62 research outputs found

    Lovelace messaging microservice

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    Abstract. Microservices have attracted a lot of interest in recent years. The central idea behind microservices is to divide an application into small independent services that communicate with each other through interfaces. The use of cloud computing and container technologies has accelerated the adoption of microservices. One of the main advantages of microservices is their scalability: a single service can be easily scaled to meet its needs and the failure of one component does not affect the rest of the system. Microservices also allow for easier service development, deployment, maintenance, and flexibility that was not previously possible with a monolithic architecture. This thesis provides the design and implementation of a messaging microservice for Lovelace. Lovelace is a web-based learning environment used at the University of Oulu, dedicated to programming and related studies. Among other things, Lovelace provides tools for creating course assignments that can be automatically graded. There are some problems with Lovelace’s current messaging via email. This work aims to solve those problems and provide an alternative solution to replace email. The thesis includes instructions on how to deploy the service. It starts with an overview of the microservice architecture, followed by the design and implementation of the microservice. It also covers the testing of the microservice. The aim is to provide a starting point for building a messaging microservice.Lovelace mikroviestintäpalvelu. Tiivistelmä. Mikropalvelut ovat herättäneet paljon kiinnostusta viime aikoina. Keskeinen ajatus mikropalveluiden taustalla on jakaa sovellus pieniin itsenäisiin palveluihin, jotka kommunikoivat keskenään rajapintojen kautta. Pilvilaskennan ja konttiteknologioiden käyttö on kiihdyttänyt mikropalvelujen käyttöönottoa. Mikropalveluiden yksi suurimmista eduista on skaalautuvuus. Yksittäistä palvelua on helppo skaalata sen tarpeiden mukaan ja yhden komponentin vikaantuminen ei vaikuta muuhun järjestelmään. Mikropalvelut mahdollistavat myös helpomman palvelun kehityksen, käyttöönoton, ylläpidon sekä joustavuuden, jota ei ollut aiemmin mahdollista saavuttaa monoliittisella arkkitehtuurilla. Tämä kandidaatintutkielma tarjoaa suunnitelman ja toteutuksen viestivälitysmikropalvelulle Lovelace-oppimisympäristöä varten. Lovelace on Oulun yliopistossa käytetty verkkopohjainen oppimisympäristö, joka on tarkoitettu ohjelmoinnille ja siihen liittyville opinnoille. Lovelace tarjoaa muun muassa työkaluja automaattisesti arvioitavien kurssiharjoitustöiden luomiseen. Lovelacen nykyinen viestinvälitys tapahtuu sähköpostitse, jossa on joitakin ongelmia. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on ratkaista nuo ongelmat ja tarjota vaihtoehtoinen ratkaisu sähköpostiviestien tilalle. Tutkielma sisältää ohjeet palvelun käyttöönottamisesta. Alussa on yleiskatsaus mikropalvelinarkkitehtuurista, jonka jälkeen käydään läpi mikropalvelun suunnittelun ja toteutuksen. Tutkielmassa käsitellään myös palvelun testausta. Tarkoituksena on tarjota lähtökohta viestivälitysmikropalvelun rakentamiselle

    A missense substitution A49T in the steroid 5-alpha-reductase gene (SRD5A2) is not associated with prostate cancer in Finland

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    Prostatic steroid 5-alpha-reductase gene (SRD5A2) encodes a critical enzyme involved in the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. A germline mis-sense substitution (A49T) leads to a variant SRD5A2 protein, which has a 5-fold higher in vitro V max than the wild-type protein (Ross et al, 1998; Makridakis et al, 1999). The A49T variant was recently associated with 2.5 to 3.28-fold increased risk of prostate cancer (PC) in African-American and Hispanic men (Makridakis et al, 1999). Also, Jaffe et al (2000) reported an association between A49T and more aggressive disease among Caucasian patients. Here, we report that the prevalence of the A49T variant in 449 Finnish PC patients was 6.0%, not significantly different from 6.3% observed in 223 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia or 5.8% in 588 population-based controls (odds ratio for PC 1.04, 95% C.I. 0.62–1.76 P = 0.89). There was no association between A49T and the family history of the patients nor with tumour stage or grade. Our results argue against a prominent role of the A49T variant as a genetic risk factor for prostate cancer development and progression in the Finnish population. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign www.bjcancer.co

    Germline TP53 alterations in Finnish breast cancer families are rare and occur at conserved mutation-prone sites

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    We have screened for germline TP53 mutations in Finnish BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation-negative families. This study represents the largest survey of the entire protein-encoding portion of TP53, and indicates that mutations are only found at conserved domains in breast cancer families also meeting the criteria for Li-Fraumeni/Li-Fraumeni-like syndrome, explaining only a very small additional fraction of the hereditary breast cancer cases. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Haplotype analysis in Icelandic and Finnish BRCA2 999del5 breast cancer families

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldThe 999del5 mutation is the single, strong BRCA2 founder mutation in Iceland and the most common BRCA1/2 founder mutation in Finland. To evaluate the origin and time since spreading of the 999del5 mutation in Iceland and in Finland, we constructed haplotypes with polymorphic markers within and flanking the BRCA2 gene in a set of 18 Icelandic and 10 Finnish 999del5 breast cancer families. All Icelandic families analysed shared a common core haplotype of about 1.7 cM. The common ancestors for the Icelandic families studied were estimated to trace back to 340-1000 years, not excluding the possibility that the mutation was brought to Iceland during the settlement of the country. Analysis of the Finnish families revealed two distinct haplotypes. A rare one, found in three families in the old settlement region in southwestern Finland, shared a four-marker (0.5 cM) core haplotype with the Icelandic 999del5 haplotype. A distinct approximately 6 cM haplotype was shared by seven 999del5 Finnish families estimated to have a common ancestry 140-300 years ago. These families cluster in two geographical regions in Finland, in the very same area as those with the rare haplotype and also in the most eastern, late settlement region of Finland. The results may indicate a common ancient origin for the 999del5 mutation in Iceland and in Finland, but distinct mutational events cannot be ruled out. The surprising finding of the same mutation in two completely different haplotypes in a sparsely populated area in Finland may suggest gene conversion

    Mast cells and eosinophils in invasive breast carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Inflammatory cells in the tumour stroma has gained increasing interest recently. Thus, we aimed to study the frequency and prognostic impact of stromal mast cells and tumour infiltrating eosinophils in invasive breast carcinomas.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Tissue microarrays containing 234 cases of invasive breast cancer were prepared and analysed for the presence of stromal mast cells and eosinophils. Tumour infiltrating eosinophils were counted on hematoxylin-eosin slides. Immunostaining for tryptase was done and the total number of mast cells were counted and correlated to the proliferation marker Ki 67, positivity for estrogen and progesterone receptors, clinical parameters and clinical outcome.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Stromal mast cells were found to correlate to low grade tumours and estrogen receptor positivity. There was a total lack of eosinophils in breast cancer tumours.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A high number of mast cells in the tumours correlated to low-grade tumours and estrogen receptor positivity. Eosinophils are not tumour infiltrating in breast cancers.</p

    ATM variants and cancer risk in breast cancer patients from Southern Finland

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    BACKGROUND: Individuals heterozygous for germline ATM mutations have been reported to have an increased risk for breast cancer but the role for ATM genetic variants for breast cancer risk has remained unclear. Recently, a common ATM variant, ATMivs38 -8T>C in cis with the ATMex39 5557G>A (D1853N) variant, was suggested to associate with bilateral breast cancer among familial breast cancer patients from Northern Finland. We have here evaluated the 5557G>A and ivs38-8T>C variants in an extensive case-control association analysis. We also aimed to investigate whether there are other ATM mutations or variants contributing to breast cancer risk in our population. METHODS: Two common ATM variants, 5557G>A and ivs38-8T>C, previously suggested to associate with bilateral breast cancer, were genotyped in an extensive set of 786 familial and 884 unselected breast cancer cases as well as 708 healthy controls. We also screened the entire coding region and exon-intron boundaries of the ATM gene in 47 familial breast cancer patients and constructed haplotypes of the patients. The identified variants were also evaluated for increased breast cancer risk among additional breast cancer cases and controls. RESULTS: Neither of the two common variants, 5557G>A and ivs38-8T>C, nor any haplotype containing them, was significantly associated with breast cancer risk, bilateral breast cancer or multiple primary cancers in any of the patient groups or subgoups. Three rare missense alterations and one intronic change were each found in only one patient of over 250 familial patients studied and not among controls. The fourth missense alteration studied further was found with closely similar frequencies in over 600 familial cases and controls. CONCLUSION: Altogether, our results suggest very minor effect, if any, of ATM genetic variants on familial breast cancer in Southern Finland. Our results do not support association of the 5557G>A or ivs38-8T>C variant with increased breast cancer risk or with bilateral breast cancer

    High cyclin B1 expression is associated with poor survival in breast cancer

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    Cyclin B1 regulates the G2-M transition of the cell cycle. Cyclin B1 expression is higher in premalignant and malignant than normal breast lesions. Correlation of cyclin B1 expression with other histopathological variables and prognostic role in breast cancer are not fully understood. Traditionally used prognostic criteria identify large subset of patients to receive adjuvant chemotherapy and to be exposed to adverse effects. A reliable and simple method helping prognostic evaluation in breast cancer is needed. We analysed cyclin B1 expression on 1348 invasive breast cancers and studied correlations with other histopathological variables and survival. High cyclin B1 correlated with high tumour grade, large tumour size and positive nodal status, oestrogen and progesterone receptor negativity, positive HER2 and p53 status, young age at diagnosis, and high cyclin E, cyclin A and Ki67 expression. Among patients not given adjuvant chemotherapy high cyclin B1 was a strong predictor of shorter overall and metastasis-free survival (RR 3.74, P<0.0005 and RR 3.51, P<0.0005, respectively), and remained as an independent prognostic factor also in multivariate analysis (RR 1.80, P=0.04 and RR 2.31, P=0.02, respectively). This study suggests high cyclin B1 associates with aggressive phenotype and is an independent prognostic factor in breast cancer