58 research outputs found

    The Role of Perceived In-group Moral Superiority in Reparative Intentions and Approach Motivation

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    Three studies examined how members of a national group react to in-group wrongdoings. We expected that perceived in-group moral superiority would lead to unwillingness to repair the aggression. We also expected that internal-focused emotions such as group-based guilt and group-based shame would predict specific, misdeed-related reparative intentions but not general approach motivation toward the victim groups. In Study 1, facing the in-group’s recent aggression, participants who believed that the Hungarians have been more moral throughout their history than members of other nations, used more exonerating cognitions, experienced less in-group critical emotions and showed less willingness to provide reparations for the members of the victim group. Study 2 and Study 3 confirmed most findings of Study 1. Perceived in-group moral superiority directly or indirectly reduced willingness to provide either general or specific reparations, while internally focused in-group critical emotions predicted specific misdeed-related reparative intentions but not general approach motivation. The role of emotional attachment to the in-group is considered

    Social Cognition and Democracy: The Relationship Between System Justification, Just World Beliefs, Authoritarianism, Need for Closure, and Need for Cognition in Hungary

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    This research was aimed at examining just-world beliefs, system justification, authoritarianism, and cognitive style in a nationally representative sample (N = 1000) in Hungary, and at relating these phenomena to various demographic and political variables to find out whether the findings in Hungary would differ from its Western counterparts. According to system justification theory, there is a psychological motive to defend and justify the status quo. This theory has been tested several times in North American and Western European samples. The core finding of our study was that Hungarian people, unlike people in Western democracies, did not justify the existing establishment. There was strong pessimism with regard to the idea that the system serves the interests of the people. Members of disadvantaged groups (people with low economic income and/or far right political preference) strongly rejected the system. System justification beliefs were moderately related to just world beliefs, and there was a significant relationship between some aspects of need for closure (need for order, discomfort with ambiguity, and closed-mindedness) and authoritarian beliefs. Need for cognition was only related to one aspect of need for closure: closed-mindedness. The voters of right-wing parties did not display higher levels of authoritarianism than the voters of the left social-democrat party. The role of demographic and political variables, limitations, and possible developments of this research are discussed

    Eredményeink a teljes jogú Eurotransplant-tagság óta. A Debreceni Vesetranszplantációs Központ tapasztalatai

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    Absztrakt Bevezetés: A Debreceni Egyetemen 1991-ben végezték el az első veseátültetést. Hazánk 2013-ban csatlakozott az Eurotransplanthoz. Célkitűzés: A szerzők elemezték a tapasztalatokat. Módszer: 2008. január 1. és 2013. augusztus 31. között (A csoport = 163) és 2013. szeptember 1. és 2015. október 22. között végzett cadavervese-átültetések (B csoport = 90) adatait elemezték. Eredmények: Az élődonorok aránya 3,5%-ról 9,1%-ra nőtt. 2013 óta a recipiensek 25%-a 60 évesnél idősebb, a >30 kg/m2 testtömegindex aránya 31%-ra, a diabetesesek aránya kétszeresére emelkedett. Az ureteroneocystostomia mellett bevezetésre került a vég az oldalhoz ureteroureteralis anastomosis. Indukciós kezelés mellett az akut rejectiós epizód jelentősen csökkent (34%-ról 8%-ra). A technikai szövődmények aránya nem változott. A bakteriális fertőzések aránya csökkent (41%-ról 33%-ra). Az 1, 3 és 5 éves veseallograft-túlélések 86,6%, 85% és 82,7%, valamint 88%, 84% és 84% voltak a két csoportban. Következtetések: Az extended criteria donor arány emelkedett. 2013 óta lehetségessé vált az akut humoralis rejectio kezelése. Az esetszám-növekedés mellett az eredmények jók. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(24), 925–937

    Donorszelekciós kritériumok vizsgálata a debreceni veseátültetési programban

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    Absztrakt Bevezetés: A donorszervhiány, a donorok életkorának növekedése és a társbetegségek gyakoribbá válása arra ösztönzi a transzplantálóközpontokat, hogy olyan donorvesék elfogadását is mérlegeljék, amelyeket korábban elutasítottak volna. A donorszelekciós kritériumok segíthetnek ennek eldöntésében. Célkitűzés: A különböző kritériumok hasznosságát illetően nincs egységes álláspont, ezért a szerzők megvizsgálták az expanded criteria donor, a deceased donor score és a kidney donor risk index donorszelekciós kritériumok hatását a posztoperatív vesefunkcióra és grafttúlélésre. Módszer: Ötéves intervallumban 205 donor paramétereinek és 138 veseátültetés kimenetelének retrospektív elemzését végezték el. Eredmények: Az expanded criteria donor rendszer szerint optimálisnak véleményezett donorok negyede a magas kockázatú csoportba került a deceased donor score alapján. A magas kockázatú csoportokban rosszabb volt a műtét utáni graftfunkció. A deceased donor score segítségével tovább lehetett bontani a magas kockázatú csoportot. Az így létrejött legmagasabb kockázatú csoport grafttúlélése és műtét utáni graftműködése elmaradt a többi csoportéhoz képest. Következtetések: A vizsgált pontrendszerek segíthetnek a donorpool biztonságos növelésében. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(24), 946–955

    The Negation Bias in Stereotype Maintenance : A Replication in Five Languages

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    Research on linguistic biases shows that stereotypic expectancies are implicitly reflected in language and thereby subtly communicated to message recipients. Research on the Negation Bias shows that the use of negations (e.g., not stupid vs. smart) is more pronounced in descriptions of stereotype-inconsistent compared with stereotype-consistent behaviors. This article reports a replication study of the original research conducted in Dutch, using newly developed materials, and in five different languages: English, Dutch, Hungarian, Finnish, and Serbian. The results validate the existence of the Negation Bias in all five languages. This suggests that negation use serves a similar stereotype-maintaining function across language families.Peer reviewe

    Putrescine Intensifies Glu/GABA Exchange Mechanism and Promotes Early Termination of Seizures

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    Endogenous anticonvulsant mechanisms represent a reliable and currently underdeveloped strategy against recurrent seizures and may recall novel original therapeutics. Here, we investigated whether the intensification of the astroglial Glu-GABA exchange mechanism by application of the GABA precursor putrescine (PUT) may be effective against convulsive and non-convulsive seizures. We explored the potential of PUT to inhibit spontaneous spike-and-wave discharges (SWDs) in WAG/Rij rats, a genetic model of absence epilepsy. Significant shortening of SWDs in response to intraperitoneally applied PUT has been observed, which could be antagonized by blocking GAT-2/3-mediated astrocytic GABA release with the specific inhibitor SNAP-5114. Direct application of exogenous GABA also reduced SWD duration, suggesting that PUT-triggered astroglial GABA release through GAT-2/3 may be a critical step in limiting seizure duration. PUT application also dose-dependently shortened seizure-like events (SLEs) in the low-[Mg(2+)] in vitro model of temporal lobe epilepsy. SNAP-5114 reversed the antiepileptic effect of PUT in the in vitro model as well, further confirming that PUT reduces seizure duration by triggering glial GABA release. In accordance, we observed that PUT specifically reduces the frequency of excitatory synaptic potentials, suggesting that it specifically acts at excitatory synapses. We also identified that PUT specifically eliminated the tonic depolarization-induced desynchronization of SLEs. Since PUT is an important source of glial GABA and we previously showed significant GABA release, it is suggested that the astroglial Glu-GABA exchange mechanism plays a key role in limiting ictal discharges, potentially opening up novel pathways to control seizure propagation and generalization

    Subacute effects of a food flavour on fish model

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    Dóra Bencsik1,2, Balázs P Szabó1, Gyöngyi Gazsi2, Béla Urbányi2, Béla Szende3, Gergely Rácz3, Antal Véha1, Zsolt Csenk