8 research outputs found
Solusi Pendidikan Islam terhadap aspek-aspek problematis pada MOOCs
Education that is developing now with the help of the latest technological tools has been able to represent educators in educational institutions. Education is no longer limited only by walls and blackboards, education is now more flexible and flexible, as is the case with MOOCs teaching methods which are predicted to be fierce competitors of traditional learning methods. The purpose of this study is to analyze the negative aspects of MOOCs and how Islam views them as a medium and a teaching and learning tool. In this study, qualitative descriptive research methods and library research are used to make it easier to describe the discussion. In addition, data analysis techniques use data presentation and conclusion. The results of this study indicate that educational methods may change but the cultivation of Adab and noble character which is the core of Islamic education should also not be forgotten so that students are not only smart but also have a noble and civilized character toward their Creator.AbstrakPendidikan yang berkembang sekarang dengan dibantu alat teknologi yang mutakhir telah mampu mewakilkan para pendidik di institusi pendidikan. Pendidikan tidak lagi hanya dibatasi oleh dinding dan papan tulis, pendidikan sekarang lebih lentur dan fleksibel, seperti halnya metode pengajaran MOOCs yang diprediksi akan menjadi pesaing berat dari metode pembelajaran tradisional. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis aspek-aspek negatif dari MOOCs dan bagaimana Islam memandangnya sebagai media dan alat belajar mengajar. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dan library research agar mudah menguraikan pembahasan. Selain itu, Teknik analisis data dengan menggunakan penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode pendidikan bisa saja berubah tetapi penanaman adab dan akhlak mulia yang menjadi inti pendidikan Islam juga tidak boleh dilupakan agar peserta didik tidak hanya pintar tetapi juga berakhlak mulia dan beradab kepada Penciptanya
Konsep pendidikan Islam dalam mewujudkan gerakan Ishlah menurut Majid ‘Irsan Al Kilani
Currently, many Muslim scientists, especially in the field of education, rely on western science which is materialistic-secular. This is triggered by the feeling of inferiority of Muslims to the west, which in fact is a developed country. Of course, this has negative consequences for Muslims, such as deconstructing sharia and so on. Therefore, an ishlah movement is needed through education so that Muslims can rise up, as happened in the time of Saladin al Ayyubi when he retook Palestine from the hands of the crusaders. The purpose of this study is to find out how the concept of Islamic education by Majid 'Irsan al Kilani in an ishlah movement by referring to the success of Muslims in the time of Saladin al Ayubi. The research method used is library research by analyzing the works of al Kilani and several other educational figures. The results of the study state that the concept of al Kilani's Islamic education, namely the ishlah movement, can be an alternative to improve the condition of Muslims whose minds are still colonized by western civilization.Abstrak                                  Saat ini, banyak ilmuwan Muslim, khususnya di bidang pendidikan, mengandalkan sains barat yang materialistis-sekuler. Hal ini dipicu oleh perasaan rendah diri umat Islam terhadap barat, yang notabene merupakan negara maju. Tentu hal ini berdampak negatif bagi umat Islam, seperti dekonstruksi syariah dan sebagainya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan gerakan Ishlah melalui pendidikan agar umat Islam dapat bangkit, seperti yang terjadi pada masa Saladin al Ayyubi ketika merebut kembali Palestina dari tangan tentara salib. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana konsep pendidikan Islam menurut Majid 'Irsan al Kilani dalam gerakan Ishlah dengan mengacu pada keberhasilan umat Islam pada masa Saladin al Ayubi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan dengan menganalisis karya-karya al Kilani dan beberapa tokoh pendidikan lainnya. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa konsep pendidikan Islam al Kilani yakni gerakan Ishlah dapat menjadi alternatif untuk memperbaiki kondisi umat Islam yang pikirannya masih terjajah oleh peradaban barat
The Effect of Divorce on Parents on The Ethics of Class 3 XIIA Students at State Vocational High School 2 Ponorogo
This study aims to determine the impact of divorce perents on Akhlak of students in SMKN 2 Ponorogo. The problems at SMKN 2 Ponorogo based on theresults of the preliminary research showed that the students whose parents divorcedat Ponorogo State Vocational High School was very much, of the total 1,075 students,about 90 students whose parents were divorced and about 130 students who werebroken home or his parents separated but not yet officially divorced. Based on thesubject matter studied, the impact of divorce on the Akhlak students in SMKN 2Ponorogo, the researchers used qualitative research, because the qualitativedescriptive method was the problem solving procedure investigated by describing thestate of the subject of research based on facts in the field. Data collection includessemi-structured interviews, observation and documentation. As for analyzing thedata, researchers used 3 techniques, namely data reduction, data display, andconclusion drawing. The results of this study reveal that there are 2 kinds effects ofparental divorce on students' morals or behaviors in school, the first is the positiveinfluence that students vent the divorce problem of both parents to study harder sothat they get good grades and become one of the outstanding students and the secondnegative influences are students becoming more reserved, lonely and arrogant. Thesolution for the child who is divorced is to maintain communication with both parents,show achievements to their parents, and maintain the full attention of both parents.This research also reveals that one of the causes divorce is economic problems andinfidelity
The Concept of Education Planning in an Islamic Framework
This study aims to explore the scientific treasures of Islam, especially in the Qur’an, Sunnah and Shirah Nabawiyah in formulating the ideal Islamic education planning concept along with examples of Islamic educational institutions that have been successful in planning so that they can become references for other Islamic educational institutions. This study uses descriptive qualitative research with data sources from Islamic literature. The results show that planning is a systematic and rational process by analyzing alternatives and any developments in Islamic education in an organization in order to achieve optimal goals in accordance with the worldview of Islam. Islam teaches that all aspects of life must be sourced from primary sources, in several verses of the Qur'an, Sunnah and Shirah Nabawiyah, it has been explained about the core concepts of a comprehensive Islamic education planning. Therefore, planning for Islamic education must be aimed at the interests of society and oriented towards the world and the hereafter
High School Extracurricular Program Design: An Effort to Face the Challenges of Contemporary Thinking in Indonesia
This article aimed to design an extracurricular program in the field of Islamic thought for the high school (SMA) level in Indonesia. This design is in order to face the challenges of thinking from the West. The program is very urgent ‎because these challenges also have an impact on Muslim youth, who are ‎looking for an identity. The research focuses on the educational curriculum at Pesantren At-Taqwa Depok. Where this object is used as a reference for compiling and formulating the design of extracurricular programs in the field of Islamic thought at the (SMA) level. This research is qualitative research with primary data sources obtained from interviews and field observations (field research). The data is used to analyze and describe educational programs and curricula at Pesantren At-Taqwa Depok. The results of the study found that the extracurricular design in the field of thought was based on the concept of al-Tawâssut wa al-'Itidâl and the concept of Ashlaḥa wa 'Mua'shirah. The extracurricular program in the field of thought aimed to produce superior adabi people, broad-minded about Islam and in accordance with the Islamic worldview. This program is actualized in two forms, the first being organizers or forums for developing student potential in a field of thought called the Student-Insight Development Forum. Second, they are programs and activities, such as book sharing, book studies and thematic studies