4,216 research outputs found

    Flexstab on the IBM 360

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    FLEXSTAB, an array of computer programs developed on CDC equipment, has been converted to operate on the IBM 360 computation system. Instructions for installing, validating, and operating FLEXSTAB on the IBM 360 are included. Hardware requirements are itemized and supplemental materials describe JCL sequences, the CDC to IBM conversion, the input output subprograms, and the interprogram data flow

    Dominant particle-hole contributions to the phonon dynamics in the spinless one-dimensional Holstein model

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    In the spinless Holstein model at half-filling the coupling of electrons to phonons is responsible for a phase transition from a metallic state at small coupling to a Peierls distorted insulated state when the electron-phonon coupling exceeds a critical value. For the adiabatic case of small phonon frequencies, the transition is accompanied by a phonon softening at the Brillouin zone boundary whereas a hardening of the phonon mode occurs in the anti-adiabatic case. The phonon dynamics studied in this letter do not only reveal the expected renormalization of the phonon modes but also show remarkable additional contributions due to electronic particle-hole excitations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures and 1 table included; v2: discussion of Luttinger liquid parameters adde

    Phase separation in the Edwards model

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    The nature of charge transport within a correlated background medium can be described by spinless fermions coupled to bosons in the model introduced by Edwards. Combining numerical density matrix renormalization group and analytical projector-based renormalization methods we explore the ground-state phase diagram of the Edwards model in one dimension. Below a critical boson frequency any long-range order disappears and the system becomes metallic. If the charge carriers are coupled to slow quantum bosons the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid is attractive and finally makes room for a phase separated state, just as in the t-J model. The phase boundary separating repulsive from the attractive Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid is determined from long-wavelength charge correlations, whereas fermion segregation is indicated by a vanishing inverse compressibility. On approaching phase separation the photoemission spectra develop strong anomalies.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, final versio

    Coexistence of superconductivity and charge-density waves in a two-dimensional Holstein model at half-filling

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    In one dimension the coupling of electrons to phonons leads to a transition from a metallic to a Peierls distorted insulated state if the coupling exceeds a critical value. On the other hand, in two dimensions the electron-phonon interaction may also lead to the formation of Cooper pairs. This competition of superconductivity and charge order (in conjunction with a lattice distortion) is studied in this letter by means of the projector-based renormalization method (PRM). Increasing the electron-phonon interaction, we find a crossover behavior between a purely superconducting state and a charge-density wave where a well-defined parameter range of coexistence of superconductivity and lattice distortion exists.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Constructive procedures to solve 2-dimensional bin packing problems with irregular pieces and guillotine cuts

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    This paper presents an approach for solving a new real problem in cutting and packing. At its core is an innovative mixed integer programme model that places irregular pieces and defines guillotine cuts. The two-dimensional irregular shape bin packing problem with guillotine constraints arises in the glass cutting industry, for example, the cutting of glass for conservatories. Almost all cutting and packing problems that include guillotine cuts deal with rectangles only, where all cuts are orthogonal to the edges of the stock sheet and a maximum of two angles of rotation are permitted. The literature tackling packing problems with irregular shapes largely focuses on strip packing i.e. minimizing the length of a single fixed width stock sheet, and does not consider guillotine cuts. Hence, this problem combines the challenges of tackling the complexity of packing irregular pieces with free rotation, guaranteeing guillotine cuts that are not always orthogonal to the edges of the stock sheet, and allocating pieces to bins. To our knowledge only one other recent paper tackles this problem. We present a hybrid algorithm that is a constructive heuristic that determines the relative position of pieces in the bin and guillotine constraints via a mixed integer programme model. We investigate two approaches for allocating guillotine cuts at the same time as determining the placement of the piece, and a two phase approach that delays the allocation of cuts to provide flexibility in space usage. Finally we describe an improvement procedure that is applied to each bin before it is closed. This approach improves on the results of the only other publication on this problem, and gives competitive results for the classic rectangle bin packing problem with guillotine constraint

    Spectral signatures of the BCS-BEC crossover in the excitonic insulator phase of the extended Falicov-Kimball model

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    We explore the spontaneous formation of an excitonic insulator state at the semimetal-semiconductor transition of mixed-valence materials in the framework of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model with direct ff-ff electron hopping. Adapting the projector-based renormalization method, we obtain a set of renormalization differential equations for the extended Falicov-Kimball model parameters and finally derive analytical expressions for the order parameter, as well as for the renormalized cc- and ff-electron dispersions, momentum distributions, and wave-vector resolved single-particle spectral functions. Our numerical results proved the valence transition picture, related to the appearance of the excitonic insulator phase, in the case of overlapping cc and ff bands. Thereby the photoemission spectra show significant differences between the weak-to-intermediate and intermediate-to-strong Coulomb attraction regimes, indicating a BCS-BEC transition of the excitonic condensate.Comment: final version, minor corrections in the text, references update

    Solar Flux Emergence Simulations

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    We simulate the rise through the upper convection zone and emergence through the solar surface of initially uniform, untwisted, horizontal magnetic flux with the same entropy as the non-magnetic plasma that is advected into a domain 48 Mm wide from from 20 Mm deep. The magnetic field is advected upward by the diverging upflows and pulled down in the downdrafts, which produces a hierarchy of loop like structures of increasingly smaller scale as the surface is approached. There are significant differences between the behavior of fields of 10 kG and 20 or 40 kG strength at 20 Mm depth. The 10 kG fields have little effect on the convective flows and show little magnetic buoyancy effects, reaching the surface in the typical fluid rise time from 20 Mm depth of 32 hours. 20 and 40 kG fields significantly modify the convective flows, leading to long thin cells of ascending fluid aligned with the magnetic field and their magnetic buoyancy makes them rise to the surface faster than the fluid rise time. The 20 kG field produces a large scale magnetic loop that as it emerges through the surface leads to the formation of a bipolar pore-like structure.Comment: Solar Physics (in press), 12 pages, 13 figur
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