8 research outputs found

    Intrauterine deaths — an unsolved problem in Polish perinatology

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    Objectives: The Polish criteria for “intrauterine death” include fetal demise after 22 weeks of gestation, weighing > 500 g and body length at least 25 cm, when the gestational age is unknown. The rate of fetal death in Poland in 2015 is 3:10,000. In 2020, 1,231 stillbirths were registered. Material and methods: An analysis using 142,662 births in the period between 2015–2020 in 11 living in Poland. The first subgroup was admitted as patients > 22 to the beginning of the 30th week of pregnancy (n = 229), and the second from the 30th week of pregnancy inclusively (n = 179). In the case of women from both subgroups, there was a risk of preterm delivery close to hospitalization. Results: It was found that stillbirth in 41% of women in the first pregnancy. For the patient, stillbirth was also the first in his life. The average stillbirth weight was 1487 g, the average body length was 40 cm. Among fetuses up to 30 weeks, male fetuses are born more often, in subgroup II, the sex of the child was usually female. Most fetal deaths occur in mothers < 15 and > 45 years of age. Conclusions: According to the Polish results of the origin of full-term fetuses > 30 weeks of gestation for death in the concomitant antenatal, such as placental-umbilical and fetal hypoxia, acute intrapartum effects rarely, and moreover < 30 Hbd fetal growth restriction (FGR), occurring placental-umbilical, acute intrapartum often

    Analysis of braking marks left by vehicles equipped with ABS with IR spectroscopy – different types of asphalt

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    Detailed analysis of literature showed that there is no method that can be used in order to investigate skid marks left by vehicles equipped with ABS. Authors decided to identify braking trace by using IR spectroscopy. Preliminary studies have been performed and results were promising. Due to that fact authors decided to conduct detailed research where the influence of various factors on the possibility of revealing breaking traces would be taken into account. This article is the first in a series of articles taking into account the influence of various factors on the possibility of revealing breaking marks using IR spectroscopy. In this article the influence of the type of asphalt was studied. Authors conducted tests with the most popular types of asphalts used for the wearing course. 100 samples from 5 different types of asphalt were prepared. Each sample was measured 3 times to create its spectrum. The results were analyzed thoroughly using the dedicated SpectraGryph software. The analysis showed that for 4 out of 5 types of tested asphalt, the braking traces were visible at a wavelength of approximately 11 500 nm. Only for the rubberized asphalt there weren’t possibility to reveal skid mark

    Nonlinear method of precrash vehicle velocity determination based on tensor product of Legendre polynomials - luxury class

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    Presented paper discusses a new, nonlinear approach to EES (Equivalent Energy Speed) parameter determination in frontal car collisions. This method is based on tensor product of Legendre polynomials and in this case considers Luxury car class. Methods that are used up till now are based on a linear dependency between mass, velocity and deformation. This is of course a simplification that was necessary, due to limitation in computation power of computers when this method was introduced decades ago. The contemporary resources allowed Authors to develop a much more sophisticated method. The mathematical model was developed using data shared by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). This database covers a large number of test cases along with various information including vehicle mass, crash velocity, chassis deformation etc. New method proves to be more accurate than the currently used approach utilizing linear dependency of deformation force and deformation of the vehicle

    Analysis of braking marks left by vehicles equipped with ABS with IR spectroscopy

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    This paper presents the possible use for IR spectroscopy to reveal skid marks left by cars equipped with Anti-lock Braking System. Detailed analysis of literature showed that there is no method that can be used in order to investigate this kind of tire marks. Up till now only two techniques have been devised. The first one is Method of Image Refinement which consists of transforming the image from the scene of the accident using dedicated graphics software. Second method includes analysis of traces using a thermal imaging camera. This study presents an innovative approach to the problem. Numerous analyses using IR spectroscopy were conducted to check the suitability of this method. The research performed on a Thermo Scientific FTIR Nicolet iS50 Spectrophotometer with an ATR attachment. 40 samples from 10 different types of asphalt were prepared. Each sample was measured 3 times to create its spectrum. The results were analyzed thoroughly using the dedicated SpectraGryph software. Analysis show that the wavelength which makes the braking marks visible is found within the mid-infrared range. Finally, it was found wavelength in which skid marks should be visible. This range is located in the mid-infrared

    Utrzymanie założeń Inicjatywy „Szpital Przyjazny Dziecku” na przykładzie Specjalistycznego Szpitala Wojewódzkiego w Ciechanowie

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    StreszczenieInicjatywa „Szpital Przyjazny Dziecku (SzPD)” ma na celu stworzenie odpowiednich warunków do karmienia naturalnego. Implementacja i kontynuowanie założeń tej idei wymaga wprowadzenia licznych zmian na poziomie organizacji opieki oraz edukacji personelu. Utrzymanie tytułu SzPD wiąże się z nakładem pracy całego personelu medycznego placówki.  Cel. Celem pracy była ocena przez personel Szpitala Specjalistycznego w Ciechanowie, działań związanych z utrzymaniem tytułu „Szpitala Przyjaznego Dziecku”.Materiał i metody: Przeprowadzono sondaż diagnostyczny za pomocą autorskiej ankiety wśród 38 pracowników szpitala zaangażowanych w działania związane z wdrożeniem i kontynuowaniem inicjatywy (położnych, pielęgniarek, lekarzy ginekologów-położników, lekarzy neonatologów). Wyniki: Wśród badanych większość przyznała, że nie odczuła różnicy w ilości pracy w opiece nad matką i dzieckiem po uzyskaniu tytułu SzPD (55%). Prawie co piąty badany jako najbardziej istotną zmianę po wdrożeniu inicjatywy, wskazał wprowadzenie system rooming-in oraz przestrzeganie zasad „10 kroków do udanego karmienia piersią”. Nieco mniej badanych zwróciło uwagę na umożliwienie rodzącym obecności najbliższych osób podczas porodu (16%). Wyłączne karmienie piersią zostało uznane przez położne, lekarzy ginekologów-położników i pielęgniarki za najtrudniejszą do utrzymania praktykę wymaganą w realizacji  idei SzPD.Wnioski: Stała realizacja praktyk związanych z wprowadzeniem Inicjatywy Szpital Przyjazny Dziecku do placówki, wiąże się z różnym stopniem trudności, oraz z różnym nakładem pracy określanym przez odmienne grupy zawodowe.Słowa kluczowe: Szpital Przyjazny Dziecku, Promocja Karmienia piersią, opieka okołoporodow

    Nonlinear method of vehicle velocity determination based on inverse system and tensor product of Legendre polynomials - intermediate class

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    Presented paper discusses two different nonlinear approaches to precrash velocity determination for vehicles from Intermediate Car Class. Data that was used to perform analyses introduced in this paper was taken from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) database. Such database is comprised of substantial number of crash cases and main focus was put on frontal impacts. Hitherto used energy methods are based on linear model which proves to be inaccurate and producing significant errors. Presented considerations concern the inverse system and tensor product of Legendre polynomials. The focus of those methods is to establish the value of nonlinear coefficient bk which is the slope factor of precrash velocity Vt and deformation ratio Cs function

    Application of Telehealth in Prenatal Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic—A Cross-Sectional Survey of Polish Women

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    To reduce the risk of infection of SARS-CoV-2 during commuting to the clinic or due to contact with medical staff, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has recommended arranging some appointments in the form of “telehealth”. The aim of the study was to assess the access to medical care in pregnancy during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the role of telehealth in the implementation of prenatal care standards. This is a cross-sectional study. The study group included 618 women who were pregnant and/or gave birth in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of the participants experienced difficulties accessing medical care because of the pandemic. The correlation between this experience and the use of the hybrid healthcare model was established. The affiliation to public or private healthcare was irrelevant. There was no relationship between healthcare (private/public or in-person/hybrid) and implementation of the prenatal care standards. To ensure safe access to prenatal care for pregnant women, recommendations for a hybrid pregnancy management model should be created with detailed information regarding which appointments patients must be present for in-person and which can be conducted remotely. To reduce the risks associated with movement and interpersonal contact, all visits during which tests and screenings take place should be conducted in-person; other appointments can be arranged in the form of telehealth

    Nonlinear method of determining the vehicle pre-crash speed based on B-spline with propabilistic weights - subcompact car class

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    A new non-linear method utilizing the work W of car deformation is considered in this study. The car deformation is defined as an algebraic function of deformation ratio Cs. The method of variable correlation is exploited in order to develop experimental data. To determinate mathematical model parameters, data from the NHTSA database including frontal crash tests are used. Such database is comprised of substantial number of crash cases and main focus was put on frontal impacts. In the non-linear method used so far, the so-called energetic approach, collisions are considered non-elastic. The speed threshold defining the elastic collision was set to be 11 km/h. This simplistic approach is used to determine the linear relation of energy loss during deformation on deformation coefficient Cs. Deformation points C1-C6 are taken into account while calculating a mean value that defines this coefficient. A more accurate non-linear method as well as more complex form of deformation coefficient is suggested to determine the work of deformation in this paper. The focus of those methods is to establish the value of nonlinear coefficient b_k which is the slope factor of precrash velocity Vt and deformation ratio Cs function