecie oleśnickim na Dolnym Śląsku.Materiał i metody Badania przeprowadzono u dorosłych mieszkańców wsi Boguszyce. Badania przeprowadzali przeszkoleni studenci medycyny i lekarze, odwiedzający mieszkańców wsi w ich domach. Badanie obejmowało pomiar masy ciała, wzrostu oraz dwukrotny pomiar ciśnienia tętniczego metodą Korotkowa. Ponadto przeprowadzono badanie ankietowe, którego celem była ocena wiedzy na temat nadciśnienia tętniczego oraz współistniejących czynników ryzyka. Wyniki Badania antropometryczne i ankietowe przeprowadzono u 409 osób, czyli 50% dorosłych mieszkańców Boguszyc. U pozostałych mieszkańców nie wykonano badań z powodu nieobecności w domu (3-krotna próba) lub braku zgody na badania. Wśród badanych mężczyźni stanowili 40,83%, a kobiety 59,17%. Nadciśnienie tętnicze stwierdzono u 51% mieszkańców, z czego 53% wcześniej nie miało rozpoznanego nadciśnienia. Średni wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI) badanej grupy wynosił 27,25 i był istotnie wyższy u chorych z nadciśnieniem tętniczym niż u zdrowych (30,5 vs. 24; p < 0,001). Wśród osób leczonych 68% przyjmowało przepisane leki, a 18,5% było leczonych skutecznie. Wśród przepisywanych leków przeważały &#946;-adrenolityki, inhibitory konwertazy angiotensyny i diuretyki. Zwracał uwagę brak substytucji potasem mimo częstego stosowania leków moczopędnych. Wnioski Wśród mieszkańców wsi Boguszyce odsetek chorych na nadciśnienie tętnicze jest znacznie wyższy niż średnia w Polsce. Wśród chorych na nadciśnienie tętnicze występuje rozbieżność między subiektywną a obiektywną oceną skuteczności leczenia. Przyczyną niskiego odsetka skuteczności leczenia nadciśnienia tętniczego jest między innymi nieprzestrzeganie zaleceń lekarskich oraz styl życia i nawyki żywieniowe mieszkańców Boguszyc.Background Arterial hypertension is the most common cardiovascular risk factor especially in village dwellers. The aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence and risk factors of arterial hypertension in dwellers of the village of Boguszyce in Oleśnica district in Lower Silesia. Material and methods The study group consisted of dwellers of the village of Boguszyce. Examinations were carried out by the trained medical students and physicians visiting village dwellers at their homes. They determined the body mass, height, and measured blood pressure two times based on the Korotkov method. A custom questionnaire was carried out to determine medical history and coexisting risk factors. Results Examinations were carried out in 409 persons (50% of adult village population). The remaining half of village population was not examined due to following reasons: absence at home (3 separate visits), lack of consent. The studied group consisted of 40.83% men and - 59.17% women. Arterial hypertension was diagnosed in 51% of studied population; 53% of this group was not diagnosed earlier with AH. Mean BMI in the study group was 27.25 and was significantly higher in adults with hypertension (30.5 vs. 24; p < 0.001). 68% of adults treated for hypertension took prescribed medications but only 18.5% were treated succesfully. Main presribed antihypertensives were betablockers, ACEI and diuretics. In spite of frequent use of diuretices potassium substitution was rare. Conclusions Arterial hypertension is more common in village dwellers than in general polish population. There is significant discrepancy between perception of treatment results and objective hypertension control. The noncompliance to physicians&#8217; recommendations, the life style and eating habits of the dwellers of Boguszyce, resulting in low physical activity and high percentage of overweight are the chief reasons for high prevalence and low effectiveness of the treatment of hypertension

    A Review of Flood-Related Storage and Remobilization of Heavy Metal Pollutants in River Systems

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    Wear Morphology on the Surfaces of CoCrMo Unicompartmental Knee Joint Endoprostheses as Elements of Metal–Metal Friction Nodes

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    The article assesses the strength and structural parameters of load-bearing layers of metal biobearings made of CoCrMo alloy. The research material consisted of unicompartmental knee joint endoprostheses used in the human body, removed due to excessive wear. No patient participated in the examinations. The endoprostheses used as research material underwent the liquidation procedures in the hospital, which has all necessary permissions and certifications to perform endoprosthetic procedures. Endoprostheses selected for the examinations had been used for 6 to 12 years at similar load conditions as declared by the patients, i.e., body weight of F = 835 N, declared activity expressed as the number of load cycles up to 100 thousand/year, and no artificial joint infections. To assess the homogeneity of the research material, the analysis of chemical composition using a Joel scanning electron microscope with EDS (Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) was made to exclude endoprostheses with various alloying additives. Microscopic examinations were performed using the Phenom XL microscope, while the wear surface was examined using a Keyence VHX-900F microscope. Several experimental tests were also carried out on load-bearing surfaces to assess changes in strength parameters of the base material after a known life cycle and load conditions. Material hardness using the Vickers method, yield point, critical value of stress intensity coefficient, and the coefficient of friction &micro; were evaluated. The examinations allowed for the systematization of wear in the knee and femoral components of unicompartmental hip endoprostheses. The statistical evaluation of the number and costs of hip joint replacement surgeries in Poland was also made

    Small effects of a large sediment contamination with heavy metals on aquatic organisms in the vicinity of an abandoned lead and zinc mine

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    The effects of the long-term contamination of water reservoirs with mine effluents were investigated at an abandoned mine site in Upper Silesia, southern Poland. The studies covered metal content and mobility in bottom sediments as well as water chemistry in relation to the content of metals in selected macrophytes and their physiology and the composition of phyto- and zooplankton communities. Although it is 40 years since mining ceased, reservoir sediments are still heavily contaminated with cadmium, zinc and lead with concentrations (mg/kg), which vary roughly between 130–340, 10,000–50,000 and 4,000–12,000, respectively. About 50–80 % of these elements are associated with the reducible phase, and only a small percentage, <10 %, is present in the most mobile exchangeable phase. Despite the high total metal concentration in sediments, their content in the submerged plants Myriophyllum spicatum and the emerged plants Phragmites australis was low. The observed effects of heavy metal contamination on photosynthetic activity in the leaves of P. australis were negligible, whereas those in M. spicatum show up only as a difference in the distribution of photosynthetic activity in leaves of different ages, which seems to be related to the very good water quality and to the generally small concentrations of metals in pond water. The physicochemical properties of water also seem to control the presence of planktonic species more than does sediment contamination. However, a shift toward groups of species known to be more resistant to heavy metals (diatoms, green algae and Rotifera) indicates some adaptative changes related to the long-lasting contamination of ponds

    Influence of Asymmetric Rolling Process on the Microstructure Properties of Bimetallic Sheet Metals

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    This paper presents the results of research on the determination of the influence of kinetic asymmetry of work rolls on structural changes in hot-rolled bimetallic sheet metals. The tests were conducted on bimetallic samples composed of materials 10CrMo9-10 + X2CrNiMo17-12-2. The scope of the research included a comparative analysis for two cooling variants: I in water (freezing the structure immediately after rolling) and II for cooling in air. The research conducted showed that the introduction of asymmetric conditions to the rolling process results in a greater grain fragmentation in the so-called hard layer and does not have a negative effect on microstructural changes in the soft layer