109 research outputs found


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    Editorial MAD 2

    Aviation Technology Life Cycle Management: Importance for Aviation Companies, Aerospace Industry Organizations and Relevant Stakeholders

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    The paper in the introductory part underlines some aspects concerning the importance of Aviation Technology Life Cycle Management and informs on basic international standards for the processes and stages of life cycle. The second part is focused on definition and main objectives of system life cycle management. The authors subsequently inform on system life cycle stages (in general) and system life cycle processes according to ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 standard. Following the fact, that life cycle cost (LCC) is inseparable part and has direct connection to the life cycle management, the paper contains brief information regarding to LCC (cost categories, cost breakdown structure, cost estimation a.o.). Recently was issued the first part of Aviation Technology Life Cycle Management monograph (in Slovak: ”Manažment životného cyklu leteckej techniky I”), written by I.Koblen and S.Szabo. Following this fact and direct relation to the topic of article it is a part of article briefly introduced the content of two parts of this monograph (the 2nd part of monograph it has been prepared for the print). The last part of article is focused on issue concerning main assumptions and conditions for successful application of aviation technology life cycle management in aviation companies, aerospace industry organizations as well as from the relevant stakeholders side

    The Dependence of Airport Profit on Passenger Satisfaction and Operational Efficiency

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    Since the airports are in fact commercial companies, their main objective is to make profit. Therefore, it is important for the airports to identify the business activities that may increase the income as well as those that may reduce the costs. The terminal process, handling the passengers’ baggage both on their departure and arrival, is a basic process at all airports that are intended for the commercial air transport. The quality of the terminal process provided by the airports has a significant impact on the passengers especially in terms of their satisfaction. In this text, the passenger satisfaction is regarded as a key factor of the terminal process affecting a whole range of other areas. Its high efficiency leads to cost reduction from the perspective of the airport. As it is proposed here, there is a connection between the passenger satisfaction and the process efficiency. For example, the queues that form due to the check-in process may be a result of the imbalance between the passenger arrival rate and the service rate. Therefore, there is a necessity of improving not only the passenger satisfaction but also the process efficiency

    Selected Information on European Union Research and Development Programmes and Projects focused on Reducing Emissions from Air Transport

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    The paper in the introductory part informs on the structure of jet engines emissions and introduce some facts regarding the timing progressive development in the area of aviation emissions reducing. The second part of the paper is focusing on introducing selected information concerning strategies and goals of the international aviation organizations (especially ACARE and IATA) as well as the European Commission in reducing emissions from air transport issue, including principle information on EU Emissions Trading System and its relationship toward aviation emissions inclusion and ambitious goals specified in document Flightpath 2050 regarding environmental impact of aviation. Authors shortly present the EU Framework programmes for research and technological development, including the newest Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, whereby are focusing on the selected aviation research projects under the 7th FP as are REACT4C, DREAM and ALFA-BIRD projects. The part of paper is dealing with Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative and introduction of six Integrated Technology Demonstrators – projects objectives and developed technologies to significantly increase the environmental performances of aircraft and air transport. In this regard authors pay also considerable attention to description of Clean Sky 2 programme mainly from its scope and key elements point of views. The last part of the paper is focused on the selected issue concerning the SESAR programme underlining the key environmental achievement

    Determination of the Minimum Amount of Financial Costs in the Event of Occurrence of Selected Crisis Situations Caused by Passengers at the Airport

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    Aircraft accidents are currently a relatively common phenomenon. They are the most distressed situations in civil aviation, critical not only for the general public, but also for air transport operators and airports. Every crisis situation has different impacts on the airport, whether material or financially. The aim of this contribution is to analyze the course and impact of selected crisis situations, including unlawful interference, deterioration of passenger’s health on an aircraft board and crowd psychosis, and then quantify the minimum amount of financial costs that arise in these crises. The calculation of these costs is particularly important for airports and their effective preparation for the possible occurrence of individual crisis situations. This raises the question of whether airports are prepared for the possible occurrence of crisis situations and whether they create at least a minimum financial margin to eliminate the impact of each crisis situation


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    Selected Information on European Union Research and Development Programmes and Projects focused on Reducing Emissions from Air Transport

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    The paper in the introductory part informs on the structure of jet engines emissions and introduce some facts regarding the timing progressive development in the area of aviation emissions reducing. The second part of the paper is focusing on introducing selected information concerning strategies and goals of the international aviation organizations (especially ACARE and IATA) as well as the European Commission in reducing emissions from air transport issue, including principle information on EU Emissions Trading System and its relationship toward aviation emissions inclusion and ambitious goals specified in document Flightpath 2050 regarding environmental impact of aviation. Authors shortly present the EU Framework programmes for research and technological development, including the newest Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, whereby are focusing on the selected aviation research projects under the 7th FP as are REACT4C, DREAM and ALFA-BIRD projects. The part of paper is dealing with Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative and introduction of six Integrated Technology Demonstrators – projects objectives and developed technologies to significantly increase the environmental performances of aircraft and air transport. In this regard authors pay also considerable attention to description of Clean Sky 2 programme mainly from its scope and key elements point of views. The last part of the paper is focused on the selected issue concerning the SESAR programme underlining the key environmental achievement