22 research outputs found


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    Background: Contraception is an important intervention to reduce burden of unwanted pregnancy and promote healthy living among women. Objectives: To find out the postpartum contraceptive usage and identify the different variables which affect the postpartum contraception among the rural females of Bareilly district. Methods: The cross sectional study was carried out in randomly selected villages of Bhojipura Block of Bareilly district, Uttar Pradesh. All women who had delivered within last one year were interviewed by house to house survey to collect data regarding socio-demographic characteristics and contraceptive use by structured questionnaire. A total of 123 women participated in the study. Chi- square test was used to analyze data. Results: Only 13.8% mothers adopted postpartum contraception. Lack of knowledge (32.5%) and young infant being breastfed (28.5%) were the common reasons of not using any contraceptive method. Contraceptive use was higher amongst females aged less than 30 years and those belonging to middle socioeconomic class and nuclear families. The significant influence of the women’ educational status on utilization of family planning methods was observed (p<0.05). Conclusions: Low percent of postpartum contraceptive use indicates the need for improving awareness among the study population

    Are menstrual knowledge outcome scores similar among rural and urban girls?

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    Background: Adolescent girls constitute a vulnerable group particularly in India where menstruation is still regarded as something dirty and messy. The cultural and social influences appear to be hurdle for advancement of knowledge of the subject. This results in adverse health outcomes in these adolescent girls. Awareness about menstruation and hygienic practices followed during menstruation are of immense importance as it has a health impact in terms of increased vulnerability to reproductive tract infection.Aim: a) To assess and compare the knowledge regarding menstruation in rural and urban adolescent girls. b) To associate the findings with the selected socio-demographic variables.Subjects and methods: A community based, cross sectional study was undertaken among 715 adolescent schools going girls in the field practice area of the RHTC and UHTC of Department of Community Medicine, District Bareilly. A pre-designed, pretested structured questionnaire was used in the study regarding knowledge and perception of the school going girls regarding menstruation.Results: Majority of the girls had first heard of menstruation and acquired knowledge related to it before attaining menarche (72.45%). The major source of information was from their mothers and sisters (60.6%). Maximum number of girls was not aware of the source of bleeding (53.7%). Statistically significant difference with knowledge scores was seen in girls of higher standards, maternal literacy and father’s occupation.Conclusion: Several factors are known to influence menstrual behaviour, the most significant being maternal literacy and father’s occupation. Imparting knowledge about menstruation and safe practices during menstruation is necessary to mitigate the suffering of adolescent girls. Therefore promoting positive attitudes towards management of menstruation and related problems among the adolescent girls is the need of the hour.Keywords: Menstruation, Knowledge, Perceptio

    Efficacy and safety of panchgavya GHRIT along with flunarizine in prophylaxis for migraine patients: a comparitive study

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    Background: Propranolol and flunarizine have proven to be useful tools in migraine prophylaxis. This trial aims the comparison of the efficacy of flunarizine, flunarizine and placebo and flunarizine and panchgavya ghrit in migraine prophylaxis.Methods: The present study was a prospective, randomized, open-label, blinded-endpoint trial. Patients with chronic migraine were randomized (1:1:1) to flunarizine and flunarizine and placebo and flunarizine and panchgavya ghrit in three treatment groups. The study was carried out in outdoor patients in the department of Psychiatry, T.S. Mishra Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow and K.G.M.U, Ayush Department, Lucknow after clearance from Institutional Ethical Committee. Data was analysed using SPSS software.Results: The prevalence of migraine was found to be higher in the age group greater than 30 years and females. Overall there was more reduction in CGI scores in flunarizine with panchgavya ghrit and the other two groups equally at the end of 4, 6 8 and 10 weeks. Decrease in MIDAS score was observed after the therapy. Clinical Global Impression rating scale employed revealed that to start with subjects scored 7 which stands for pathology interfering in many life functions which reduced drastically in Group C as compared to Group B and Group A in descending order. Pain scales namely VAS (visual analogue scale), NPRS (Numeric Pain Rating Scale), VRS (verbal rating scale) when employed denoted there was decreased migraine frequency, decreased perception of pain, less intake of abortive medication consumed by subjects implying there were reduction in number of migraine days and there was decrease in the abortive medications taken for the same. Group C scored better on pain scales followed by Group B and Group A. Lower proportion of individuals in group C had Behavioural Toxicity and Neurological Side effects as compared to Group A and B.Conclusions: Panch gavya ghrit when administered along with flunarizine was more efficacious and safe when compared with other two groups. However large multicentric RCTs of long duration and involving more number of subjects are required to ascertain these facts

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a severe illness caused by  Ebola viruses affecting man and non human primates.  This Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF) or simply Ebola, is often deadly in nature. The virus is transmitted to man from wild animals such as fruit bats. It is thought that fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family are natural Ebola virus host and act as normal carrier in nature. The WHO affirmed the EVD outbreak as a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” on August 8th, 2014. EVD is manifested by fever, fatigue, muscle, pain, headache, and sore throat. There is no proven treatment for Ebola. Simple interventions can significantly improve chances of survival. Supportive treatment includes rehydration with fluids and body salts.. EVD has a risk of death in those infected, between 25% and 90%. Rapid geographic dissemination, nonspecific clinical presentation, lack of vaccine, and specific diagnostic test are the possible challenges to combat this dreaded public health menace. Hand hygiene is the most effective way to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus. Ebola vaccine candidates against Ebola have been developed in the decade prior to 2014, but none have yet been approved for clinical use in humans. Most recently, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has approved the first ever Ebola vaccine (rVSV-ZEBOV-GP vaccine). This development has been appreciated from all the corners as it is in the interest of mankind and will always be considered as an important milestone in the field of public health. &nbsp


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    Background: Contraception is an important intervention to reduce burden of unwanted pregnancy and promote healthy living among women. Objectives: To find out the postpartum contraceptive usage and identify the different variables which affect the postpartum contraception among the rural females of Bareilly district. Methods: The cross sectional study was carried out in randomly selected villages of Bhojipura Block of Bareilly district, Uttar Pradesh. All women who had delivered within last one year were interviewed by house to house survey to collect data regarding socio-demographic characteristics and contraceptive use by structured questionnaire. A total of 123 women participated in the study. Chi- square test was used to analyze data. Results: Only 13.8% mothers adopted postpartum contraception. Lack of knowledge (32.5%) and young infant being breastfed (28.5%) were the common reasons of not using any contraceptive method. Contraceptive use was higher amongst females aged less than 30 years and those belonging to middle socioeconomic class and nuclear families. The significant influence of the women’ educational status on utilization of family planning methods was observed (p<0.05). Conclusions: Low percent of postpartum contraceptive use indicates the need for improving awareness among the study population

    Aerosols exposure and respiratory morbidity among dental health care Professionals of Lucknow

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    Introduction: Dentists use high-energy equipment, such as drills and scalers in the presence of bodily fluids such as blood and saliva, and dental plaque. This combined effect generates aerosols of oral micro-organisms, and blood. Objective: To determine the prevalence of respiratory morbidities and practices for protection against aerosols exposure at work place among dental health care professionals in District Lucknow. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved private dental practitioners registered with Indian Dental Association chosen by Simple Random Sampling. Dentists who gave consent and who were practicing for at least 1 year were included. Aerosol exposure and respiratory morbidity was assessed using a self-administered questionnaire. SPSS software version 16.0 was used for data analysis. Results: Total number of study participants were 0. Mean age in years of study subjects were 33.5 ±11.6. Their average years of involvement in clinical practice were 10.0 ±12.75. Majority of dental practitioners used hand scalers (70%) and power scalers (80%) on patients. A higher proportion changed their masks by the day (60%).&nbsp; Majority used protective eye goggles (70%). Only 30% used high efficiency particulate room filters while 20% used humidifiers and air purification systems. One fifth of respondents usually had cough. Conclusion: Respiratory morbidity is associated with workplace generated aerosol among dental health professionals. Awareness regarding occupational exposure and implementation of preventive strategies is required to provide a safe working environment

    Impact of Playing Violent Video Games Among School Going Children

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    Introduction: Children who play violent video games can become violent and aggressive. An aggressive emotional change in their behavior and deviation in academic performance is usually noticed. Aim: To assess the impact of violent video games playing among school going adolescents. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among a random sample of 400 adolescents recruited from four selected English medium schools of a City of Northern India by convenient sampling. Each student was interviewed by using a self-structured questionnaire which covered demographics,&nbsp;video&nbsp;gaming behaviors, and effects of&nbsp;video&nbsp;game playing on adolescents. Statistical Analysis: Collected data were entered in Microsoft Excel and subjected to suitable statistical tests. Results: 83.75% of the participants play video games while 1/3rd preferred to play violent games. 72.24% of the parents did not monitor the video game content of their children. Both boys (58.56%) and girls (17.12%) got aggressive during parent’s interference while playing violent video games. Most of the male (62.07%) were willing to apply actions of violent video games in real life. About 63.21% male violent video gamers showed poor academic performance as compared to girls (33.33%). Conclusion: Adolescents and their parents should be updated about the negative impact of excessive video game playing on health and psychosocial functioning