2 research outputs found

    Ville et Evenement : Analyse de l’inscription Territoriale de la « Fete du 15 Aout » Dans la Ville de Savalou (Centre Benin)

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    Les villes accueillent souvent des Ă©vènements qui, de par leur nature et les manifestations qu’ils engendrent, marquent la trame urbaine et contribuent au dĂ©veloppement local. Le but de la prĂ©sente recherche est d’analyser l’inscription territoriale de la « fĂŞte du 15 aoĂ»t », le plus important Ă©vènement qu’accueille, chaque annĂ©e, la ville de Savalou. L’approche mĂ©thodologique adoptĂ©e combine les recherches documentaires notamment sur la thĂ©matique ville et Ă©vènement, les enquĂŞtes de terrain Ă  travers l’observation participante des manifestations des Ă©ditions 2019 et 2021 de la fĂŞte du 15 aoĂ»t, les entretiens semi directifs avec les autoritĂ©s communales et les questionnaires avec les promoteurs de rĂ©ceptifs hĂ´teliers, de restaurants ainsi que quelques forains et visiteurs urbains. Au total, 173 personnes ont Ă©tĂ© interrogĂ©es dans le cadre de cette recherche. Ces personnes ont Ă©tĂ© retenues par la mĂ©thode de choix raisonnĂ©. Les mĂ©thodes d’analyse de contenu et de statistiques descriptives ont permis de traiter les donnĂ©es et informations recueillies et le modèle SWOT ou FFOM (Forces, Faiblesses, OpportunitĂ©s et Menaces) a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour analyser les rĂ©sultats obtenus. Il ressort des analyses que cinq (05) manifestations clĂ©s sont organisĂ©es dans le cadre de la « fĂŞte du 15 aoĂ»t » : il s’agit du rituel d’autorisation de la consommation des nouvelles ignames, la Grande Foire Artisanale de Savalou (GFAS), l’élection de Miss Savalou (la plus belle fille de la Commune de Savalou), la finale de la coupe de football de la commune et les concerts. Au plan spatial, l’évènement se dĂ©roule en plusieurs lieux Ă  savoir le palais royal, la paroisse de l’église catholique, la maison des jeunes, le stade omnisport de la ville, la place Soha et le site de la foire. Il n’existe pas une structure officielle qui assure le portage de l’évènement ; chaque manifestation est organisĂ©e par un acteur donnĂ© sans qu’aucune coordination ne soit mise en place. Par ailleurs, très peu de recettes sont collectĂ©es par la mairie Ă  l’occasion de cet Ă©vènement. On en dĂ©duit que l’évènement profite financièrement plus aux acteurs privĂ©s qu’à la municipalitĂ©.   Cities often host events which, by their nature and the events they generate, mark the urban fabric and contribute to local development. The aim of this research is to analyze the territorial inscription of the "feast of August 15", the most important event hosted each year by the city of Savalou. The methodological approach adopted combines documentary research, in particular on the city and event theme, field surveys through the participant observation of the events of the 2019 and 2021 editions of the August 15 festival, semi-structured interviews with the municipal authorities and questionnaires with the promoters of hotel receptives, restaurants as well as a few fairgrounds and urban visitors. A total of 173 people were interviewed for this research. These people were selected by the reasoned choice method. The methods of content analysis and descriptive statistics were used to process the data and information collected and the SWOT or SWOT model (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) was used to analyze the results obtained. It emerges from the analyzes that five (05) key events are organized within the framework of the “feast of August 15”: it is about the ritual of authorization of the consumption of new yams, the Great Artisanal Fair of Savalou (GFAS) , the election of Miss Savalou (the most beautiful girl in the Municipality of Savalou), the final of the municipal football cup and the concerts. Spatially, the event takes place in several locations, namely the Royal Palace, the parish of the Catholic Church, the youth center, the city's sports stadium, Soha Square and the site of the fair. There is no official structure that ensures the portering of the event; each event is organized by a given actor without any coordination being put in place. In addition, very little revenue is collected by the town hall during this event. We deduce that the event financially benefits private actors more than the municipality

    Importance Socioculturelle Des Produits Forestiers Non Ligneux Du Massif Forestier D’agoua Au Benin

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    The aim of this research is to analyze the socio-cultural importance of non-ligneous forest products (NWFPs) in the forest of Agoua, located in the department of Hills in Benin. This research led to an inventory of NWFPs and ethnobotanical surveys among 50 foresters, 62 NWFP resellers, 46 consumers and 12 phytotherapists. The data collected relate to the plant species used as NWFPs by populations living on the massif of Agoua, to endogenous knowledge and to the use values of NWFPs. Thus, 105 plant species distributed in 48 families have been inventoried within the forest massif of Agoua. The determination of the different categories of NWFP uses revealed that 61 (58.09%) of the total number of plant species surveyed were used in traditional medicine, 30 in food (28.57%), 28 for various domestic uses (26.57%), 8 for building materials (7.61%), 6 for packaging (5.71%) and 4 for coloring (3.8%). The organs taken by the populations vary from one species to another and according to the use they make of them. In fact, it is the leaves, fruits, barks, flowers and roots that are used by the populations bordering the forest of Agoua. The excessive exploitation of NWFPs by the populations bordering on the Agoua forest is the cause of the decline and disappearance of these plant species with a high genetic and socio-cultural potential. The aggravation of this phenomenon with population growth may be detrimental to the sustainability of this forest ecosystem. In order to reduce the effects of such use, it is necessary to implement methods and collection rates that respect the sustainability of these resources