2 research outputs found

    Potential Carbon Content of Seagrass Species Diversity in Coastal Waters of Central Lombok

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    The marine environment has a significant role in maintaining the balance of gas exchange in the air, especially between oxygen and carbon dioxide. The potential of the marine environment for gas exchange is supported by the existence of marine ecosystems such as seagrass ecosystems. This is in accordance with the blue carbon concept which plays a role in environmental mitigation in reducing carbon through the coastal environment. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the potential carbon content of the diversity of seagrass species at three locations of seagrass beds in the coastal waters of Central Lombok. The research method uses the line transect method and the ashing method. Seagrass vegetation data were analyzed using community structure analysis (diversity, uniformity and dominance). In addition, analysis of seagrass biomass and carbon content of seagrass was carried out. Furthermore, the regression analysis between seagrass density as the independent variable (X) and the carbon content of seagrass species as the dependent variable (Y). The results of the study found 8 species of seagrass found in the waters of Central Lombok with moderate diversity ranging from 1.59-1.77. The value of seagrass biomass in the waters of Central Lombok is dominated by the bottom substrate with a value of 3.38±1.58 gbk.m-2 while the upper substrate with a value of 1.69±0.98 gbk.m-2. The carbon value of seagrass in Central Lombok waters is dominated by the bottom of the substrate with a value of 1.39±0.22 tonC/Ha while the upper substrate is 0.72±0.13 tonC/Ha. Meanwhile, the results of the calculation of the Pearson's correlation (r) between the density of each type of seagrass as an independent variable (X) and the carbon content of each type of seagrass as the dependent variable (Y) shows the equation y = 10,608x + 70,155 with a correlation coefficient of 0.64 which belongs to the category medium and the coefficient of determination (r2) is 0.41. The conclusion of this study is that there is no significant relationship between the density of each type of seagrass and the carbon of each type of seagrass as indicated by the value of Fcount (4.17) < Ftable (6.60) with a value of =0.05 so that H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected

    The Influence of Giving Biscuits of Yellow Pumpkin Seed and Capsule of Moringa Leaves on the Level of C-Reactive Protein on Pregnant Women

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    Pregnant women are likely to have the option of receiving supplementary nourishment in the form of pumpkin seed biscuits and Moringa leaves. The purpose of this study is to see how Pumpkin Seed Biscuits and Moringa Leaf Capsules affect C-Reactive Protein (C-RP) levels in pregnant women at the Stunting Locus, Bone Regency. A Quasi-Experimental method, also known as a field trial. The Non-Randomized Pre-Test - Post Test Group Design was adopted for the research design. Participants in this study were separated into two groups: group I was given pumpkin seed biscuits and a blood-added tablet, and group II was given Moringa leaf extract capsule supplements and a blood-added tablet, with a total of 30 persons in each group. The intervention lasted 90 days and included both a pre-test and a post-test. The levels of C-Reactive Protein in group I (Pumpkin Seed Biscuits) decreased by -0.11±0.04 g/mL. The decrease in C-Reactive Protein levels in group II (Moringa Leaf Extract) was -0.09±0.04 g/mL. Moringa capsules (p=0.001) and pumpkin seed biscuits (p=0.001) had an impact on reducing C-RP levels in pregnant women. Supplemental feeding of pumpkin seed biscuits and Moringa leaf extract capsules can enhance and improve the health condition of pregnant women by lowering C-Reactive Protein levels. © 2022 WITPress. All rights reserved