81 research outputs found

    Самарский литературный фестиваль

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    Let’s start with the following statement: there is literature, writers and active readers in Samara. And it’s not only and not so much about libraries, bookstores, and professional literary critics, not about the sensational arrival of Frederic Beigbeder or relatively regular visits of metropolitan poets. It’s about the fact that in Samara, as in any other place in Russia, there is a lot of writing and reading people. Among them, there are a number of people creating interesting literary projects, because people, having serious and great interest in literature, sooner or later, reach the others, the same, and as a result, many people know many, and if you take the chain, our city is a big literary environment. Thanks to it, there appeared Samara Literary Festival, a new project that generates interest to the books and reading.В Самаре есть литература, литераторы и активные читатели. Речь не только и не столько о библиотеках, полках книжных магазинов и профессиональных литературоведах, не о нашумевшем приезде Фредерика Бегбедера или относительно регулярных визитах столичных поэтов. Речь о том, что в Самаре, как и в любой другой точке России, много пишущих и читающих. Среди них существует определенное число людей, создающих интересные литературные проекты, потому как человек, всерьез увлекшийся литературой, рано или поздно выходит на других, таких же, - в итоге многие знают многих, а если брать по цепочке, наш город - большая литературная среда. Благодаря ей и появился Самарский литературный фестиваль - новый проект, вызывающий интерес к книге и чтению

    Вплив методу розродження на психосоматичний стан у дитини

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    Протягом останніх 30 років частка кесаревого розтину (КР) згідно з даними ВООЗ підвищилася у всьому світі, досягнувши максимального рівня в поточному десятилітті і наблизилася до 25-30 % у економічно розвинених країнах. Так, у Європі частота КР становить в середньому 19%, та неухильно зростає (Betran and Merialdi, 2007). В США частка операцій КР у 2006 році становила 31,1 % і на даний момент являється найбільш розповсюдженою операцією у жінок (Martin, 2010). Збільшення частки оперативного розродження закономірно ставить питання безпеки та ризиків операції для дитини на різних етапах її онтогенезу. На жаль, питання впливу КР на психіку дитини, її емоційний стан та соціальну адаптацію, а також зв’язок з соматичною патологією, онкопатологією в майбутньому, не стоять на порядку денному, на відміну від ранніх неонатальних ризиків. Таким чином існує явна необхідність у детальному вивченні віддалених наслідків абдомінальних пологів для дитини.В течение последних 30 лет доля кесарева сечения (КС) по данным ВОЗ повысилась во всем мире, достигнув максимального уровня в текущем десятилетии и приблизилась к 25-30% в экономически развитых странах. Так, в Европе частота КР составляет в среднем 19%, и неуклонно растет (Betran and Merialdi, 2007). В США доля операций КР в 2006 году составила 31,1% и на данный момент является наиболее распространенной операцией у женщин (Martin, 2010). Увеличение доли оперативного родоразрешения закономерно ставит вопрос безопасности и рисков операции для ребенка на разных этапах ее онтогенеза. К сожалению, вопрос влияния КР на психику ребенка, его эмоциональное состояние и социальную адаптацию, а также связь с соматической патологией, онкопатологией в будущем, не стоят на повестке дня, в отличие от ранних неонатальных рисков. Таким образом существует явная необходимость в детальном изучении отдаленных последствий абдоминальных родов для ребенка.Over the past 30 years the proportion of caesarean section (CS) according to WHO has increased around the world, reached the highest level in the current decade and close to 25-30% in developed countries. For example, in Europe, the CD rate is an average of 19%, and is steadily growing (Betran and Merialdi, 2007). In the US, the share of the CD operations was 31.1% in 2006 and is currently the most common operation for women (Martin, 2010). Increase of operative delivery regularly raises the issue of security and the risks of surgery for the child at different stages of ontogeny. Unfortunately, the issue of the CD effect on the psyche of the child, his emotional state and social adaptation, as well as connection with a somatic pathology, oncopathology in the future, not on the agenda, as opposed to the early neonatal risks. Thus there is a clear need for a detailed study of the long-term effects of abdominal birth to a child

    A lepidosauromorph specimen from the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) Moskvoretskaya Formation of the Moscow Region, Russia

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    A fragmentary diapsid left maxilla from the Bathonian Peski locality in Moscow Region, previously referred to Choristodera, is identified as Lepidosauromorpha indet. This specimen represents the first fossil record of basal lepidosauromorphs in the Middle Jurassic of European Russia. Among basal lepidosauromorphs, the maxilla from the Peski locality resembles those of the Middle Triassic Fraxinisaura and the contemporary Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) Marmoretta in subpleurodont tooth implantation, a relatively low dorsal process, and high keeled teeth with gently recurved apices and striae on the lingual side. This similarity suggests possible close relationships of Fraxinisaura, Marmoretta and the Peski form. The recognition of a basal lepidosauromorph in the fauna of the Peski locality extends the known geographical range of the Bathonian non-lepidosaurian lepidosauromorphs and demonstrates their wide Laurasian distribution at this time. It is additional evidence that Bathonian vertebrate faunas of Europe and Western Siberia were similar in composition

    The Current State of Vaccine Development for Specific Prophylactics of Arenaviral Hemorrhagic Fevers

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    Presently, the Arenavirus genus (Arenaviridae family) includes 26 individual species of viruses. It is divided into two main groups – Old World arenaviruses and New World arenaviruses. The New World arenaviruses comprise four clades: А, B, C, D; pathogenic for humans New World arenaviruses are attributed to clade B. Lassa, Lujo, Machupo, Junin, Guanarito and Sabia viruses are the agents of extremely hazardous hemorrhagic fevers (Lassa hemorrhagic fever, Lujo hemorrhagic fever, Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, Argentinean hemorrhagic fever, Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever, Brazilian hemorrhagic fever, accordingly). These arenaviruses pose a potential threat to national public health due to the possibility of their accidental importation into the territory of the Russian Federation. The vaccination of risk group is the most effective and money-saving means of protection against epidemic spread. Objective of this review is to analyze the specific preparations for arenaviral hemorrhagic fever prevention that are currently under development. Production of live vaccines based on attenuated strains of the agents, the DNA vaccines, vector recombinant vaccines and vaccines on the basis of RNA-replicons is viewed as the main trends in the area. Тhe most important results in the development of effective prophylactic means against arenaviral hemorrhagic fevers are discussed in this paper

    Pulmonary embolism and atrial fibrillation: analysis of data from the SIRENA Russian registry

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    Aim. To present the clinical characteristics and in-hospital prognosis in patients with pulmonary embolism (PE) and atrial fibrillation (AF).Material and methods. On the initiative of a working group of physicians, the basic principles of an observational prospective study (SIRENA registry) have been developed.Results. Among the 660 patients included in the registry, AF was diagnosed in almost every fourth patient — in 22,9% of cases (n=151), which reflects its high incidence in relation to PE. The prevalence of AF corresponded to such conditions as heart failure (HF) (23,2%; n=153), diabetes (15,6%; n=103), and hypertension (HTN) (65,7% n=400). The diagnosis of AF in most patients is based on the history data (n=144; 95,4%), while the first registered AF episode was verified in 7 patients (4,6%). Patients with AF were characterized by older age, significantly higher prevalence of HF (51,2%), HTN (80,8%), chronic kidney disease (18,5%), stroke or transient ischemic attack (23,2%). It is important to note the low prevalence of anticoagulant therapy (15,3%) in the group of patients with previously diagnosed AF (n=144). The prevalence of thrombolytic therapy in patients with AF was significantly lower than among patients without AF (13,9 vs 25,8% (p=0,026)), which is due to contraindications and underdiagnosis of PE. Given the predominantly senile age, high comorbidity rate in patients with AF, as well as the absence of outpatient anticoagulant therapy, in-hospital mortality in patients with PE and AF was 31,1%, and significantly differed from that in those without AF 12,6% (p=0,001). In the general group, post-mortem diagnosis of PE was noted in 7,7% of cases (n=51), of which the proportion of patients with AF was 54,9% (n=28). A possible explanation for the underestimation of PE in AF patients was an erroneous explanation of its manifestations (tachypnea, tachycardia, lower limb edema) due to concomitant HF.Conclusion. Suspicion for PE in elderly patients with AF and manifestations of HF decompensation, as well as the timely administration of anticoagulant therapy, will prevent both arterial and venous embolism

    Paradoxical embolism with the development of ischemic stroke on the background of pulmonary embolism: comparative analysis of two clinical cases

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    The development of a neurological deficit clinic in patients with pulmonary embolism (PE) requires a diagnostic search aimed at excluding the phenomenon of paradoxical embolism in the form of transcranial dopplerography (TCDG) with a bubble test, and to clarify the features of intracardiac hemodynamics – transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Material and methods. The article presents two clinical examples of the development of PE in the form of embolic ischemic stroke (IS) against the background of deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, PE, patent foramen ovale (PFO) in combination with an atrial septal aneurysm. Results and discussion. In the first case, the right-left shunt was confirmed by TKDG with a bubble test, in the second example, during routine transthoracic echocardiography, a ribbon thrombus prolapsing through the PFO was visualized. In our opinion, PE is a possible mechanism of IS in patients with venous thromboembolic events. Consequently, it is necessary to plan a “bubble test” for verifying the cause of a stroke. Conclusions. The management of patients with PE and IS was individual and required a team approach, including the use of thrombolytic therapy, the selection of an anticoagulant therapy regimen, choice of conservative/invasive tactics for the treatment of patients

    Training film development «Garbage – a global problem of humanity»

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    The article presents the purpose of creating and describing the educational film “Garbage – the global problem of mankind” as a means of hygienic education of students and schoolchildren, aimed at forming their ecological and hygienic knowledge on the problem of environmental pollution of household waste, domestic waste management skills, active citizenship in conservation of natural resources.В статье представлены цель создания и описание учебного фильма «Мусор – глобальная проблема человечества» как средства гигиенического воспитания студентов и школьников, направленного на формирование у них экологических и гигиенических знаний по проблеме загрязнения бытовыми отходами окружающей среды, навыков обращения с бытовыми отходами, активной гражданской позиции в вопросах сохранения природных ресурсов

    Эндотоксикоз у больных с острыми отравлениями психотропными препаратами

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    A hundred and twenty-one patients with acute severe and critical intoxication with psychotropic agents were examined to assess the prognostic value of the laboratory parameters of endotoxicosis in this acute condition. Analysis of 24 laboratory parameters in the groups of survivors (n = 92) and dead patients (n = 29) indicated that these groups significantly differed only in 5 parameters: effective albumin concentration (EAC), total albumin concentration, serum creatinine concentration, serum urea concentration, and erythrocytic sedimentation rate. Statistical analysis of each parameter identified groups with a poor prognosis of the disease. In these groups, the death rate was significantly higher (p <0.05) than the apri-ori rate estimated as the average mortality rate in the whole study under examination. EAC demonstrated the highest prognostic value. The findings may serve as the basis for developing new methods to make an individual assessment of the health status of patients with acute intoxications with psychotropic drugs in the resuscitative period.С целью оценки прогностической ценности лабораторных показателей эндотоксикоза при острых отравлениях психотропными препаратами был обследован 121 больной тяжелой и крайне тяжелой степени заболевания. Анализ 24 лабораторных показателей в группах выживших (n=92) и умерших (n=29) пациентов показал, что эти группы достоверно различались только по пяти показателям: «эффективная концентрация альбумина» и «общая концентрация альбумина», концентрация креатинина и мочевины сыворотки и СОЭ. При статистическом анализе каждого показателя выделяли группы с прогностически неблагоприятным течением заболевания. В этих группах частота летальных исходов была достоверно более высокой (