9 research outputs found

    IP3 receptor isoforms differently regulate ER-mitochondrial contacts and local calcium transfer

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    Contact sites of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria locally convey calcium signals between the IP3 receptors (IP3R) and the mitochondrial calcium uniporter, and are central to cell survival. It remains unclear whether IP3Rs also have a structural role in contact formation and whether the different IP3R isoforms have redundant functions. Using an IP3R-deficient cell model rescued with each of the three IP3R isoforms and an array of super-resolution and ultrastructural approaches we demonstrate that IP3Rs are required for maintaining ER-mitochondrial contacts. This role is independent of calcium fluxes. We also show that, while each isoform can support contacts, type 2 IP3R is the most effective in delivering calcium to the mitochondria. Thus, these studies reveal a non-canonical, structural role for the IP3Rs and direct attention towards the type 2 IP3R that was previously neglected in the context of ER-mitochondrial calcium signaling

    Isoform- and species-specific control of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors by reactive oxygen species.

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) stimulate cytoplasmic [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)]c) signaling, but the exact role of the IP3 receptors (IP3R) in this process remains unclear. IP3Rs serve as a potential target of ROS produced by both ER and mitochondrial enzymes, which might locally expose IP3Rs at the ER-mitochondrial associations. Also, IP3Rs contain multiple reactive thiols, common molecular targets of ROS. Therefore, we have examined the effect of superoxide anion (O2) on IP3R-mediated Ca(2+) signaling. In human HepG2, rat RBL-2H3, and chicken DT40 cells, we observed [Ca(2+)]c spikes and frequency-modulated oscillations evoked by a O2 donor, xanthine (X) + xanthine oxidase (XO), dose-dependently. The [Ca(2+)]c signal was mediated by ER Ca(2+) mobilization. X+XO added to permeabilized cells promoted the [Ca(2+)]c rise evoked by submaximal doses of IP3, indicating that O2 directly sensitizes IP3R-mediated Ca(2+) release. In response to X+XO, DT40 cells lacking two of three IP3R isoforms (DKO) expressing either type 1 (DKO1) or type 2 IP3Rs (DKO2) showed a [Ca(2+)]c signal, whereas DKO expressing type 3 IP3R (DKO3) did not. By contrast, IgM that stimulates IP3 formation, elicited a [Ca(2+)]c signal in every DKO. X+XO also facilitated the Ca(2+) release evoked by submaximal IP3 in permeabilized DKO1 and DKO2 but was ineffective in DKO3 or in DT40 lacking every IP3R (TKO). However, X+XO could also facilitate the effect of suboptimal IP3 in TKO transfected with rat IP3R3. Although in silico studies failed to identify a thiol missing in the chicken IP3R3, an X+XO-induced redox change was documented only in the rat IP3R3. Thus, ROS seem to specifically sensitize IP3Rs through a thiol group(s) within the IP3R, which is probably inaccessible in the chicken IP3R3

    Quantum circuits with many photons on a programmable nanophotonic chip

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    Growing interest in quantum computing for practical applications has led to a surge in the availability of programmable machines for executing quantum algorithms. Present day photonic quantum computers have been limited either to non-deterministic operation, low photon numbers and rates, or fixed random gate sequences. Here we introduce a full-stack hardware-software system for executing many-photon quantum circuits using integrated nanophotonics: a programmable chip, operating at room temperature and interfaced with a fully automated control system. It enables remote users to execute quantum algorithms requiring up to eight modes of strongly squeezed vacuum initialized as two-mode squeezed states in single temporal modes, a fully general and programmable four-mode interferometer, and genuine photon number-resolving readout on all outputs. Multi-photon detection events with photon numbers and rates exceeding any previous quantum optical demonstration on a programmable device are made possible by strong squeezing and high sampling rates. We verify the non-classicality of the device output, and use the platform to carry out proof-of-principle demonstrations of three quantum algorithms: Gaussian boson sampling, molecular vibronic spectra, and graph similarity

    Information overload in the information age: a review of the literature from business administration, business psychology, and related disciplines with a bibliometric approach and framework development

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