6 research outputs found

    Pendekatan Ekonomi Ergonomika untuk Perancangan Optimal Tenaga Kerja dan Mekanisasi pada Produksi Beras Organik

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    Faktor manusia sebagai tenaga kerja memiliki peranan penting dalam meningkatkan produktivitas beras Organik. Namun, sampai saat ini upah standar untuk pekerja pertanian belum ditentukan oleh lembaga pemerintah, sehingga bisa dikatakan bahwa peran pemerintah terhadap pekerja pertanian masih sangat kurang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat formulasi berdasarkan analisis ekonomi ergonomika. Berdasarkan produktivitas kerja saat ini, pendekatan ekonomi ergonomika membuktikan bahwa upah yang diperoleh pekerja masih jauh dari standar UMR. Dari dua skenario optimasi yang digunakan, ditemukan bahwa perancangan penambahan mekanisasi secara selektif menggunakan mesin milik sendiri mampu memberikan upah yang optimal karena sudah memenuhi standar UMR Kabupaten Bogor

    Desain Model Diagnostik Resiko Ergonomi pada Kelapa Sawit secara Manual

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    Oil palm harvesting activity is mostly done by ‘human power' manual handling, therefore the activity may cause work safety and health problems.This research is deal with anthropometry, motion study andbiomechanic to find out the risk of manual handling and to develop ergonomic assessment model of oil palm harvesting. This model was designed in the aims to find out better work motion, good procedure and better design of harvesting tool, so the manual harvesting can be done in more safe, efficient and productive. The formula for the appropriate distance between harvester's position and the tree and the length of egrek show that oil palm harvesting for more than 16 m bunches's height is not safe with ‘egrek'. Critical load for neck, shoulder and forearm are 21.85 N, 1091.96 N and 1634.31 N. Ergonomic risk assesment's tool of oil palmmanual harvesting was designed with the parameter: appropriate distance (dt), the length of egrek (lp), critical range of motion (CRM) and critical load (CL) for neck, shoulder and forearm

    Studi Ergonomi pada Penyiapan Lahan Sawah Lebak Menggunakan Alat Tradisional Tajak di Kabupaten Banjar Kalimantan Selatan

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    Traditional local farmers in South Kalimantan conventionally do the field preparation by using a traditional tool named “tajak”. This typical traditional tool is very appropriate for land preparation in marshland field which is enabling to cultivate without raising the pirit (FeS2) layer. However, it is quite difficult, hard and dangerous to operate tajak, and it's difficult to learn by a novis operator as well. Therefore, ergonomics study will be beneficial to develop more convenient, safe and effective tajak. The result of workload analysis revealed that tajak operation is an “extremey hard” workload, whichs the avarage of IRHR is 2.14. The workload level of tajak operation is indicatively by workload intencity and swing elevation. Regarding the Total energy cost per weight (TEC') and hours of work (JOK), the tajak operation consumes 5.36 kcal/kg.hour and need 61.07 hour/ha in average. Anthropometri and motion study analysed revealed that the dimentional suitability of tajak tool is strongly related to shoulders and waist heightly, arms length, and hands grips diameter. Based on the result of tajak anthropometri and motion analyses, for better design of tajak's handle was recommended 75.70 cm

    Studi Waktu dan Beban Kerja untuk Penentuan Kebutuhan dan Distribusi Pekerja pada Alur Produksi Nanas Kaleng

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    Ergonomic considerations are important approach in determining the optimal number of worker on suchan industrial production line. Ergonomical approach may assess suitability of labor characteristic to the condition of the task, hence the optimum results will be achieved on minimum risk and maximum productivity. The aim of this study was to determine the work elements and production flow, standard time, workload and energy consumption rate on production processes of caned pineapple. With the ergonomic parametersobtained, optimum number and distribution of workers for sequencial work elements to meet company's production targets were designed. The results revealed that a line production of canned pineapple consist 22 work elements. The standard time to produce 420 gram (A2-size) canned pineapple was 27.608 s consumed 0.714 kcal equivalent of work energy cost. Based on the analysis of standard time and workloadit was 383 workers required to produce 250000 canned pineapple in the production line

    Studi Ergonomi pada Penyiapan Lahan Sawah Lebak Menggunakan Alat Tradisional Tajak di Kabupaten Banjar Kalimantan Selatan

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    Traditional local farmers in South Kalimantan conventionally do the field preparation by using a traditional tool named tajak. This typical traditional tool is very appropriate for land preparation in marshland field which is enabling to cultivate without raising the pirit (FeS2) layer. However, it is quite difficult, hard and dangerous to operate tajak, and its difficult to learn by a novis operator as well. Therefore, ergonomics study will be beneficial to develop more convenient, safe and effective tajak. The result of workload analysis revealed that tajak operation is an extremey hard workload, whichs the avarage of IRHR is 2.14. The workload level of tajak operation is indicatively by workload intencity and swing elevation. Regarding the Total energy cost per weight (TEC) and hours of work (JOK), the tajak operation consumes 5.36 kcal/kg.hour and need 61.07 hour/ha in average. Anthropometri and motion study analysed revealed that the dimentional suitability of tajak tool is strongly related to shoulders and waist heightly, arms length, and hands grips diameter. Based on the result of tajak anthropometri and motion analyses, for better design of tajaks handle was recommended 75.70 cm. Keywords: tajak, marshland field, ergonomic, work load, motion analysis, anthropometri Abstrak "Tajak" adalah alat yang lazim digunakan untuk penyiapan lahanoleh umumnya petani padi rawa/lebak tradisional di Kalimantan Selatan. Alat ini sangat tepat dan sesuai untuk penyiapan lahan di area sawah lebak (rawa), di mana diperlukan suatu cara pengolahan dan penyiapan lahan yang tidak mengakibatkan naiknya lapisan pirit (FeS2) ke area perakaran tanaman. Cara penggunaan tajak relatif sulit, berat, dan berbahaya, bagi petani yang sudah berpengalaman sekalipun. Terlebih untuk para pemula, pengoperasian tajak sangat sulit dipelajari. Oleh karena itu, studi ergonomi ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat untuk mengembangan desain serta cara penggunaan tajak yang lebih aman, nyaman dan efektif. Hasil analisis beban kerja mengindikasikan bahwa pengoperasian tajak tergolong pekerjaan "luar biasa berat", dengan nilai IRHR rata-rata 2.14. Tingginya tingkat beban kerja (IRHR) tersebut sangat ditentukan oleh dua indikator kerja, yaitu intensitas dan tinggi ayunan tajak. Laju konsusmsi energi kerja tajak adalah 5.36 kkal/jam.kg-bb (kilokalori per jam per berat badan operator), sedangkan rata-rata kebutuhan waktu kerja efektif adalah 61.07 jam/ha. Analisis antropometri dan gerak mengindikasikan bahwa tinggi bahu, tinggi pinggang, panjang lengan dan diameter genggaman tangan merupakan parameter terpenting untuk kesesuaian dimensional tajak terhadap operator penggunanya. Sesuai dengan antropometri petani setempat, panjang tangkai tajak ideal yang direkomendasikan adalah 75.70 cm. Kata kunci: tajak, lahan sawah lebak, ergonomi, beban kerja, analisis gerak, antropometri Diterima; 08 April 2011 ; Disetujui: 09 Agustus 201