6,648 research outputs found

    Thermal measurement and modeling of multi-die packages

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    Thermal measurement and modeling of multi-die packages became a hot topic recently in different fields like RAM chip packaging or LEDs / LED assemblies, resulting in vertical (stacked) and lateral arrangement. In our present study we show results for a mixed arrangement: an opto-coupler device has been investigated with 4 chips in lateral as well as vertical arrangement. In this paper we give an overview of measurement and modeling techniques and results for stacked and MCM structures, describe our present measurement results together with our structure function based methodology of validating the detailed model of the package being studied. Also, we show how to derive junction-to-pin thermal resistances with a technique using structure functions.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions

    Characterization and Modeling of an Electro-thermal MEMS Structure

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    Thermal functional circuits are an interesting and perspectivic group of the MEMS elements. A practical realization is called Quadratic Transfer Characteristic (QTC) element which driving principle is the Seebeck-effect. In this paper we present the analyses of a QTC element from different perspectives. To check the real behavior of the device, we measured a few, secondary properties of the structure which correspond to special behavior because these properties can not be easily derived from the main characteristics.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDA Publishing Association (http://irevues.inist.fr/handle/2042/16838

    3D-2D crossover in the naturally layered superconductor (LaSe)1.14(NbSe2)

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    The temperature and angular dependencies of the resistive upper critical magnetic field Bc2B_{c2} reveal a dimensional crossover of the superconducting state in the highly anisotropic misfit-layer single crystal of (LaSe)1.14_{1.14}(NbSe2_2) with the critical temperature TcT_c of 1.23 K. The temperature dependence of the upper critical field Bc2ab(T)B_{c2\parallel ab}(T) for a field orientation along the conducting (ab)(ab)-planes displays a characteristic upturn at 1.1 K and below this temperature the angular dependence of Bc2B_{c2} has a cusp around the parallel field orientation. Both these typical features are observed for the first time in a naturally crystalline layered system.Comment: 7 pages incl. 3 figure

    A Monte Carlo Calculation of Atmospheric Muon and Neutrino Fluxes

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    Production of muons and neutrinos in cosmic ray interactions with the atmosphere has been investigated with a cascade simulation program based on Lund Monte Carlo programs. The resulting `conventional' muon and neutrino fluxes (from π,K\pi ,K decays) agree well with earlier calculations, whereas the improved charm particle treatment used in this study gives significantly lower `prompt' fluxes compared to earlier estimates. This implies better prospects for detecting very high energy neutrinos from cosmic sources.Comment: 4 pages, uuencoded and gziped ps-fil

    The Electrostatic Ion Beam Trap : a mass spectrometer of infinite mass range

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    We study the ions dynamics inside an Electrostatic Ion Beam Trap (EIBT) and show that the stability of the trapping is ruled by a Hill's equation. This unexpectedly demonstrates that an EIBT, in the reference frame of the ions works very similar to a quadrupole trap. The parallelism between these two kinds of traps is illustrated by comparing experimental and theoretical stability diagrams of the EIBT. The main difference with quadrupole traps is that the stability depends only on the ratio of the acceleration and trapping electrostatic potentials, not on the mass nor the charge of the ions. All kinds of ions can be trapped simultaneously and since parametric resonances are proportional to the square root of the charge/mass ratio the EIBT can be used as a mass spectrometer of infinite mass range

    Energies And Damping Rates of Elementary Excitations in Spin-1 Bose-einstein-condensed Gases

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    The finite temperature Green's function technique is used to calculate the energies and damping rates of the elementary excitations of homogeneous, dilute, spin-1 Bose gases below the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature in both the density and spin channels. For this purpose a self-consistent dynamical Hartree-Fock model is formulated, which takes into account the direct and exchange processes on equal footing by summing up certain classes of Feynman diagrams. The model is shown to satisfy the Goldstone theorem and to exhibit the hybridization of one-particle and collective excitations correctly. The results are applied to gases of Na-23 and Rb-87 atoms

    Adaptive high-order finite element solution of transient elastohydrodynamic lubrication problems

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    This article presents a new numerical method to solve transient line contact elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) problems. A high-order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite element method is used for the spatial discretization, and the standard Crank-Nicolson method is employed to approximate the time derivative. An h-adaptivity method is used for grid adaptation with the time-stepping, and the penalty method is employed to handle the cavitation condition. The roughness model employed here is a simple indentation, which is located on the upper surface. Numerical results are presented comparing the DG method to standard finite difference (FD) techniques. It is shown that micro-EHL features are captured with far fewer degrees of freedom than when using low-order FD methods

    General variational many-body theory with complete self-consistency for trapped bosonic systems

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    In this work we develop a complete variational many-body theory for a system of NN trapped bosons interacting via a general two-body potential. In this theory both the many-body basis functions {\em and} the respective expansion coefficients are treated as variational parameters. The optimal variational parameters are obtained {\em self-consistently} by solving a coupled system of non-eigenvalue -- generally integro-differential -- equations to get the one-particle functions and by diagonalizing the secular matrix problem to find the expansion coefficients. We call this theory multi-configurational Hartree for bosons or MCHB(M), where M specifies explicitly the number of one-particle functions used to construct the configurations. General rules for evaluating the matrix elements of one- and two-particle operators are derived and applied to construct the secular Hamiltonian matrix. We discuss properties of the derived equations. It is demonstrated that for any practical computation where the configurational space is restricted, the description of trapped bosonic systems strongly depends on the choice of the many-body basis set used, i.e., self-consistency is of great relevance. As illustrative examples we consider bosonic systems trapped in one- and two-dimensional symmetric and asymmetric double-well potentials. We demonstrate that self-consistency has great impact on the predicted physical properties of the ground and excited states and show that the lack of self-consistency may lead to physically wrong predictions. The convergence of the general MCHB(M) scheme with a growing number M is validated in a specific case of two bosons trapped in a symmetric double-well.Comment: 53 pages, 8 figure