12 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyze the influence of relationship Customer Relationship Marketing Program on Customer Satisfaction. To analyze the influence of customer satisfaction on customer retention. To analyze Customer Satisfaction can mediate the influence of the Customer Relationship Marketing Program on Customer Retention. In this study, the population was used, namely all the customers of CV Vapor City, which were 150 respondents. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling method by determining certain criteria to be used as research samples. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, the conclusions in this study are Customer Relationship Marketing Program positive effect on Customer Satisfaction. The results of this study are supported by respondents' responses to the Rel Customer Relationship Marketing Program variable which gets an average value of 3.682, which means that respondents agree with the statement on the Customer Relationship Marketing Program variable, Customer Satisfaction positive effect on Customer Retention. The results of this study are supported by respondents' responses to the Customer Satisfaction variable which gets an average value of 3.682, which means that the majority of respondents agree with the statement submitted on the Customer Satisfaction variable, and the variables of Customer Satisfaction can mediate the influence of the Customer Relationship Marketing Program on Customer Retentio

    Usability Evaluation of Online Educational Applications in COVID-19

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    COVID-19 is a pandemic faced by almost every country in the world, this has resulted in health crisis. Due to COVID-19, all the countries around the world have decided to close all educational institutes to prevent this pandemic. Educational institutes have taken every possible measure to minimize the impact of the closure of schools and introduce the concept of an online education system which is not only a massive shock for parents but it also affects the children's learning process and social life. The educational applications (Apps) are very important, because they offer more opportunities for development and growth to society. In this pandemic situation, educational Apps like Zoom, HEC LMS, Google Classroom, and Skype, etc. are the need of the hour when everything goes online. In this paper, the usability features of online educational Apps are thoroughly discussed including the effectiveness and usability for students. Using the results obtained from the survey, this paper observes the student's perspective of usefulness of online educational Apps in student’s learning process of different age groups. It also analyzes the easiness for students to understand, interact and use these Apps

    A Concurrence Study on Interoperability Issues in IoT and Decision Making Based Model on Data and Services being used during Inter-Operability

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    The Internet-of-Things (IoT) has become an important topic among researchers owing to its potential to change the way we live and use smart devices. In recent years, many research work found in the world are interrelated and convey via the existing web structure which makes a worldwide system called IoT. This study focused on the significant improvement of answers for a wider scope of gadgets and the Internet of Things IoT stages in recent years. In any case, each arrangement gives its very own IoT framework, gadgets, APIs, and information configurations promoting interoperability issues. These issues are the outcome of numerous basic issues, difficulty to create IoT application uncovering cross-stage, and additionally cross-space, trouble in connecting non-interoperable IoT gadgets to various IoT stages, what's more, eventually averts the development of IoT innovation at an enormous scale. To authorize consistent data sharing between various IoT vendors, endeavors by a few academia, industrial, and institutional groups have accelerated to support IoT interoperability. This paper plays out a far-reaching study on the cutting-edge answers for encouraging interoperability between various IoT stages. Likewise, the key difficulties in this theme are introduced

    Private firms’ adaptation to climate change within the context of developing countries: a pitch

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    This short paper applies the pitch template developed by Faff (2015b), for a proposed strategy research topic that investigates private power and electricity firm’s adaptation to climate change within the context of a developing country. I begin by giving a brief background to writing the pitch. I then give a brief commentary on my pitch, followed by a few key personal reflections on the pitch exercise itself

    A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Advertisements of Unilever Pakistan Limited

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    The present study observed the advertisement of Unilever Pakistan Limited from the angle of critical discourse analysis. The study primarily concerned with the usage of language in the commercials of Unilever Pakistan and the tactics used by the advertisers to attract and convince the consumers to buy their products. The analysis of this study is based on Norman Fairclough three-dimensional framework. It determines how the ideology of ‘home and personal care’ is used in the advertisements of Unilever Pakistan Limited. Qualitative research was done on the three advertisements of Unilever’s major products. The outcomes showed that promoters employed different techniques to grasp the attention of their consumers. The commercials lead the people to think that whatever is shown to them is based on reality. This study also demonstrated that the ideology of “home and personal care’ in the commercials of Unilever Pakistan is dominant, and the products of Unilever are mandatory to lead a better life. The language of the commercials is used to govern the minds of the people

    Examining the role of social media in shaping modern storytelling

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    This study investigates the influence of social media on contemporary storytelling, specifically analysing narrative frameworks, audience engagement, and the culture of active participation. Survey data shows that social media has a substantial impact on storytelling practices by making the process more accessible to everyone and giving a platform to a wider range of viewpoints. Novel formats such as microfiction are created and influenced by social media metrics, which play a vital role in affecting the creation and reception of stories. Ensuring ethical standards is crucial for preserving genuineness, and involving the audience improves the storytelling experience. The capacity of social media to catalyse social transformation is recognised, despite intrinsic obstacles. In general, social media is widely regarded in a favourable light due to its ability to promote genuineness, interaction, and content created by users. Suggestions encompass endorsing ethical conduct, fostering cooperation, assisting emerging writers, harnessing user-generated material, utilising data analysis, campaigning for transparency in algorithms, and investing in research to increase social media storytelling