9 research outputs found

    RTI files Laevitealliocaris xiaheyanensis CNU-NX1-540c telson details

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    The data set proposes a close-up of distal pleon and telson of Laevitealliocaris xiaheyanensis gen. et sp. nov. documented using reflectance transformation imaging (RTI), which allows a modification of light orientation at will to best see fine anatomical details. Particularly interesting views (reproduced in Fig. 2E–H of the associated paper) are bookmarked in the file, so that the user can access them just by a single click

    Appendix on comparative morphology of Knebelia species.

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    This table shows all characters used in the description of the three recognized species of Knebelia Van Straelen, 1922: Knebelia bilobata (Münster, 1839), the type species; Knebelia schuberti (Meyer, 1836); Knebelia totoroi Audo, Schweigert & Charbonnier, in press. Data comes from samples preserved in collections of Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie (Munich, Germany), Jura-Museum (Eichstätt, Germany), 2Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde (Stuttgart, Germany), Museum national d'Histoire naturelle (Paris, France), Natural History Museum (London, United Kingdom) and Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences - Cambridge University (Cambridge, United Kingdom)

    The insect nymph <i>Anebos phrixos</i> gen. et sp. nov. MNHN.F.SOT005630 from the Montceau-les-Mines Lagerstätte, France.

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    <p>A. Dorsal view, showing wingpads. B. Lateral aspect, of note is the orientation of the head and limbs. C. Ventral abdomen demonstrating trilobite underside. D. Anterior view, showing head, antennae and possible maxillary palps, in addition to leg segmentation. Abbreviations: an = antenna; ca = central axis; ce = cerci; e = eye; fe = femur; L1–3 = legs 1–3; lz = lateral zone; mp = maxillary palps (?); ms = mesonotum; mt = metanotum; pn = pronotum; ta = tarsus; ti = tibia; wp = wing pad. All scale bars equal 5 mm.</p

    Proteroctopus in coleoid evolution supplementary material

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    The supplementary material includes CT scan data acquisition, table of measurements, phylogenetic analysis data, characters list, list of synapomorphies and 2 figures (tree with nodes and image of the gills)

    Comparison of images produced by integration of counts in regions of interest and spectral decomposition of the full spectra from the new teleost fish MHNM-KK-OT 03a.

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    <p>(<i>A</i> and <i>B</i>) Images from the integration of counts in regions of interest corresponding to the energy domains of neodymium (<i>A</i>) and gadolinium (<i>B</i>). (<i>C</i> and <i>D</i>) Distributions of neodymium (<i>C</i>) and gadolinium (<i>D</i>) after spectral decomposition of their respective contribution to the full spectra. (<i>E</i>) Mean XRF spectrum (black line) and fit line (red) between 5 and 8 keV from the 9×9 pixels white square area in <i>A</i>, and contributions from iron K lines (orange), neodymium L lines (blue) and gadolinium L lines (green). Total mean XRF spectrum and fit line are given in <i>SI Appendix</i>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0086946#pone.0086946.s003" target="_blank">Fig. S3</a>. The scale bar represents 5 mm.</p

    Discrimination among fossil tissues within the shrimp <i>Cretapenaeus berberus</i> MHNM-KK-OT 01a.

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    <p>(<i>A</i>) Optical photograph of a cross-section through the fourth somite of the shrimp. (<i>B</i>) Close-up from the pleuron located by the black square in <i>A</i>. (<i>C</i> and <i>D</i>) False color overlays of neodymium (red), yttrium (green) and iron (blue) distributions through a full spectral decomposition from <i>A</i> (scan step: 100×100 µm<sup>2</sup>, 13,578 pixels) and <i>B</i> (scan step: 5×5 µm<sup>2</sup>, 13,231 pixels) respectively. The black arrows in <i>A</i> and <i>C</i> localize the digestive tract. The unique scale bar represents 500 µm in <i>A</i> and <i>C</i>, 100 µm in <i>B</i> and <i>D</i>.</p

    Synchrotron X-ray fluorescence mapping of major-to-trace elements in fossils from the OT1 Lagerstätte.

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    <p>(<i>A</i>–<i>C</i>) Optical photographs of the specimen of the shrimp <i>Cretapenaeus berberus</i> MHNM-KK-OT 01a (<i>A</i>), the usual teleost fish MHNM-KK-OT 02 (<i>B</i>) and the newly identified teleost fish MHNM-KK-OT 03a (<i>C</i>). (<i>D</i>–<i>F</i>) False color overlays of elemental distributions reconstructed from a full spectral decomposition of the synchrotron raster-scanning data. (<i>D</i>) False color overlay of neodymium (red), yttrium (green) and iron (blue) distributions from the shrimp (scan step: 100×100 µm<sup>2</sup>, 26,751 pixels). (<i>E</i>) False color overlay of neodymium (red), strontium (green) and iron (blue) distributions from the characteristic teleost fish (scan step: 125×123 µm<sup>2</sup>, 21,120 pixels). (<i>F</i>) False color overlay of neodymium (red), yttrium (green) and iron (blue) distributions from the newly identified teleost fish (scan step: 100×100 µm<sup>2</sup>, 50,851 pixels). Images demonstrate the strong elemental contrast between fossil skeletal and soft tissues. The yellow and red squares in <i>C</i> indicate the two areas that were mapped at higher spatial resolution in Fig. 2. The scale bar is 5 mm and applies to all panels.</p

    Microscale visualization of previously indiscernible anatomical details from the new teleost fish MHNM-KK-OT 03a using synchrotron XRF mapping.

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    <p>(<i>A</i>) Close-up of its jaws from the red square in Fig. 1<i>B</i>. (<i>B</i>) Close-up on the area from the yellow square in Fig. 1<i>B</i>. (<i>C</i>–<i>D</i>) False color overlays of elemental distributions reconstructed from a full spectral decomposition of the synchrotron data. (<i>C</i>) False color overlay of phosphorous (red), yttrium (green) and potassium (blue) distributions from the jaws area <i>A</i>, allowing the visualization of hidden teeth (scan step: 10×10 µm<sup>2</sup>, 28,650 pixels). (<i>D</i>) False color overlay of neodymium (red), yttrium (green) and iron (blue) distributions from the area <i>B</i>, showing hidden fin rays back to the cleithrum (scan step: 5×5 µm<sup>2</sup>, 32,361 pixels). The unique scale bar represents 500 µm in <i>A</i> and <i>C</i>, 50 µm in <i>B</i> and <i>D</i>.</p

    Statistical discrimination of synchrotron XRF data from distinct tissues in the characteristic teleost fish MHNM-KK-OT 02.

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    <p>(<i>A</i>–<i>D</i>) False color representations of the Kullback-Leibler divergence of spectral densities of each pixel from that of the pixel located at the center of the white circle, respectively characteristic of bone (<i>A</i>), muscle (<i>B</i>), rest of the body (<i>C</i>) and sedimentary matrix (<i>D</i>). The color scale goes from blue (for high similarity to the selected pixel) to red (high divergence) going through yellow. (<i>E</i>–<i>H</i>) Weighting maps for each of the selected pixels. White correspond to pixels that were ignored, grey to black are increasing weights from 0.8 to 1. (<i>I</i>) Measured spectral density (grey) and its denoised estimation (red) for the pixel characteristic of bone (<i>A</i> and <i>E</i>). (<i>J</i>–<i>L</i>) Pairwise comparisons of denoised estimates of the spectral densities for the pixels indicated on each figure: superposition of the estimated spectral densities (top) and log-ratio of the spectral densities (bottom, amplitude being the absolute log ratio, color at a given energy corresponding to the higher spectral density for this energy). Dots correspond respectively, going from low to high energy, to the L of erbium (7.811 keV), the L of ytterbium (8.402 keV) and K emission lines of strontium (14.165 keV). The scale bar represents 5 mm.</p