8 research outputs found

    Az ördögűzés református szabályozása 1636-ban I.

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    János Samarjai was a Calvinist minister, bishop beside the Danube and the chairman of the Synod of Komjáti (1623-1625). In 1636 he published his regulations for the Calvinist and Lutherans, which last two chapters deal with the existence of the devil and exorcism. These opinions from the basis of the Calvinist and Lutheran church's view on Satan. He interprets the Satan, his activities and the cases of obsession with Biblical allegories. He describes the mode of exorcism, the role of the exorcis, the place, the function of the participants and the way of the process. He exstands the examples of the New Testament with descriptions of exorcism from the early Christian authors. He emphasizes the difference between the Catholc and Calvinist process. In his book he publishes the words of exrocism, the psalms and prayers and he describes the exact process of the liturgy. His descriptions and definitions probably reflect the official Protestant point of view on his age. It offers a possibility to compare them with Western demonologies (both Catholic an Protestant) and the Satan narratives of sermons, religious texts, and admonitions. It also presents a basis for the identification of the elements and motives in popular devil-belief

    Egyházi és világi szerepek összekapcsolódása a századvég református gyülekezeti életében

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    The study examines the situation of the leading village congregational officials in the viewpoint of the changes in practicing their tasks and rules. The taks and practices of the sessions and their principals were regulated by the Calvinist church councils. The paragraphs of the Council of Tarczal-Torda (1563) have already included the „ancestral Christian procedure" of electing elders, thus the whole congregation elect with voting. Probably the changes in the activity of the sessios are less manifested in the church council regulations than in local customs. The author recalls the orders of different church councils to differentiate the tasks of curators and wardens formed by the local customs, from those tasks which were formed in regulations by the XIXth century. The tasks of the curator are represented by introducing analitically a family archive. (The papers ofKristóffamily, Dunabogdány, 1859-1918 Néprajzi Múzeum, EA 24229). Mihály Kristóf and his son, Mihály Kristóf jr. were secular and church principals. The papers represent, what kind of requirements they should have met for the period of two generations, comparing to the written regulations, what kind of rules they have had to play. An important group of the papers are manuscripts, connected with the social life of the village, including best men's verses, song verses, funeral songs from the old times, nameday greetings, school-festival greetings, verses for greeting mothers or written by the influences of the school, from the later times. An other group of the papers is connected with farming. Farm-books, contracts of sales, copies of land registers, lists of loans, etc. document, that they were starters of reforming agriculture, especially after the wineyards had died out. In the village they could have set examples for striving after urbanization based on landed property. The third thematic group is connected with church affairs. The papers, connected with the school, the farming lease affairs, the registers on church taxation and collection document that besides the earlier traditional tasks of the curator they had to act as administrators and clerks, too. But there are not data e.g. on church disciplines. The last group of the papers consists of the affairs of the tasks of secular corporation members. Dunabogdány is a Catholic German village, the minority of 20% Hungarian Calvinists were represented by one person in the 20-strong magistracy. Mihály Kristóf and later his son were elected for this function. The papers of Kristóf family document that from the second half of the last century the curator of advanced, urban Calvinist villages have already worked as „bourgeois clerks", although preserving some earlier village elements of their tasks

    A paraszti szentkultusz "reprezentációja" 1896-ban : a millenniumi falu enteriőrjeinek szentképei

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    The author introduces objects of the Hungarian Ethographical Museum's Church Collection: she describes the sacred pieces of furniture of the „ethnographical village" built on the occesion of the millenium exhibition of the Hungarian settlement (1896). She determines that in the picture of peasant interior the illustrations of the Hungarian saints are missing, although their cult was rather strong in those days. Am ong the secular pictures only some Habsburg family-pictures can be seen. Some conclusions can be drawn to the local cults. M ost of the pictures are oleographs made in Vienna

    Hang, kép, szöveg: a kommunikáció váltásai a templombelsők dekorációjának példáján

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    Program és tanítás a református templomok mennyezetfestésein : a "hasznos vagy tartalmas" dekoráció

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    The protestant art is a decorative and preaching art. Although the protestantism rejected the fresco veneration, it returned to the pedagogical use of frescos in case of theological turns. The first type of the protestant frescos is the disputant-teaching-constructive group of paintings. The other type is the illustrated Bible. Newer types of frescos are the portrays annd historical paintings (the portrays of Luther and the illustrations of his life). A significant group of frescos is the so-called argumentative frescos which are the teaching images of the age of Reformation. The illustrations of devotional or edifying books belong to a new genre. The illustration of song books also served worship and edification. The rebuses or pictorial puzzles can also be put into the group of edifying images. We know that the Calvinist Reformation did not multiply devotional or other types of pictures in Hungary until the last third of the 19lh century. The protestants decorated the walls of their churches with flower ornamentation and inscriptions. In early compositions the inscriptions were put between two flowers - the same way as on manuscipts and early printings. The inscriptions were emphasized. The protestant art was preaching this was, the main role of it was to send the message of God on the walls of churches, furniture, used dishes and on other decorations as well. The citations and texts were chosen on the basis of the theological programme. The fears of apocalypse was manifested in the depictions and words quoted from the Bible on the ceilings and the furnishings of the churches. Besides the words from the Bible, simple pictures which could be interpreted as sternghtening protestant identity appeared. Instead of the characteristic pietist image of the wide and narrow road we could find pieces of advice with illustration with the aim of improving the quality of life. With the help of images and inscriptions we can grasp the mentality of people, the ideas leading their lives, their belief system and the mental and spiritual basics of their devotional behaviour

    Néphit, vallás, mentalitás. Kéziratos és nyomtatott források, 16-19. század. Forrásfeltárás, -kiadás és kutatás = Folk belief, religion, mentality. Hand-written and printed sources, 16-19. centuries. Exploration, publication and study of sources

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    A kora újkor társadalmainak mentalitása, világképe, hiedelemrendszere: 1. Források feltárása, nyilvántartása és kiadása: Boszorkányperek dokumentumainak feltárása erdélyi, valamint felvidéki és magyarországi városokban: Összesen mintegy 400 új per birtokába jutottunk, kb 1500 oldal terjedelemben. A peranyag átírása, sajtó alá rendezése folyamatos: megjelent egy vármegyei és egy városi perdokumentumokat tartalmazó kötetünk. Magyarország területén használt varázskönyvek feltárása: elkészült egy kincskeresés szövegeit tartalmazó kötet. Magyarországi benedikciók és exorcizmusok kéziratos és nyomtatott forrásainak feltárása: egy kötet sajtó alatt. - A kora újkor református prédikációinak feltárása: megjelent egy babonaellenes és egy dohányzás-ellenes prédikációkat tartalmazó kötet. Kora újkori látomásszövegek feltárása és kiadása: megjelent egy 18. századi látomás-szövegeket tartalmazó kötet. 2. Kutatás folyt a következő témákban: A boszorkányüldözés historiográfiája, statisztikája, jogi háttere, társadalmi kontextusa, teológiai vonatkozásai, kezdetei és megszűnése; a mágia dekriminalizációja a magyar joggyakorlatban; a boszorkányság hiedelemrendszere; a varázskönyvek használata és használói; a prédikációk, mint az elit és népi kultúra kommunikációs csatornái; a prédikációk ördög-képzetei. E témákkal részt vettünk több fontos magyar és nemzetközi konferencián, szerveztünk is ilyenket. 12 kutató közel 100 tanulmánya illetve forráskiadványa készült el. | Mentality, world-view and belief-systems of the early modern communities: 1. Exploration, identifying and publishing sources: Exploring documents of witchcraft cases in cities in Transylvania, Slovakia and in Hungary. Altogether we have acquired the material of approximately 400 trials amounting to 1500 pages. We have continued transcribing the case material collected during the previous cycle and preparing it for print. We have published a volume containing trial material in the counties and one on that of the towns. Exploring handwritten and printed sources of benedictions and exorcisms in Hungary: a volume is in the press. Exploring Calvinist preachings of the early modern age: a volume of preachings against superstitions and another volume against smoking are published. Exploring and publishing visions-literature: we have published a book containing 18th century visions. 2. Research was carried out on the following subjects: The historiography and comprehensive statistics of witch-hunt; the legal background and social context of witch-hunt, the theological aspects, religious and clerical history of witch-hunts; the belief system of witchcraft; the use and the users of magic books; preachings as channels of communication between the elite and popular culture, concepts of the Satan in the Calvinist preachings. We have participated at several important Hungarian and international conferences, and we also organised two major and several minor conferences on these areas of research. In this area 12 researchers accomplished approximately 100 papers resp. books

    A Néprajzi Múzeum tárgykatalógusai = Catalogues of collections of the Museum of Ethnography

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    A kutatási program egy hosszú évek óta sikeresen folyó kutatás és feldolgozás továbbvitele, amely a Néprajzi Múzeum rendkívül gazdag tárgyi gyűjteményének minél szélesebb körű feltárását, bemutatását és elemzését tűzte célul. Az előző két kutatási program folytatásaként, annak és nemzetközi katalógusmunkák eredményeinek felhasználásával, a műtárgykatalógus elméleti és módszertani alapjainak továbbgondolásával öt katalógust jelentettünk meg, háromnak pedig előkészületi munkái részben vagy egészében befejeződtek. Az elnyert pályázat keretében a program vállalásait teljesítettük: Gráfik Imre Céhemlékek, Selmeczi-Kovács Attila: A tokmány, Főzy Vilma: A piaroa gyűjtemény, Csupor István Céhes kerámiák és Kerezsi Ágnes Obi ugor viseletek című tárgykatalógusa megjelent. Nyomdakész állapotban van Szacsvay Éva Szobrok című munkája, kéziratos formában elkészült Szarvas Zsuzsa A vászonfeszítő című katalógusa és jelentős mértékben előrehaladtak Fejős Zoltán A kéregedény című összefoglalásának munkálatai is. A megjelent katalógusok bevezető tanulmánya – illetőleg a nemzetközi gyűjteményekből származó munkáknál a tárgyleírás – kétnyelvű, ami lehetővé teszi, hogy eredményeink a nemzetközi kutatás számára is hasznosuljanak. | Following in the footsteps of a successful and long-running research and processing project, this study program has set the goal of comprehensive exploration, presentation and analysis of the extremely rich collection of objects housed by the Museum of Ethnography. Building on earlier experience, in determining the topics and the methodology of the catalogues we strove to take multiple considerations into account. We have published five catalogues: Imre Gráfik: Guild Relics, Attila Selmeczi Kovács: The Whetstone Holder, Vilma Főzy: The Piaroa Collection, István Csupor: Guild Pottery, Ágnes Kerezsi: Ob-Ugrian costume. The Statues by Éva Szacsvay is ready for print and serious preparation works for two other catalogues (Zsuzsa Szarvas: The Canvas Strainer and Zoltán Fejős: The bark pot) has been made. The introductory part in all catalogues – and in some cases the descriptions of the objects as well – have been translated into English, which makes the result of this study program available for the international scientific field