34 research outputs found

    Determination of DDT and its metabolites in soil, tree bark and earthworm samples near the Budapest chemical works

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    An abandoned industrial site of the former Budapest Chemical Works (BVM) company has been found to contain 2000-3000 tonnes of leaking industrial waste and dangerous chemicals in corroded barrels on bare ground. The waste lot includes general industrial reagents and intermediates, some 100-200 tonnes of sulphuric acid, several hundred tonnes of 1.2 dichlorobenzene and isopropanol, and numerous other substances falling into toxicity categories from toxic to very toxic or carcinogenic, such as dinitrobenzoic acid, as well as chemical wastes from the pesticide production of the company. BVM used to manufacture numerous pesticide active ingredients, including chlorinated hydrocarbons. Thus, it produced the insecticide DDT in large quantities until the ban of the compound in 1968 and derogated approval for sales until 1974. The premises of the company has been reported previously to be contaminated, therefore, in the scope of our pesticide residue monitoring surveys between 2015 and 2019, we carried out sampling in its immediate vicinity. In our study, soil (8 samples), surface water (2 samples), tree bark (Robinia pseudoacacia, Sambucus nigra, Populus nigra) and common reed (Phragmites australis, (6 samples), as well as earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris; 1 sample) sampled next to BVM were analyzed for DDT and metabolite (~DDT) levels. Exceedingly high ~DDT levels above the accepted limit (0.1 mg/kg) were detected in soil samples: nearly 1.5 mg/kg in one sample and 0.11-0.484 mg/kg in other 5 cases. Among the biological samples (tree bark, common reed and earthworm) 0.184 and 0.190 mg/kg concentrations of ~DDT were determined in a black poplar and in an earthworm sample. These findings indicate that the wellknown persistency problem related to chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides, particularly to DDT remains actual to our days

    Attempts for undoing the ecological incompatibility of agricultural technologies: from ecological pest management to agroecology

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    Current agroecology is often categorized into three facets, science, practice, and movement. While the latter two aspects currently play significant and varying roles in different regions of the world, the fundamental aspect is the first one, the scientific approach that subsequently provided the possibility of the birth of the other two. The concept of integrated plant protection i.e., the emphasis on ecological considerations in chemical pest control emerged as a revolutionary novel concept in the middle of the last century. Among the priority principles, there are several similarities between ecological plant protection suggested by the pioneering Hungarian researcher BarnabĂĄs Nagy in 1957 and integrated pest management (IPM) initiated by US scientists Stern et al. in 1959, in given aspects such as the use of natural enemies, forecasting, and environmentally friendly strategies. In turn, the principles of ecological plant protection and IPM overlap on numerous points, but differences are also apparent. Neither of these strategies, however, emphases with due vigor the significance of persistence, pesticide residues, and chronic health-damaging effects. By today, properly assessing the environmental fate, behavior and chronic side effects of pesticides have become as important as taking the rapidly changing composition of local communities into consideration by the above three aspects of agroecology. The current pesticide re-registration strategy of the European Union focuses on prolonged changes from chronic effects. Ecological plant protection and IPM set preferences of sustainability e.g., the use of mechanical or biological protection methods and lowering the rate of agrochemical protection, but they have failed to establish transparent sustainability requirements that are easy to comprehend by general consumers. In contrast, ecological (organic) agriculture managed to formulate such clear regulations (a complete ban on synthetic pesticides), which is well-reflected in their rising preference by consumers but failed to prove that observed health benefits of organic produce is indeed due to the lack of the residues of those pesticides banned. In turn, the ecological approach currently has a strong presence in the form of the determined agroecological objectives of the European Green Deal. In retrospect, it is particularly impressive to observe the path of IPM, sustainable agriculture and all three aspects agroecology all rooted in the establishment of the ecological initiatives in the late fifties as their common historical scientific starting point

    Amit az esendƑsĂ©grƑl az idƑs, hypertoniĂĄs beteget gondosan ellĂĄtĂł orvosnak tudnia kell = What the Doctor Caring for Elderly Hypertensive Patients Needs to Know About Frailty

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    Az esendƑsĂ©g, mint egy igen összetett, a fiziolĂłgiĂĄs öregedĂ©s folyamatĂĄval összefonĂłdĂł patolĂłgiĂĄs ĂĄllapot, amely az idƑs betegben a kĂŒlsƑ Ă©s belsƑ stresszek össz-szervezeti kivĂ©dĂ©sĂ©nek elĂ©gtelensĂ©gĂ©hez vezet, egyre nagyobb hangsĂșlyt kap az Ășjabb szakmai közlemĂ©nyekben Ă©s a hypertonia idƑskori kezelĂ©sĂ©nek irĂĄnyelveiben. Ez a geriĂĄtriai szindrĂłma a sĂșlyosabb mellĂ©khatĂĄsok valĂłszĂ­nƱsĂ©ge miatt nagyfokĂș ĂłvatossĂĄgot Ă©s visszafogottsĂĄgot igĂ©nyel több szĂ­v-Ă©s Ă©rrendszeri intervenciĂłrĂłl, Ă­gy az antihipertenzĂ­v kezelĂ©srƑl Ă©s annak mĂ©rtĂ©kĂ©rƑl törtĂ©nƑ orvosi döntĂ©seknĂ©l. Ez a fenyegetĂ©s fƑleg az idƑskor mĂĄsodik szakaszĂĄban, 80 Ă©v felett kerĂŒl az elƑtĂ©rbe az esendƑsĂ©g megnövekvƑ gyakorisĂĄga Ă©s sĂșlyossĂĄga következmĂ©nyekĂ©nt. A dolgozat megadja az esendƑsĂ©g definĂ­ciĂłjĂĄt, tĂ­pus- Ă©s sĂșlyossĂĄgi vĂĄltozatait, bemutatja a leegyszerƱsĂ­tett vagy komplexebb, de egyben idƑigĂ©nyesebb diagnosztikus eljĂĄrĂĄsait, valamint az öregedĂ©s jelzƑitƑl elvĂĄlaszthatĂł esendƑsĂ©gkockĂĄzat mĂ©g normĂĄlis ĂĄllapotban valĂł kimutathatĂłsĂĄgĂĄnak jövƑbe nyĂșlĂł Ă­gĂ©reteit. A cikk cĂ©lja, hogy felhĂ­vja a magas vĂ©rnyomĂĄst vagy mĂĄs szĂ­v- Ă©s Ă©rrendszeri problĂ©mĂĄkat kezelƑ betegellĂĄtĂłk figyelmĂ©t arra, hogy az idƑs betegekben mĂ©g gondosabban teszteljĂ©k Ă©s mĂ©rlegeljĂ©k az esendƑsĂ©gnek a kockĂĄzatĂĄt vagy mĂĄr kialakult ĂĄllapotĂĄt, annak a kezelĂ©s mellĂ©khatĂĄsaira hajlamosĂ­tĂł kĂĄros befolyĂĄsĂĄt. The frailty syndrome – a highly complex pathological condition intertwined with physiological aging, that leads to the old patient’s co-organizational insufficiency in warding off the increasing internal and external stresses – is gaining more and more emphasis in recent professional papers and treatment guidelines for hypertension of aged patients. This geriatric syndrome requires a high degree of caution and restraint in medical decisions and also on several cardiovascular interventions, such as antihypertensive treatment, and its extent, due to the possibility of harmful adverse therapeutical responses. That threat comes to the fore especially in the second stage of old age (aged over 80 years) as a result of the increasing frequency and severity of frailty. The paper defines frailty, its types/severity, and variants, and presents the simplified or more complex – but also time-consuming - diagnostic procedures, as well as the future promises for early detectability of the frailty risk separatable from signals of aging, even in normal conditions. The aim of the paper to draw the attention of caregivers treating high blood pressure or other cardiovascular conditions in old patients to test more carefully the risk of frailty or its already acting condition and consider its potentially harmful influence for adverse therapeutic responses

    The importance of biological vision in the control of plant pests

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    Animal populations living on one or more plants, as well as the parasitic and predatory populations built around them, and those living from the carcass, waste, and other populations of all these plants constitute a life-changer held together by specific laws. It is therefore essential that the ratio between plant protection products, on the one hand, and entomological ecological research, on the other hand, should very soon change. Only agrocoenologists are capable to carry out the research task, which is very closely related to plant protection already that examines the immediate and more distant effects of the broad variety of protection methods, particularly those by chemical control. We allude to the agronomist, familiar with biology and not changing his farmland exceedingly often; who can gradually, year after year, compile the building blocks of experience; who can keep an eye on the major alterations in wildlife upon the anthropogenic activities that transform nature; who can record changes in the bulk of pests, their disappearance and reemergence; and who could observe the impacts of plant protection work with a critical eye. We must strive to find processes based on biological-ecological research, practically pest by pest, that allow the greatest use of natural limiting factors by restraining chemical treatments to the narrowest and most appropriate schedule. In our article, we describe some methods and principles of the implementation of a biological approach and ecological plant protection

    Environmental analytical aspects of mosquito control practice

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    Aerial application of insecticides was monitored by determination of the active ingredient (deltamethrin) using a gas chromatograph coupled to an electron capture detector. The amount of pesticide active ingredient settled to trays after an hour indicated uneven distribution patterns influenced by micrometeorological conditions as well. Maximum half and typically about 30% of the applied insecticide settled in one hour after the treatment. Pesticide drift observed 50 meters away from the target treatment zone was significant in all cases. The measured values ranged between 7% and 31% of the applied deltamethrin and the highest value was observed for K-OTHRIN 10 ULV formulation. Parallel determination of the spray droplet size distribution and specific droplet numbers also confirmed that the drops reach the soil surface and indicated a substantial spray drift

    Application rates of neonicotinoids in seed coating as sources of environmental contamination

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    To assess technical variability in actual dosages, the application rates of neonicotinoid insecticide active ingredients in seed coatings were determined and compared for commercial seeds of different maize varieties. Theeffect oflong storage and coating by unique equipment were assessed. Application rates in different pesticide treatment modes (seed coating, spray or soil granule applications) were also compared. Results indicate that the three technologies utilize similar amounts of the active ingredients per hectare

    Study on Soil Mobility of Two Neonicotinoid Insecticides

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    Movement of two neonicotinoid insecticide active ingredients, clothianidin (CLO) and thiamethoxam (TMX), was investigated in different soil types (sand, clay, or loam) and in pumice. Elution profiles were determined to explore differences in binding capacity. Soil characterized by high organic matter content retained the ingredients, whereas high clay content resulted in long release of compounds. Decrease in concentration was strongly influenced by soil types: both CLO and TMX were retained in loam and clay soils and showed ready elution through sandy soil and pumice. Elution capability of the active ingredients in sandy soil correlated with their water solubility, indicating approximately 30% higher rapidity for TMX than for CLO. Soil organic carbon-water partitioning coefficients (Koc) determined were in good agreement with literature values with somewhat lower value for CLO in sandy soil and substantially higher values for TMX in clay soil. High mobility of these neonicotinoid active ingredients in given soil types urges stronger precautionary approach taken during their application

    Neonicotinoid insecticide uptake by maize and appearance in guttation liquid

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    Movement of clothianidin (CLO) and thiamethoxam (TMX) applied as maize seed dressing or spray application has been investigated in different soil types (sandy, clay or loam), and subsequent appearance of these compounds in the guttation liquid of maize are presented. Elution profiles for different soil types were determined in order to explore differences in binding capacity. Soil characterized by high organic matter content retained the ingredients, whereas high clay content resulted in delayed release of the compounds. Neonicotinoid uptake by non-coated maize plants was also determined via guttation liquid measurements after the neonicotinoid ingredients had been applied in spray format. The highest peak concentrations of TMX and CLO (0.546 and 1.83 ”g/ml, respectively) were measured from plants planted in sandy soil, but these levels were still substantially lower than levels in samples taken from plants emerged from neonicotinoid-coated seeds (above 100 ”g/ml). Moreover, the time of ingredient appearance in guttation liquid was also strongly influenced by soil type. Cross-contamination was established by measuring neonicotinoid concentrations in guttation liquid in plants emerged from differently coated (CLO and TMX) seeds potted near to each other and the effect of soil type has also been explored. Results for coated (CLO or TMX) and non-coated plants also confirmed that cross-contamination may occur by uptake through soil from neighboring seeds. Differences between non-coated and coated seeds gradually disappeared. This is the first record of neonicotinoid levels in guttation liquid of plants emerged from non-coated maize seeds

    Environmental monitoring of glyphosate and assessment of its combined cytotoxicity with adjuvants

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    Pesticide toxicology currently focuses mainly on two areas: long-term effects of given compounds and cocktail effects of chemicals, including combined effects of pesticide active ingredients with their adjuvants, as seen in the case of glyphosate-based herbicides. In this study surface water pollution in an agricultural region of Hungary by glyphosate was determined by ELISA method, and cytotoxic effects on HEK293 and NE-4C cells by glyphosate, its formulated herbicide (ROUNDUPÂź ) and adjuvant (polyethoxylated tallowamine, POEA) were compared. ROUNDUP and POEA were found to be equitoxic at short exposures (LC50: 10-15 ng/ml in 6 hrs), while glyphosate occurred to be of 500-750-fold less toxicity