27 research outputs found

    Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa pt. „E-@dministracja – założenia i praktyka”

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    Seminarium naukowe pt. „Treści niedozwolone w Internecie – profilaktyka i zwalczanie”

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    Propolis changes the anticancer activity of temozolomide in U87MG human glioblastoma cell line

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    BACKGROUND: Propolis is a honey bee product which contains many active compounds, such as CAPE or chrysin, and has many beneficial activities. Recently, its anti-tumor properties have been discussed. We have tested whether the ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP) interferes with temozolomide (TMZ) to inhibit U87MG cell line growth. METHODS: The U87MG glioblastoma cell line was exposed to TMZ (10-100 μM), EEP (10-100 μg/ml) or a mixture of TMZ and EEP during 24, 48 or 72 hours. The cell division was examined by the H(3)-thymidine incorporation, while the western blot method was used for detection of p65 subunit of NF-κB and ELISA test to measure the concentration of its p50 subunit in the nucleus. RESULTS: We have found that both, TMZ and EEP administrated alone, had a dose- and time-dependent inhibitory effect on the U87MG cell line growth, which was manifested by gradual reduction of cell viability and alterations in proliferation rate. The anti-tumor effect of TMZ (20 μM) was enhanced by EEP, which was especially well observed after a short time of exposition, where simultaneous usage of TMZ and EEP resulted in a higher degree of growth inhibition than each biological factor used separately. In addition, cells treated with TMZ presented no changes in NF-κB activity in prolonged time of treatment and EEP only slightly reduced the nuclear translocation of this transcription factor. In turn, the combined incubation with TMZ and EEP led to an approximately double reduction of NF-κB nuclear localization. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that EEP presents cytotoxic properties and may cooperate with TMZ synergistically enhancing its growth inhibiting activity against glioblastoma U87MG cell line. This phenomenon may be at least partially mediated by a reduced activity of NF-κB

    Analysis of genes involved in response to doxorubicin and a GD2 ganglioside-specific 14G2a monoclonal antibody in IMR-32human neuroblastoma cells

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    Neuroblastoma is the most common extra-cranial solid tumor of childhood and it is characterized by the presence of a glycosphingolipid, GD2 ganglioside. Monoclonal antibodies targeting the antigen are currently tested in clinical trials. Additionally, several research groups reported results revealing that ganglioside-specific antibodies can affect cellular signaling and cause direct cytotoxicity against tumor cells. To shed more light on gene expression signatures of tumor cells, we used microarrays to analyze changes of transcriptome in IMR-32 human neuroblastoma cell cultures treated with doxorubicin (DOX) or a mouse monoclonal antibody binding to GD2 ganglioside 14G2a (mAb) for 24 h. The obtained results highlight that disparate cellular pathways are regulated by doxorubicin and 14G2a. Next, we used RT-PCR to verify mRNA levels of selected DOX-responsive genes such as RPS27L, PPM1D, SESN1, CDKN1A, TNFSF10B, and 14G2a-responsive genes such as SVIL, JUN, RASSF6, TLX2, ID1. Then, we applied western blot and analyzed levels of RPS27L, PPM1D, sestrin 1 proteins after DOX-treatment. Additionally, we aimed to measure effects of doxorubicin and topotecan (TPT) and 14G2a on expression of a novel human NDUFAF2 gene encoding for mimitin protein (MYC-induced mitochondrial protein) and correlate it with expression of the MYCN gene. We showed that expression of both genes was concomitantly decreased in the 14G2a-treated IMR-32 cells after 24 h and 48 h. Our results extend knowledge on gene expression profiles after application of DOX and 14G2a in our model and reveal promising candidates for further research aimed at finding novel anti-neuroblastoma targets

    La réécriture des modèles français et américains dans Cadavres de François Barcelo

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    The article presents François Barcelo’s roman noir “Cadavres” as an attempt at deconstructing the conventions of the literary genre. The definition of a “roman noir” is twofold. On one hand it is a gritty novel narrated by the perpetrator, on the other it delineates the dark side of the society. Barcelo’s novel transgresses the traditional model of the genre by the implementation of metafiction and elements of grotesque. Barcelo creates an original Quebecois crime novel by combining these two characteristics. In order to show the maladjustment and alienation of a social group, he creates an inept villain and transforms the setting of the novel, grotesquely turning an edgy metropolis into a boring provincial town. Thus “Cadavres” goes far beyond the existing French and American models of the black novel. Key words: François Barcelo; roman noir; metafiction; break with convention

    Posttraumatic growth in detained patients with psychosis

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    Praca dotyczy czynników osobowościowych i sytuacyjnych związanych ze wzrostem potraumatycznym u osób chorujących na schizofrenię, które doświadczyły różnego rodzajusytuacji traumatycznych. Grupą badaną były osoby, które popełniły czyn zabroniony i przebywały na detencji (N = 30), a grupą kontrolną pacjenci hospitalizowani w oddziale dziennymrehabilitacji psychiatrycznej (N = 30). Do pomiaru zmiennych użyto: Inwentarza Osobowości NEO-FFI, Inwentarza Potraumatycznego Rozwoju, Kwestionariusza zmiennych społeczno-demograficznych oraz skali BPRS. Grupa badana uzyskała średnio wyższe wyniki w poziomie wzrostu potraumatycznego niż grupa kontrolna. W grupie kontrolnej osoby uzyskały wyższe wyniki w poziomie neurotyczności, z kolei osoby z grupy badanej w poziomie ekstrawersji. Najczęściej wskazywanym wydarzeniem traumatycznym w obu grupach było doświadczenieprzewlekłej choroby.The study concerns the relationship of personality and situational factors with posttraumatic growth in people suffering from schizophrenia who have experienced varioustypes of traumatic events. The study group included people who committed an offense and were detained (N = 30), and the control group – patients hospitalized in the Daily Ward ofPsychiatric Rehabilitation (N = 30). The following tools were used to measure the examined variables: NEO Five-Factor Inventory, Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, sociodemographic variables questionnaire and Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. The study group presented higher results in posttraumatic growth than the control group. Results indicated that patients fromthe control group attained higher results in Neuroticism, however patients from the study group – in Extraversion. In both groups the most frequently indicated traumatic event waschronic disease

    Rozpowszechnienie spożycia alkoholu wśród pacjentów szpitali ogólnych po 60. roku życia

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    Background. In specialist literature more and more frequently we can find the reports about significant percentage of elderly people addicted to drugs and alcohol. The goal of present research was to describe the prevalence of using alcohol and the percentage of people drinking hazardously among general hospitals male patients at the age over 60. Material and methods. In the research the following tools were used: Sociodemographic Questionnaire, Health Screening Survey (HSS), and the CAGE questionnaire. To the study involved 882 elderly men being hospitalized in Warsaw general hospitals. Men at the age of 60 and more were qualified to the research. Results. Upon the received results it can be claimed that the prevalence of using alcohol among general hospitals patients at the age over 60 amounts to 46%. The most people using alcohol occurred in the age group of 60–65. Among elderly male patients 16.5% were drinking alcohol riskily. Conclusions. General hospital stay can be used to identify older people with alcohol problems, in order to give them appropriate assistance. Gerontol. Pol. 2011; 19, 1: 47–52Wstęp. W piśmiennictwie przedmiotu coraz częściej pojawiają się doniesienia na temat znacznego odsetka starszych osób uzależnionych od leków i alkoholu. Celem niniejszego badania było określenie rozpowszechnienia używania alkoholu oraz odsetka osób pijących ryzykownie w grupie mężczyzn po 60. roku życia będących pacjentami szpitala ogólnego. Materiał i metody. Badaniami objęto 882 mężczyzn powyżej 60. roku życia hospitalizowanych w warszawskich szpitalach ogólnych. W badaniu wykorzystano następujące narzędzia: Kwestionariusz Socjodemograficzny, Health Screening Survey (HSS) oraz test CAGE. Wyniki. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników można stwierdzić, że rozpowszechnienie spożycia alkoholu wśród pacjentów szpitali ogólnych powyżej 60. roku życia wynosi 46%. Największe spożycie alkoholu występuje w grupie wiekowej 60–65 lat. Spośród wszystkich pijących alkohol w sposób ryzykowny używało go 16,5%. Wnioski. Pobyt w szpitalu umożliwia lepsze zdiagnozowanie problemu alkoholowego wśród starszych osób, co pozwala na udzielenie im odpowiedniej pomocy. Gerontol. Pol. 2011; 19, 1: 47–5