104 research outputs found

    Speaking the language of the outsider

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    There are a variety of audiences for educational research, for example: fellow researchers, educators, those who develop and implement policy for education, and the community. In general the audiences with which we have most effectively communicated are the first two. These can be characterised as ‘insiders’, with whom communications about our research reflect a shared understanding of education practices. Communication with the latter two groups needs to be different as the members of the ‘outsider’ communities generally do not share the same understandings of educational practices and purposes. In this paper we will explore implications of these challenges drawing on our research on school-community collaborations in school science programs

    The contructivist paradigm and some implications for science content and pedagogy

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    Through a comparison of the widely-held traditional view of science with the constructivist view of science, we argue that the constructivist view of the content of science has important implications for classroom teaching and learning. This alternative view of science concepts as human constructs, scrutinised by application of the rules of the game of science, raises many challenges for teachers. Reconceptualisation of teachers' views of the nature of science and of learning in science is important for a constructivist pedagogy. We argue here that open discussion of the 'rules of the game' of science would contribute to better learning in the classroom, since learners would be better equipped to change their existing concepts by knowing more about the nature of science itself

    Comparison of the normal state properties of κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2Cu(NCS)2_2 and its deuterated analogue in high magnetic fields and under high hydrostatic pressures

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    Details of the Fermi-surface topology of deuterated κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2Cu(NCS)2_2 ~have been measured as a function of pressure, and compared with equivalent measurements of the undeuterated salt. We find that the superconducting transition temperature is much more dramatically suppressed by increasing pressure in the deuterated salt. It is suggested that this is linked to pressure-induced changes in the Fermi-surface topology, which occur more rapidly in the deuterated salt than in the undeuterated salt as the pressure is raised. Our data suggest that the negative isotope effect observed on deuteration is due to small differences in Fermi-surface topology caused by the isotopic substitution.Comment: 10 pages 3 figure

    Three-dimensional dust radiative-transfer models: The Pinwheel Nebula of WR104

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    We present radiative-transfer modelling of the dusty spiral Pinwheel Nebula observed around the Wolf-Rayet/OB-star binary WR104. The models are based on the three-dimensional radiative-transfer code TORUS, modified to include an adaptive mesh that allows us to adequately resolve both the inner spiral turns (sub-AU scales) and the outer regions of the nebula (distances of 10^4 AU from the central source). The spiral model provides a good fit to both the spectral energy distribution and Keck aperture masking interferometry, reproducing both the maximum entropy recovered images and the visibility curves. We deduce a dust creation rate of 8+-1 x 10^{-7} solar masses per year, corresponding to approximately 2% by mass of the carbon produced by the Wolf-Rayet star. Simultaneous modelling of the imaging and spectral data enables us to constrain both the opening-angle of the wind-wind collision interface and the dust grain size. We conclude that the dust grains in the inner part of the Pinwheel nebula are small (~100A), in agreement with theoretical predictions, although we cannot rule out the presence of larger grains (~1 micron) further from the central binary. The opening angle of the wind-wind collision interface appears to be about 40 degrees, in broad agreement with the wind parameters estimated for the central binary. We discuss the success and deficiencies of the model, and the likely benefits of applying similar techniques to the more the more complex nebulae observed around other WR/O star binaries.Comment: 10 pages, accepted by MNRA

    Using chlorhexidine varnish to prevent early childhood caries in American Indian children

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    Objectives: To test the efficacy of 10% chlorhexidine (CHX) dental varnish applied to the mothers' dentition in preventing caries in American Indian children. Methods: This was a placebo‐controlled, double‐blind, randomized clinical trial. Mother–child pairs were enrolled when the child was 4.5‐6.0 months. Mothers received 4 weekly applications of the study treatment (CHX or placebo) followed by single applications when her child was age 12 and 18 months. Children received caries examinations at enrollment, 12, 18 and 24 months. Analyses were limited to the intent‐to‐treat (ITT) group: children whose mothers received the first study treatment and who received at least one post‐baseline exam. The outcome variable was the number of new carious surfaces (NNCS) at the child's last visit. Wilcoxon nonparametric and Fisher's exact tests were used to test differences between the active and placebo groups. Results: We randomized 414 mother–child pairs, with 367 (88.6%) included in the ITT group (active = 188, placebo = 179). The proportion of children caries‐free at their final exam was 51.1% and 50.8% for the active and placebo groups ( P  > 0.99). The mean NNCS for the active and placebo groups was 3.82 (standard deviation [SD] = 8.18) and 3.80 (SD = 6.08), respectively ( P  = 0.54). The proportion with NNCS > 6 was 18.1% for active children versus 27.9% for placebo (relative risk [RR] = 0.65, P  = 0.03). The number needed to treat to shift one child from NNCS > 6 to a lower severity was 10.2. Conclusions: In this population CHX varnish did not reduce the mean NNCS or proportion of children with caries, but did reduce the proportion with severe caries.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/96744/1/jphd348.pd

    Formaldehyde Exposure and Asthma in Children: A Systematic Review

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    Obj e c t i v e: Despite multiple published studies regarding the association between formaldehyde exposure and childhood asthma, a consistent association has not been identified. Here we report the results of a systematic review of published literature in order to provide a more comprehensive picture of this relationship. Data s o u r c e s: After a comprehensive literature search, we identified seven peer-reviewed studies providing quantitative results regarding the association between formaldehyde exposure and asthma in children. Studies were heterogeneous with respect to the definition of asthma (e.g., self-report, physician diagnosis). Most of the studies were cross-sectional

    Constitutional inhibitory court rulings and the unjust restraint of the pro actione principle

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    El presente escrito contiene una crítica a la evolución jurisprudencial de la Corte Constitucional, acerca de las cargas y requisitos que debe cumplir el accionante de una acción pública de inconstitucionalidad. El artículo crítica, la forma como a través de la jurisprudencia del máximo Tribunal Constitucional se han elevado los parámetros y requisitos para proceder a fallar una Sentencia de Constitucionalidad, ya que el incumplimiento de los mismos muchas veces acarrea una sentencia inhibitoria por parte del Tribunal. El artículo considera que lo anterior vulnera el principio pro actione, dificultando el acceso a la administración de justicia de los ciudadanos, yendo en contravía de los postulados esenciales que llevaron al constituyente originario a concebir la ya mencionada Acción. El texto sostiene que el único ente estatal que puede restringir el acceso a la administración es el poder legislativo, teniendo siempre en cuenta los parámetros trazados en la Constitución, y por lo tanto, la Corte no debería ampliar o interpretar de una manera estricta los requisitos elevados por el legislador para interponer una acción pública de inconstitucionalidad, sino por el contrario debería interpretarlos de una manera amplia, que maximice al acceso que deben tener los ciudadanos para interponer acciones de inconstitucionalidad.This paper contains a critique of the jurisprudential evolution of the Constitutional Court regarding the burdens and requirements to be met by the plaintiff, in order for a Constitutional Action to proceed. The article, addresses the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court that has raised the standards and requirements in order to proffer a sentence. Failure to meet the requirements often leads to an inhibitory judgment by the Court. The article states that the aforementioned violates the Pro Actione Principle, hindering access to justice for citizens and going against the basic tenets that led the original constituent to conceive the Public Constitutional Action. The text argues that only the legislative power can impose requirements and conditions regarding the access that citizens should have towards the judicial power, and therefore, the Court should not create, extend or interpret restrictively the already existing requirements