47 research outputs found

    Impact des pesticides sur la santé humaine

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    International audienceExposure to pesticides may have an impact on human health. It is thought to be linked to the occurrence of neurological or metabolic diseases and certain cancers. The risks can be high in populations exposed in their work environment but remain relatively low in the general population, outside periods of potentially critical periods of vulnerability.L’exposition aux pesticides est susceptible d’avoir un impact sur la santĂ© humaine, avec des effets potentiels sur la survenue de pathologies neurologiques, mĂ©taboliques ou de certains cancers. Les risques peuvent ĂȘtre Ă©levĂ©s pour les sujets professionnellement exposĂ©s mais restent relativement faibles pour la population gĂ©nĂ©rale, en dehors de pĂ©riodes de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© potentiellement critiques

    DNA damage response upon environmental contaminants: an exhausting work for genomic integrity

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    Following exposure to xenobiotics, cellular mechanisms will take place to prevent damages relative to i) DNA, to maintain genome integrity, ii) proteins, to maintain their activities, iii) lipids, to limit peroxidation. This system of cellular defence and resistance is energetically costly. In this commentary review, we discuss the impact of DNA damage and the DNA damage response (DDR) on energetic metabolism. Conversely, we address the question about how energetic metabolism would influence DDR. These points will be highlighted in the context of cancer, in which genome instability and aerobic glycolysis are cancer hallmarks

    Nouvelles stratégies d'évaluation de la toxicité en toxicologie

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    DNA damage response upon environmental contaminants: an exhausting work for genomic integrity

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    International audienceFollowing exposure to xenobiotics, cellular mechanisms will take place to prevent damages relative to i) DNA, to maintain genome integrity, ii) proteins, to maintain their activities, iii) lipids, to limit peroxidation. This system of cellular defence and resistance is energetically costly. In this commentary review, we discuss the impact of DNA damage and the DNA damage response (DDR) on energetic metabolism. Conversely, we address the question about how energetic metabolism would influence DDR. These points will be highlighted in the context of cancer, in which genome instability and aerobic glycolysis are cancer hallmarks

    Nrf2 and AhR in metabolic reprogramming after contaminant exposure

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    Beside their crucial role in xenobiotic biotransformation, AhR and Nrf2 are involved in the regulation of energetic metabolism. Nrf2, as a cytoprotective transcription factor, supply energy for detoxification and antioxidant response. AhR is ligand-activated transcriptional factor implicated in several physiological function. Following pollutant exposure, it acts as a chemosensor to eliminate harmful chemicals. Altogether, AhR and Nrf2 cooperate to contribute to protective responses upon contaminant exposure, including metabolic remodelling. This fine-tuned energetic coupling with detoxification can lead to prominent dysfunction under a chronic exposure to pollutants, and promote a long-term reprogramming that affects multiple cellular activities. In the article, we review the involvement of Nrf2 and AhR in the metabolic adaptations that occur during the short-term cell defence upon toxicant exposure, and in the metabolic reprogramming caused by their sustained activation. We also provide several clues to highlight the potential role of the Nrf2/AhR-induced metabolic changes in environmental carcinogenesis

    Le B-A-BA de la mitochondrie, une cheffe d’orchestre intracellulaire trùs dynamique

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    International audienceMétabolisme énergétique ; Physiopathologie ; Mitotoxicité environnementale Résumé La mitochondrie est considérée comme le centre énergétique de la cellule eucaryote. Toutes les cellules de notre corps en possÚdent, à l'exception des globules rouges chez l'adulte. Au-delà de cette activité énergétique, la mitochondrie contribue à de nombreuses autres fonctions, faisant de l'organite une véritable tour de contrÎle du métabolisme cellulaire. Cette revue présente les principales étapes du fonctionnement et de la régulation des fonctions oxydatives mitochondriales, et l'implication de la mitochondrie dans la signalisation intracellulaire et dans l'apparition de pathologies. Elle se conclut en abordant le concept de mitotoxicité, puisque la mitochondrie est une cible de nombreux polluants environnementaux

    Xenobiotics and their impact on metabolic diseases

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    Metabolic diseases are a growing public health issue. Many pollutants or food contaminants are suspected of contributing to the emergence of these diseases through their action as endocrine disrupters or as obesogens. In this review, we will describe the many pathways of entry of these xenobiotics, from production to food consumption, as well as their various modes of action. We will deal with molecules as diverse as dioxins, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, acrylamide, bisphenols, phthalates as well as several pesticides, some of which are emerging. The variety of these food contaminants also leads us to consider the role of mixtures, their time and period of exposure and the effect of low doses. (C) 2019 Societe francaise de nutrition. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    Effet des acides gras sur l’inflammation et le cancer

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    A substantial body of evidence supports the conclusion that chronic inflammation is a causative factor in a variety of cancers. Inflammatory mediators include metabolites of arachidonic acid, cytokines, chemokines, and free radicals. These mediators increase cell proliferation, mutagenesis, oncogene activation, with ultimately the loss of cell growth control. Among the nutritional factors that can influence inflammation and cancerogenesis, fatty acids are clearly the most directly involved. Indeed, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids exert opposite effects on inflammation and potentially on tumor formation. The present review analyses in a non-exhaustive manner some of the mechanisms that have been proposed to explain how omega-6 can be detrimental while omega-3 have beneficial effects

    Nrf2 and AhR in metabolic reprogramming after contaminant exposure

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    International audienceBeside their crucial role in xenobiotic biotransformation, AhR and Nrf2 are involved in the regulation of energetic metabolism. Nrf2, as a cytoprotective transcription factor, supply energy for detoxification and antioxidant response. AhR is ligand-activated transcriptional factor implicated in several physiological function. Following pollutant exposure, it acts as a chemosensor to eliminate harmful chemicals. Altogether, AhR and Nrf2 cooperate to contribute to protective responses upon contaminant exposure, including metabolic remodelling. This fine-tuned energetic coupling with detoxification can lead to prominent dysfunction under a chronic exposure to pollutants, and promote a long-term reprogramming that affects multiple cellular activities. In the article, we review the involvement of Nrf2 and AhR in the metabolic adaptations that occur during the short-term cell defence upon toxicant exposure, and in the metabolic reprogramming caused by their sustained activation. We also provide several clues to highlight the potential role of the Nrf2/AhR-induced metabolic changes in environmental carcinogenesis. © 201