19 research outputs found

    Emergency Response of Indian Hajj Medical Mission to Heat Illness Among Indian Pilgrims in Tent-Clinics at Mina and Arafat During Hajj, 2016

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    Introduction: Extreme heat claims more lives than all other weather-related exposures combined. Hajj rituals at Mina, Arafat, and Muzdalifah involve a minimally-clothed, moving assemblage of 3.5 million pilgrims who are exposed to a harsh, hot, desert climate during physically challenging outdoor rituals and unsheltered night stays, rendering them prone to heat illness, dehydration, and sunburn. This cross-sectional study assessed the emergency response of the Indian Hajj Medical Mission to overwhelming heat illnesses in Mina and Arafat among Indian pilgrims during Hajj, 2016. Methods: In 2016, 88 patients affected by the heat were brought to central tent-clinics at 36 maktabs in Mina and Arafat that were established by the Indian Hajj Medical Mission. Patients were offered rapid external evaporative cooling (wet towels) and cold intravenous saline infusion on patient couches and wheelchairs. Results: The incidence of heat illness among Indian pilgrims in 2016 was 0.62/1000. The ratio of males to females was 1.8:1. Mean ages of males and females were 62.2 ± 7.43 and 52.6 ± 9.3, respectively. Pre-existing conditions, such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension, were present in 93.2% of the patients. The most common presentations included hyperthermia, fatigue, and restlessness. Heatstroke presented in five patients and resulted in one fatality. Twenty-eight patients were referred to Saudi hospitals, and 12 of them were institutionalized. Exertion related to the stoning of Satan ritual during late morning and afternoon hours was the leading cause of heat illness. Conclusion: The overwhelming incidence of heat illness among Indian pilgrims in the critical five-day period of the Hajj represents the tip of the iceberg as the Hajj attracts over 3.5 million pilgrims from 200 countries annually. Heat illness is difficult to manage in the presence of pre-existing comorbidities and mandates clientele education and outreach warning systems to enhance resilience capital amongst Hajj pilgrims, sportspersons, outdoor enthusiasts, and military personnel

    An E-Commerce based Web Portal to Support Customize Clothes for Obese People

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    Obesity is growing day by day all over the world. It is a global problem affecting both male and female worldwide. In mall and market, most of the clothes available are of standard size (small, medium, large). People, who are obese or overweight, have a problem to find properly fitting clothes. They have only one option, which is to manually stitch the clothes through tailors. In this context, we are going to propose a web portal architecture to customize clothing making system for obese people. Through our web portal interface tailors’ can enhance their income and on the other hand, obese people can customize clothes online by simple easy steps. The web portal will allow the obese people to choose a fabric, apply style and provide measurement. PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and Ajax was used to develop the web-based portal for buying customized clothes by overweight individuals

    Computational Approach to Design Antagonists of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Lipoprotein Lprg (RV1411C) Protein

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    . Evolution of multi-drug resistance strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) has in the past caused severe epidemics of tuberculosis across the globe thereby it raises a question on the potency or efficacy of the current scaffolds of drugs targeting MTB. Therefore, there an urgency to identify novel antimycobacterial compounds targeting proteins important for the viability of Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) strains. In this regard Mtb LprG (Rv1411c) a lipoprotein involved in the evasion of cell-mediated immune response within infected host macrophages is an important target for screening antimycobacterial compounds against Mtb. In the current study, a workflow involving ligand-based virtual screening namely USRCAT (Ultra Shape Recognition) and molecular docking studies were employed to identify novel antituberculosis compounds. Based on USRCAT and docking studies XPX an analog of triacylated glycolipid was screened as a promising lead molecule that shows higher specificity and binding affinity for Mtb LprG protein. Further, in vitro experimentations are required to testify the role of XPX as an anti-TB drug for the treatment of MDT-TB.   Keywords: Multi-drug Resistant Tuberculosis; Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2); antagonist; Molecular docking; Virtual screenin

    Evaluation of thyroid lesions by the bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytopathology

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    Introduction: Thyroid swellings are one of the most commonly encountered lesions with most of the thyroid swellings being benign. The cancerous lesions of the thyroid also present as nodules or masses and pose a diagnostic challenge. The thyroid cytology reporting system has been inconsistent with the use of various terminologies. The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology (TBSRTC) was introduced in 2007 to bring about uniformity in reporting of thyroid lesions. Aim: This study aimed to compare conventional reporting with TBSRTC. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was done in which 6 years of data were retrieved. Cytology slides were reviewed and categorized as per the TBSRTC and compared with other studies. Results: There were numerous categories in the conventional thyroid fine-needle aspiration cytology reporting system which has been reduced to six categories in TBSRTC. TBSRTC has also streamlined the reporting removing the confusion among cytologists and clinicians. Conclusion: TBSRTC is consistent and reproducible and should be used as a standard method of reporting

    Development and validation of standard and real patient gallstone library using Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy

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    Background: Analysis of the constituents of gallstones using various spectroscopic techniques assists in identification of the pathogenesis of gallstones. In the current study, using Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) Spectroscopy, a Gallstone Standard Library (GSL) and a Gallstone Real Patients\u27 Library (GRPL) were developed and validated for gallstone composition analysis.Methods: The study was conducted at the Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Aga Khan University, Pakistan. Pure standards (cholesterol, calcium carbonate, bilirubin and bile salts) and gallstone specimens were analyzed using FTIR Nicolet iS-5 Spectrometer from Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA. Thermo Scientificâ„¢ QCheckâ„¢ algorithm, embedded within the OMNICâ„¢ software, was used to identify the unique spectral fingerprint of the patient samples to match with known, standard material. Matching of \u3e 75% was considered acceptable. Validation for accuracy of the library was performed for twenty analyzed gallstones at an international reference lab. Results: Concerted search analysis was performed against the developed GSL consisting of 71 pure component spectrum divided into 5 types to generate the library. For the Gallstone Real Patient Library (GRPL), 117 patient samples were analyzed. Ninety-eight gall stones (83.8%) out of 117 stones matched with the developed GSL. Majority stones were mixed stones (95.92%), with cholesterol being the primary component (91.83%). Results of the developed library were 100% in agreement with the reports received from the external reference lab. Conclusions: The library developed displayed good consistency and can be used for detection of gallstone composition in Pakistan and replace the traditional labor- and time-intensive chemical method of gallstone analysis

    Proceedings of the 1st Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences (LUMHS) International Medical Research Conference

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    Measuring the Effect of Agricultural Extension on Technical Efficiency in Crop Farming: Meta-Regression Analysis

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