113 research outputs found

    Az energiamentes édesítőszerek alkalmazásának hatása klinikai vizsgálatok, in vitro és állatkísérletek eredményei alapján

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    Absztrakt Az energiamentes édesítőszerek fogyasztása az elmúlt néhány évtizedben előtérbe került, mivel az édes ízt kalóriabevitel nélkül képesek biztosítani és ezáltal támogathatják a testtömeg optimális szinten tartását. Ez az előnyös hatás azonban gyakran megkérdőjeleződik, ugyanis az energiamentes édesítőszereket összefüggésbe hozzák az édes íz iránti vágy fenntartásával, illetve fokozásával és az édességek, édes italok túlzott fogyasztásával. A legújabb vizsgálatok azonban nem találtak pozitív összefüggést az energiamentes édesítőszerek használata és az édes íz iránti sóvárgás között. A randomizált kutatások azt igazolták, hogy fogyasztásuk inkább mérsékli, mint emeli a cukortartalmú élelmiszerek fogyasztását, jótékony hatást fejtenek ki az étrend minőségére és segítik a testtömegkontrollt. Számos, elsősorban sejttenyészeteken végzett, illetve állatkísérletes vizsgálat felveti az energiamentes édesítőszerek jótékony anyagcserehatásait, például a kisebb mértékű ectopiás zsír felszaporodását a máj- és izomszövetben a kontrollcsoporthoz képest. Ezek mellett megfigyelték a fokozott adipogenezis, illetve a csökkent lipolízis kialakulását is. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(Szuppl. 1), 3–7

    A földhasználat és a földjáradék összefüggései = Connection of land-use with land-rent (income)

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    A földértékelés kérdése a mezőgazdasági árszínvonal kialakítása és a mezőgazdasági termelés hatékonysága szempontjából egyaránt fontos. A mezőgazdaságban a termékek helyettesíthetőségi lehetősége igen nagy. A bővítés irányai mind intenzív, mint extenzív módon lehetségesek, sőt az olyan bővítésnek is tág tere van, amikor egyik termék kiszorítja a másikat. A struktúraváltás az extenzív és intenzív fejlesztés kombinációja. A struktúra-váltás megalapozása lineáris-dinamikus földhasználati modell kidolgozásával lehetséges, melyre a kutató munkában általánosan használható módszert és algoritmusrendszert dolgoztunk ki. A föld, mit megújítható természeti erőforrás optimális hasznosítása során a modellváltozókat olyan mélységben szükséges megbontani, hogy lehetőség legyen az alapanyag termelés - feldolgozás - szállítás költségeinek költségnemenkénti elkülönítésére. A regionális egységek fejlesztésére vonatkozó számítás a mikrokörzet ökonómiai és ökológiai feltételeinek legkedvezőbb társítására törekszik, ugyanakkor nem lehet elvonatkoztatni a közgazdasági környezettől, elsősorban a piaci viszonyoktól és attól sem, hogy a föld, mint megújuló erőforrás értékét különböző energetikai célkitűzések is befolyásolják. Ebből az aspektusból a modell célfügvényét jelentő ökológiai és technológiai járadék számítását is új alapokra kell helyezni | The question of land value is very important both from the point of view of determination of agricultural price level and of the effectivity of agricultural production. Substitution possibilities between products are very big. The expansion can be carried out both in intensive and extensive ways, morever there are wide possibilities for such an expansion when one products crowds out the other one. The structural change is a combination of extensive and intensive developments. The foundation of structural change can be based on a linear-dynamic land-use model, for which we have worked out an algorythm-system, generally applicable in research work. In course of optimum use of land as renewable natural resource, it is necessary to break down the model-variables in such extent that there would be a possibility to separate the costs of raw-material production, of processing and transport by cost types. The calculation for the development of regional units, aims the most favourable association of economical and ecological conditions in the given region, at the same time the economic environment, and first of all the market conditions cannot be disregarded, because the value of land as renewable resource is influenced by different energetical objectives. From this point of view, the objective function of the model, as well as the calculation of ecological and technological rents have to be put on new basis

    Theoretical and Empirical Background for a Higher Education Model of Active Community Learning

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    [EN] Higher Education Research and Development Center (CHERD) at the University of Debrecen performed several basic and applied research on Higher Education. Debrecen is a typical regional HE institution with international attraction in the peripheral area of EU. We performed a series of student surveys during the last decade, and we had the opportunity to reveal the process of gaining ground of non-traditional students in HE. Our center provides an inspiring context for researchers, where they have opportunity to discuss their formulating new research directions and to interpretat data and research results together. The Center supports talent esplorations and -development. Both MA/PhD students and researchers with great experience work together as a learning community. Thus, the mutual transfer and exchange of experience makes possible a continuous teaching-learning process during the research. Further more the concentration of professional development increases a special form of social capital.Pusztai, G.; Demeter-Karászi, Z.; Szűcs, T. (2019). Theoretical and Empirical Background for a Higher Education Model of Active Community Learning. En Proceedings 5th CARPE Conference: Horizon Europe and beyond. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 38-47. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARPE2019.2019.10276OCS384

    LADA type diabetes, celiac diasease, cerebellar ataxia and stiff person syndrome. A rare association of autoimmune disorders.

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    Celiac disease--in its typical form--is a chronic immune-mediated enteropathy with typical clinical symptoms that develops against gliadin content of cereal grains, and is often associated with other autoimmune diseases. In cases of atypical manifestation classic symptoms may be absent or mild, and extra-intestinal symptoms or associated syndromes dominate clinical picture. The authors present a longitudinal follow-up of such a case. A 63-years old woman was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 19, and with progressive limb ataxia at the age of 36, which was initially thought to be caused by cerebellar atrophy, later probably by stiff person syndrome. At the age 59, her diabetes mellitus manifested with type 2 diabetic phenotype, but based on GAD positivity later was reclassified as type 1 diabetes. Only the last check-up discovered the celiac disease, retrospectively explaining the entire disease course and neurological symptoms. By presenting this case, the authors would like to draw attention to the fact that one should think of the possibility of celiac disease when cerebellar ataxia, progressive neurological symptoms and diabetes are present at the same time. An early diagnosis may help to delay the progression of disease and help better treatment

    Áttétes vesedaganatos betegek everolimusterápiájával szerzett hazai tapasztalatok

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    Everolimus is indicated for the therapy of adults with advanced renal cell carcinoma after failure of treatment with vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI). The aim of the study was a multicenter evaluation of efficiency and toxicity of everolimus in patients with metastatic renal carcinoma who received one line of VEGFR-TKI therapy. Data of one hundred and one patients were analyzed retrospectively. Patients received everolimus therapy between January 2010 and July 2013. Data were collected in 7 different oncology institutes in Hungary. Starting daily dose of everolimus was 10 mg in 28-day cycles. Physical and laboratory examinations were done monthly. Imaging tests were performed every 3 months. Tumor response and toxicity were evaluated according to RECIST 1.0 and NCI CTCAE 3.0, respectively. Statistical analysis was performed with SPPS version 20.0 for Windows. Currently 26 (27%) patients are being treated, 52 (54.1%) patients are alive. Median progression-free survival (PFS) was 5.7 months (95% CI 4.07-7.33). Partial remission, stable disease and progression occurred in 6 (6%), 71 (74%) and 19 (20%) patients, respectively. Median overall survival (OS) was 14.3 months (95% CI 6.99-19.81). PFS and OS results were more favorable in patients with ECOG 0-1. Survival was poorer in case of anemia, while better if PFS was longer than 12 months. In anemic patients with ECOG 0-1 and ECOG 2-3 OS was 30.9 and 7.7 months, respectively (p=0.031). Dose reduction and treatment delay happened in 8 (7.9%) and 12 (11.9%) cases, respectively. The most common side effects were the following: exanthema, edema, stomatitis, pneumonitis, anemia and abnormal kidney-, liver functions, blood sugar and cholesterol levels. According to the Hungarian experience, everolimus can safely be administered. PFS and OS results representing the centers' everyday practice, are similar to the results of the respective subgroups in the registration study

    A dietetikus szerepe a klinikai táplálás megvalósításában a legfrissebb szakmai irányelvek alapján

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    Hazánkban a klinikai táplálás egy olyan orvosi felügyeletet igénylő intervenció, amelynek megtervezésében, kivitelezésében és a hatékonyság követésében a szakképzett dietetikus nagyon sokat tudna segíteni az orvosnak. A Magyar Dietetikusok Országos Szövetsége 2022 augusztusában szakmai összefoglalót állított össze, amely bemutatja a dietetikus feladatait és kompetenciáját a táplálásterápiában. Ez az összefoglaló – amelynek szövegét jelen cikk adja közre – képezi az alapját annak a konszenzusnak, amellyel az MDOSZ vezetősége felkereste a hazánkban működő, a klinikai táplálás által érintett orvosszakmai társaságokat, kérve támogatásukat és egyetértésüket az orvos-dietetikus együttműködésre vonatkozóan a klinikai táplálás során, felhívva ennek jelentőségére azok figyelmét, akik eddig még nem, vagy csak ritkán fordultak konzultációs lehetőséggel dietetikushoz

    Genome polymorphisms in HPV6s from benign respiratory and genital lesions

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    Complete genomes of HPV6s from respiratory papillomatoses and from a genital condyloma (single episode) were determined and compared to published genomes. Three adult onset respiratory papillomatoses (one solitary and two recurrent papillomas with two and six episodes) were HPV6b positive and five HPV6vcs (in the condyloma, in two juvenile papillomatoses with four and five recurrences and in two adult onset papillomatoses with seven and twelve episodes) were found, HPV6a was not encountered. In HPV6b, 25 polymorphisms were identified, 17 to 21 polymorphisms in a genome. Ten were virus-specific and fifteen were characteristic to the intratypic variant group. All three HPV6b genomes clustered separately from the prototype into three different groups. Five, two and two polymorphisms were found in E1, E5a and E6 ORFs, respectively, of which those of E5a were unique. These two resulted in amino acid alteration (E39D and P78S), others were silent. Other early ORFs were conservative. Late ORFs L1 and L2 contained four and five conservative polymorphisms, respectively. In the noncoding region one, in the long control region (LCR) six polymorphisms were detected. In HPV6vc, 22 polymorphisms were found, three to seven polymorphisms in a genome. Only one was present in all five genomes, one in three; 20 were unique. All five genomes clustered to the same large group as the reference genome, but all to different subclusters. ORFs E1, E2, E4, E5a and E6 carried three, five, one, one and two polymorphisms, respectively, of which, in contrast to HPV6b, all except two (in E1 and in E5a) were unique. Four of them led to amino acid replacement, all in the E2-E4 ORF (T116N, S144T, S246A and E340D in the E2; S246A corresponded to a S68R change in E4 ORF, the others were in the region belonging solely to E2). ORFs E5b and E7 were the same as the reference. Late ORF L1 contained one polymorphism common to all five genomes and five unique alterations. The common polymorphism led to a Y219D change. Three of the five unique polymorphisms were silent, one led to F441L and one to K449E amino acid replacement. In the noncoding region one unique, in the LCR two unique polymorphisms were detected. HPV6vc showed considerably higher variability with multiple non-silent polymorphisms in E2-E4, while coding regions of the three HPV6bs, though different from the prototype, were more similar. LCR, in contrast, was more variable in HPV6b. These suggest that HPV6bs differ mainly in LCR activity, while in HPV6vc polymorphisms of replication proteins may be more important. K. Szarka & G. Kardos were supported by a János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Science

    Drosophila as a new tool to study the chromatin structural changes activated by DNA damages

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    In eukaryotic cells, any processes which involve DNA have to take place in the context of chromatin structure, which affects the probability of the dam-aging agents to cause DNA breaks and the recruit-ment of the repair proteins. The improper repair or persistence of breaks leads to genome instability, which could result in tumor formation. Our goal is to understand what makes cells able to recognize the appearance of DNA break and how the chromatin structure could change around the break. The an-swers to these questions will provide information on whether specific chromatin structures predispose sites for DNA break and whether memory of previ-ous break is retained in the chromatin structure. We started to setup human cell culture-based and Drosophila experimental systems by which we could study how unique histone post-translation-al modifications (PTMs) could affect the DNA repair. We take advantage of the model system where we delete the endogenous histone cluster and we substitute it with mutant histones which permits or mimics unique histone PTMs. We have already started to mutate histone genes and screen 50 different histone PTMs. We will use these flies to check the DNA repair kinetics in those animals which consist of only the mutated histones. Using the Drosophila and the human cell culture based system we have already identified new H3 and H4 histone PTM candidates that play role in chromo-somal rearrangement which could influence the DNA repair processes. The system developed in our laboratory would help in understanding the mecha-nisms, which give rise to frequent chromosomal break points often detected in tumors. Progress in integrating the chromatin dimension in DNA repair will help to understand how DNA damage may impact on genome stability. These results would also help identifying new key targets in DNA dam-age repair and the final goal of the project is to find potential biomarkers which could be used in anti-cancer therapies. Supported by OTKA-PD [112118] and the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences