26 research outputs found
"Hak-hak dan yurisdiksi negara pantai di Zona Tambahan, Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif dan landas
kontinen telah dijamin dalam UNCLOS 1982. Namun dalam kenyataannya terdapat beberapa
kasus dimana hak-hak dan yurisdiksi ini diganggu, dihalangi atau dirampas oleh pihak lain yang
didukung dengan penggunaan kekuatan bersenjata. Hal ini tentu bisa mengundang respon
bersenjata pula dari pihak lain. Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana status penggunaan
keuatan bersenjata ini ditinjau dari segi UNCLOS 1982 itu sendiri dan Ketentuan-Ketentuan
Hukum Internasional Lainnya. Di dalam UNCLOS tidak ada kejelasan mengenai status hukum
atas penggunaan kekuatan bersenjata yang mengganggu atau merampas hak-hak dan
yurisdiksi tertentu di zona tambahan, ZEE dan landas kontinen. Karena itu tidak ada pula
kejelasan dalam UNCLOS mengenai status hukum upaya-upaya penggunaan kekuatan
bersenjata untuk mempertahankannya. Di dalam Piagam PBB juga tidak ada kejelasan
mengenai status hukum atas penggunaan kekuatan bersenjata yang mengganggu atau
merampas hak-hak dan yurisdiksi tertentu di zona tambahan, ZEE dan landas kontinen ini.
Meskipun dalam Piagam PBB disebutkan adanya breach of the peace, threat to the peace, act
of aggression, dan armed attack, sulit untuk memasukkan penggunaan kekuatan bersenjata ini
ke dalam status atau kategori-kategori ini. Otomatis sulit pula memberi status penggunaan
kekuatan bersenjata ini kedalam status atau kategori penggunaan kekuatan bersenjata untuk
memelihara perdamaian dan keamanan internasional ataupun self defense, keculi jika DK PBB
berkeinginan untuk memperluas penafsiran mengenai penggunaan kekuatan bersenjata yang
terakhir ini.
Keluarnya keputusan Mahkamah Arbitrase mengenai Sengketa Antara Republik Philipina dan Republik Rakyat China mengenai penguasaan atas wilayah Laut China Selatan yang menyatakan bahwa Mischief Reef dan Second Thomas Shoal berada dalam zona ekonomi eksklusif dan landas kontinen dari Filipina menyebabkan Filipina menjadi penguasa hak berdaulat yang sah atas zona tersebut beserta objek-objek yang ada di sana. Hal ini menjadi pertanyaan mengenai apa alasan berperang dan status para pihak jika terjadi sengketa bersenjata antara kedua negara ketika Filipina berusaha merebut hak berdaulat yang sah bagimya sedangkan China berusaha untuk mempertahankannya.Berdasarkan ketentuan yang terdapat dalam pasal 51
piagam PBB dan article 1 and 3 of the Definition of Aggression yang diadopsi dalam General Assembly Resolution 3314 (XXIX), tindakan China tidak dapat disebut sebagai armed attack ataupun agresi sehingga China tidak dapat disebut sebagai pelaku armed attack ataupun aggressor melainkan hanya sebagai pengambil atau perampas hak-hak berdaulat negara lain. Sejalan dengan itu tindakan Filipina tidak dapat disebut sebagai self defense sehingga negara ini bukan berstatus sebagai pelaku self defense melainkan sebagai pengambil hak-hak berdaulatnya sendiri yang telah sah menurut putusan peradilan tersebut
Calculating the Proportionality of Aerial Attacks Towards Electrical Power Systems: A Study on the Proportionality of Attacks Towards Iraqi Electrical Power Systems in the First Gulf War
One group of targets attacked using armed force was the Iraqi electrical system. A direct impact of that attack was the damaging of four hydroelectric power plants, six thermoelectric power plants as well as several other power plants and it was suspected that a few deaths or wounds were a direct side effect on civilians. The damaging of 10 power plants resulted in the there being a lack of power both for Iraq’s military facilities as well as for civil uses. Attacks are ideally defined as acts of violence done against an enemy done either when attacking or when defending but it also needs to be specified on what level is it done. On a tactical level attacks are defined as single attacks or individual attackson each target such as the ones on the electrical power plants. that it is balanced with military interests/necessity which is also not specified by International Humanitarian These civillian losses are such losses that have the traits of being concrete, direct and overall which bear the same definition as the traits concrete, direct and overall applied in military advantages or conversely, if the mlitary advantages do not bear the traits of being concrete, direct and overall. Keywords: Proportionality of Aerial Attacks, Iraqi Electrical Power Systems, First Gulf War.
The Legality of Intervention for Protection of National Abroad In Order To Solve Piracy and Hostage (A Study of Law Concerning the Possible Use of Armed Force to Release Hostages Detained by Abu Sayyaf Armed Group)
Until now hijacking or taking crew as hostage including the people who have Indonesian nationality has been repeatedly done by a group of suspected Abu Sayyaf rebel group. The use of non-violent efforts as negotiations have been conducted. There were failure and it resulted in the execution of the hostages. But some of them were successful to release the hostages allegedly after approving the fulfillment of the demands of the hostage-takers i.e. paying the ransom. However this did not stop the subsequent hostage-taking incident. This is clearly an injury for the country of origin of the crew or people who are taken hostage. When the non-violent efforts failed to stop acts of piracy and hostage then the use of force is logically expected to be used for such purposes. Yet international law prohibits this intervention as contrary to Article 2 para 4 of the UN Charter and does not meet the criteria of Article 51 of the UN Charter. Despite that this intervention can still be legalized if they meet the concept of R to P which can be adjusted or modified with this intervention and it is accepted by the people of ASEAN. Besides that these interventions also fulfill the qualification of necessity and proportionality
Hakekat Dan Legalitas Humanitarian Intervention
Hal. 113- 12
Implementasi Kewenangan Majelis Pengawas Daerah Notaris dalam Pemeriksaan Protokol Notaris di Kota Solok
Notaries in carrying out their duties for the general public are required to be under the supervision of an institution that is neutral, impartial, and independent. The purpose of this supervision is so that the Notary seriously carries out the duties of his office in accordance with applicable rules and codes of ethics in order to maintain the security of the public who make deeds to the public. Notary Public. Another aim is to avoid Notaries who are irresponsible and do not comply with the Notary's code of ethics. The establishment of a supervisory institution is referred to in Article 1 point 6 of the UUJN which states that the Notary Supervisory Council, hereinafter referred to as the Supervisory Council, is a body that has the authority and obligation to carry out guidance and supervision of Notaries. In Solok City in 2022 there will be eight Notaries, whereas in the examination carried out by the Solok City Regional Supervisory Council in 2022 only four Notaries were examined. Based on this, researchers are interested in conducting further research by analyzing: 1) the implementation of the authority of the Regional Notary Supervisory Council in examining Notary Protocols in Solok City. 2) the obstacles and efforts of the Regional Notary Supervisory Council in carrying out inspections of Notary Protocols in Solok City. This research is descriptive analytical, using an empirical juridical approach. Using primary data as the main material with a study of secondary legal materials. Based on research, it was found that: the implementation of the authority of the Solok City MPD in examining Notary protocols has carried out guidance and supervision related to the implementation which was carried out in 2022, there were around four out of eight Notaries who were not examined. The problem with MPD is that when MPD carries out inspections, several Notaries are not in their offices at the time of the inspection. Which results in Notaries not being checked by the MPD. Efforts made by the MPD were to summon the Notary concerned to appear at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to have the protocol checked by the Chair of the MPD and notaries who were not examined were made a priority in the examination for the following year
The designation of special area in the Singapore Strait to solve the pollution due to the oil sludge discharge that affects to the coast of Bintan, Indonesia In order to achieve marine and coastal sustainability
The coast of Bintan, Indonesia, has experienced pollution due to violations of oil disposal regulations. This paper aims to find out whether the Singapore Strait area can have a special area as an alternative to establishing an area outside the port boundary area to overcome pollution caused by the dumping of oil waste off the coast of Bintan. This research was conducted using a non-doctrinal research method with an empirical approach. with the research methods used it was found that it is important to immediately reduce and prevent pollution by establishing special mandatory methods for the disposal of waste oil from ships. Therefore, the application of mandatory and special methods for special areas as regulated by International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) if applied to the Singapore Strait can prevent marine pollution in the strait and have an impact on the Bintan Coast of Indonesia as a Littoral state