86 research outputs found

    Ultrastructure of meristem and root cap of pea seedlings under spaceflight conditions

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    Data of electron microscopic analysis of meristem and root cap of pea seedlings grown aboard the Salyut-6 orbital research station in the Oazis apparatus and in the laboratory are presented. The main morphological and anatomical characteristics of the test and control plants are shown to be similar. At the same time, some differences are found in the structural and functional organization of the experimental cells as compared to the controls. They concern first of all the plastic apparatus, mitochondria and Golgi apparatus. It is assumed that cell function for certain periods of weightlessness on the whole ensures execution of the cytodifferentiation programs genetically determined on the Earth. Biochemical and physiological processes vary rather markedly due to lack of initially rigorous determination

    Термічний аналіз деревини та кори робінії несправжньоакації в деревостанах Північного степу України

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    The thermal degradation of the wood and bark of the main forest-forming spesies of artificial forest plantations of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine – Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) has been investigated using thermogravimetric methods – a thermogravimetric curve (TG) and a differential thermogravimetric curve (DTG), or a curve of the rate of change in the mass of the investigated sample. Thermal analysis of samples of wood and bark was carried out in an oxidizing (air) atmosphere. Some stages of thermal decomposition of wood and bark under conditions of a programmable heating up to 600°C at heating rates 10°C/min (TG/DTG/DTA) and their temperature intervals, mass loss, mass loss intensity and thermal effects have also been investigated. Wood and bark samples were fully characterized from that data which deals with the activation energy analysis at the individual stages of thermal decomposition. The dependences of the activation energy on the degree of conversion, as well as by comparison of the mass loss at the appropriate stages of the thermal degradation, thermal effects, residual mass and some other parameters of TG/DTG have also been evaluated. A greater content of constitutional moisture in the composition of the bark samples with decrease in the temperature of the onset of intensive destruction of the bark in comparison with wood have been revealed. The results of thermogravimetric measurements were analysed in the framework of the kinetic model of Brodo. The activation energy of processes of bark and wood destruction in each temperature range and in the whole investigated range is calculated and mathematical models are proposed for estimating the dependence of mass loss on the temperature degradation of the components of the aboveground phytomass of the studied forest-forming species. Comparison of DTA curves showed that the thermal effect of thermooxidative destruction of the bark as a whole is greater than that of wood, which correlates well with a decrease in the activation energy.За допомогою методів термогравіметрії – термогравіметричної кривої (ТГ), диференціальної термогравіметричної кривої (ДТГ), або кривої інтенсивності зміни маси досліджуваного зразка, досліджено термічну деструкцію деревини і кори головної лісотвірної породи штучних лісових насаджень Північного Степу України – робінії несправжньоакації (Robinia pseudoacacia L.). Термічний аналіз зразків деревини і кори здійснено в окиснювальній (повітря) атмосфері. Встановлено стадії термічного розкладання деревинної речовини і кори в умовах програмованого нагріву до 600 оС зі швидкістю 10 оС/хв (ТГ/ДТГ/ДТА), їх температурні інтервали, втрату маси, інтенсивність втрати маси та теплові ефекти. На основі аналізу величин енергії активації на окремих стадіях термічного розкладання, залежності енергії активації від ступеня конверсії деревини і кори, а також із порівняння втрати маси на відповідних стадіях термодеструкції, теплових ефектів, залишкової маси і інших параметрів ТГ/ДТГ, охарактеризовано деревину і кору робінії. Деревина робінії характеризується значнішою термостабільністю, ніж кора. Запропоновано математичні моделі для оцінювання залежності втрати маси від температури деструкції складників надземної фітомаси (кори, деревини) досліджуваного деревного виду

    The Management of Solvency of Trade Enterprise in the System of Formation of Economic Security

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    The article, on the basis of research of existing approaches to the concept of «management of solvency of the Enterprise» and on the basis of identification and development of its essential characteristics, clarifies the content of the indicated concept. The main systemically important elements of solvency management of trade enterprise are defined and described in detail: object, subjects, goals, tasks, principles, functions, subsystems (outlines) of management. The target vector of management of solvency of trade enterprise is presented, which is directed towards growth of market value of enterprise. According to the specified outlines of solvency management of trade enterprise, methods and instruments of managerial influence are systematized. The structural-logical sequence of the process of solvency management of trade enterprise is substantiated, which covers strategic, current and operational levels and contains nine interrelated stages of work

    Щільність основних компонентів фітомаси стовбурів дерев робінії несправжньоакації в умовах Північного степу України

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    Implementation of forestry measures aimed at obtaining high-quality wood, rational processing of wood raw materials is impossible without analyzing the variability of the density of the components of the trunk aboveground phytomass such as wood and bark. The results of estimation of the average natural and basic density of wood and bark of the stem of black locust trees under conditions of the northern steppe of Ukraine are presented. The object of the survey was Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) plantation of the Ukrainian Steppe zone. The experimental data of model tree from temporary plots were analyzed. The study was conducted on the 20 temporary plots in black locust stands in the most forest types, aged 3 to 89 years old, and productivity of IA-III classes of the bonitat. Thirty model trees of Black locust were selected on the sample plots with an area of 0.25 ha each, established in forest stands of different age. The variation of local nature and basic wood and bark density with the age of model trees and relative height of trunks were analyzed. The average local natural and basic density of the fractions of trunk phytomass was calculated using the computer program PLOT. It is revealed that the indices of the local natural and basic density of wood and bark of black locust trees in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine have a combined type of changes with relative height of the trunk. From the compartment part of the trunk up to a relative height of 0.5h, an increase in the density values ​​occurs, with subsequent gradual decrease from the middle of the trunk to the top of the tree. The local basic density of wood of young trees (3–20 years old) has a rapid increase from the compartment part to a relative height of 0.1h with subsequent changes characteristic of other age groups. The most wood and bark natural density in the black locust trees were formed on the middle of the trunk (0.5h) at the age of 41–60 years. The obtained data on the local basic and natural density and their variability by relative heights and age ranges of model trees give an opportunity to characterize qualitatively the components of the phytomass of individual parts of the trunks of black locust trees.Здійснення лісогосподарських заходів, спрямованих на отримання якісної деревини, раціональне перероблення деревної сировини неможливі без аналізу варіабельності щільності компонентів надземної фітомаси стовбурів – деревини і кори. Наведено результати оцінювання середньої природної та базисної щільності деревини та кори стовбурів робінії несправжньоакації в умовах Північного Степу України. Дослідження проведено на 20 тимчасових пробних площах у робінієвих деревостанах у найпоширеніших групах типів лісу (С0–С1), віком від 3 до 89 років, продуктивністю IА–III класів бонітету. Проаналізовано зміну локальної щільності з віком модельних дерев та відносною висотою стовбурів. Середню локальну природну та базисну щільність фракцій фітомаси стовбурів розраховано з використанням комп'ютерної програми PLOT. Встановлено, що показники локальної природної та базисної щільності деревини і кори дерев робінії несправжньоакації в умовах Північного Степу України мають комбінований тип змін із відносною висотою стовбура: від окоренкової частини стовбура до відносної висоти 0,5h відбувається збільшення щільності з подальшим поступовим її зменшенням від середини стовбура до верхівки дерева. Локальна базисна щільність деревини молодих дерев (3–20 років) має стрімке зростання від окоренкової частини до відносної висоти 0,1h з подальшими змінами, характерними для інших груп віку. Найщільніша деревина і кора в дерев робінії несправжньоакації формується на середині стовбура (0,5h) у віці 41–60 років

    Assessing the State and Efficiency of Social Capital of Ukrainian Enterprises

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    The negative nature of social capital, formed in the field of entrepreneurship, has a bad effect on the reputational component of the Ukrainian economy. At the same time, the unresolved issue of quantitative assessment of the social capital of enterprise makes it impossible to clearly identify its condition, problem areas and the formation of a management system. The aim of the work is to determine the structure and key indicators of the social capital of enterprise; to carry out an assessment of social capital of enterprises of Ukraine on the basis of the proposed methodology; to obtain practical results for further formation of the system of management of social capital of enterprise. The study was based on the principles of system approach and was carried out on the basis of a questionnaire survey using methods of analysis and synthesis, logical generalization, tabular and graphical methods of presenting information, as well as the method of grouping and systematization. A critical analysis of the literature on the issues under study allowed to allocate some comments on the existing proposals for assessing the social capital of enterprise: most of the indicators are data from a questionnaire survey; combining human capital and social capital indicators; too many indicators, which makes the assessment process quite time-consuming, etc. Taking into account the existing proposals of scientists and critical remarks on them, the authors have formed their own approach to assessing the state and efficiency of the social capital of enterprise, which is based on the following principles: hierarchy, structuring, dynamism, generalization, consistency, balance, integration and complexity. The current approach is more structured and succinctly describes the key system of indicators by assessment levels. The division of the social capital of the enterprise into states (potential or realized) allows to assess the impact of the social capital of the enterprise on the results of activity. The assessment is reduced to a complex indicator, but at the same time allows us to analyze individual components and structural levels of social capital. In the prospect of implementing this approach at the enterprise, we consider it expedient to ask some of the questions to employees, for example, regarding their views on trust in the team, and compare the answers obtained. Own observations show that employees often estimate the same situation differently, which leads to the deformation of social capital at the enterprise. In general, the obtained results are an important information source for the development of a system for managing the social capital of enterprise, which will be the subject of further scientific research by the authors

    Assessing the Level of Budget Security of Ukraine in Conditions of Economic Instability

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    The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical foundations of budget security, highlight threats and directions for its strengthening, as well as an carry out an indicative analysis of the security situation in the budget sphere of Ukraine. Examining and summarizing the scientific works of many scholars, both economists and theorists, the authors’ own definition of the economic essence of «budget security» is developed. The basic foundations of theoretical identification of budget security of the State are allocated and substantiated. The indicators for assessing the level of budget security are outlined and the input information for their calculation is provided. The input information is analyzed to calculate the indicators of the state of budget security of Ukraine in 2016-2021. Critical and optimal values of indicators are highlighted. A list of indicators for determining the state of budget security of Ukraine in 2016-2021 was put to calculation. As a result, an integral indicator of Ukraine’s budget security was calculated. The level of budget security of Ukraine for 2022-2024 is prognosticated. Threats to ensuring the optimal level of budget security of Ukraine are allocated. It is proved that the main threats to Ukraine’s budget security can be determined by examining the ratio of total payments for servicing and repayment of public debt and the State budget revenues. The key directions of strengthening the budget security of our State have been identified. It is proved that ensuring the budget security of the State is one of the major tasks of implementing the strategic guidelines of the country’s development programs. Prospect for further research in this direction is to determine the degree of influence of business entities and the State institutions on the mechanisms for ensuring budget security. Further study and research of budgetary relations in the field of budget security can lead to the strengthening of traditional budget management

    Effect of antigibberellins on morphogenesis, photosynthetic apparatus, productivity and their residual content in tomato fruits

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    The application of growth and development regulators on crops in order to optimize their production process is one of the leading tasks of modern plant physiology. Retardants – gibberellin inhibitors are widely used for this purpose. We investigated the effect of foliar treatment with EW-250, ССС-750 and 2-СEPA on morphogenesis, leaf apparatus, content of photosynthetic pigments, indices of chlorophyll fluorescence induction, CO2 gas exchange, and residual amounts of drugs in the fruits of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Bobcat hybrid. The field experiment was laid on plots with an area of 33 m2. The treatment of the plants was carried out at the budding stage. Morphometric indices were determined at the stages of flowering and fruit formation. The chlorophylls content was determined in the raw material by the spectrophotometric method. Indices of photosystem II (PSII) photochemical activity were determined according to the parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence induction after a half-hour exposure of plants in the dark using a portable single-beam fluorimeter "Floratest". The determination of the residual content of retardants in the fruits was carried out on a Shimadzu GC gas chromatograph with a mass spectrometric detector – GCMS- QP2020 EI. All gibberellin inhibitors reduced linear plant size. The number of leaves on the plants decreased under 2-CEPA treatment, and increased after the application of EW-250. Treatment with 2-CEPA decreased, EW-250 significantly increased, and CCC-750 practically did not change the leaves’ fresh and dry weight. Leaf area and leaf index decreased under 2-CEPA treatment, but practically did not change when EW-250 and ССС-750 were applied. All antigibberellin drugs increased the leaf specific leaf weight and thickened the leaf lamina due to the growth of chlorenchyma cells. At the same time, growth inhibitors increased the volume of columnar parenchyma cells and practically did not change the size of spongy parenchyma cells. Retardants increased the chlorophylls content in leaves, while the ethylene producer 2-CEPA did not change this index. The plants’ chlorophyll index after treatment with drugs increased significantly. The whole plant dry weight increased under EW-250 treatment, decreased after 2-CEPA application, and did not change under CCC-750. It was established that the photosynthetic rate increased under the EW-250 treatment, both in the flowering stage and in the stage of fruit formation, while when using 2-CEPA and CCC-750, it occurred only at the stage of fruit formation. The most significant positive changes of PSII photochemical activity indices were observed under the use of EW-250. Under the action of the drug, the maximum and actual quantum efficiency of PSII increased, the linear electron transport accelerated, and the fraction of reaction centers that did not transfer electrons from the primary acceptor QA to QB decreased, at the same time the chlorophyll fluorescence decay coefficient significantly increased, which indicates an increase in the CO2 assimilation intensity. Retardants increased the proportion of the fruit in the whole plant dry weight. All growth regulators increased net photosynthetic efficiency. A significant increase in fruit yield occurred under EW-250 treatment. When using CCC-750, the index tended to increase, while under the influence of 2-CEPA the yield decreased. The residual amounts of EW-250 and CCC-750 in the fruits did not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations

    Radial increment dynamics in Pinus sylvestris stands within the Northern Steppe of Ukraine

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    The parameters of periodic increment (5-years) and peculiarities of its change depending on age, diameter, height and volume of trunk of Scots pine are determined. The influence of climate conditions (air temperature and precipitation) on the dynamics of radial increment change of Scots pine trees are established. The results of experimental studies, obtained from 20 temporary sample plots of pine stands within the Northern Steppe of Ukraine are presented. We conducted an estimate of radial increment of Scots pine trunks as a basis for development of normative and information support for assessment of biotic productivity of this category of forest. All selected sample trees had different age and biometric parameters. The age of sample trees ranged from 9 to 90 years; diameter at breast height – from 4.0 to 41.7 cm; height – from 4.2 to 30.0 m, trunk volume – from 0.002 to 1.748 m3. It is found that the radial increment of pine stem was significantly dependent on tree age. The highest values of radial increment of Scots pine trees were observed for trees aged up to 20 years. With increasing age, radial increment had a decreasing trend, including 90-year old trees. Regression models of the dependence of radial increment of pine trees on the age and diameter are presented. In the article, the dependence of the values of radial increment of sample trees from types of forest are demonstrated. The highest values of Scots pine radial increment was observed in sugruds and gruds, which were presented in tree samples of 20 years. Comparative analysis of radial increment change in the trees of one age category, which grew in different conditions, was conducted. The older trees had the maximum increment in the conditions of dry sugrud, and the minimum increment in conditions of fresh subor. Also in this article we used generalized chronology of Scots pine radial increment reflecting regional variability of growth in pine trees. The results supplemented the research obtained earlier with new data on the dependence of the pine radial growth rate on forest-biometric parameters. These experimental data, their graph-analytical evaluation yielded an information basis for modeling the radial increment of pine trees, created on the basis of dependence of this parameter on biometric indexes – age and diameter at breast height