511 research outputs found


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    Penulisan skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh dua orang tokoh yang berpengaruh yaitu Imam Al-Nawawi dan Imam Ibnu Taimiyyah yang mempunyai pandangan yang berbeda mengenai hukum puasa Rajab. Penulis mengambil rumusan permasalahan sebagai berikut: Pertama, bagaimana pendapat Imam AlNawawi dan Imam Ibnu Taimiyyah mengenai hukum puasa Rajab. Kedua, bagaimana dalil yang digunakan Imam Al-Nawawi dan Imam Ibnu Taimiyyah mengenai hukum puasa Rajab dan cara mereka mengistinbatkan hukum. Ketiga, bagaimana analisa fiqh muqaranah terhadap pendapat Imam Al-Nawawi dan Imam Ibnu Taimiyyah mengenai hukum qadha’ puasa Rajab. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum Islam normatif yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode library research, yaitu dengan mengambil dan membaca serta menelaah literatur-literatur yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini karena semua data bersifat sekunder. Sumber data yang penulis gunakan adalah sumber data primer yang terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum skunder dan bahan hukum tersier. Bahan hukum primer yang penulis gunakan adalah sebagai rujukan utama ialah kitab Al Majmu’ syarah Al Muhazzab karya Imam Al-Nawawi dan kitab Majmu’ Fatawa karya Imam Ibnu Taimiyyah. Bahan hukum skunder ialah buku-buku atau literatur-literatur yang berkait tentang masalah yang diteliti. Bahan hukum tersier adalah kamus bahasa Arab dan al-Quran. Pendekatan yang penulis gunakan adalah penulisan ini adalah dengan menelaah konsep-konsep atau teori-teori yang dikemukakan oleh Imam Al-Nawawi dan Imam Ibnu Taimiyyah, seterusnya menggunakan pendekatan perbandingan mazhab (fiqh muqaran), yaitu dengan membandingkan pendapat Imam Al-Nawawi dan Imam Ibnu Taimiyyah mengenai hukum puasa Rajab. Hasil kajian mendapatkan bahwa dalam masalah hukum puasa Rajab ini kedua tokoh tersebut sama-sama teguh dengan argumen masing-masing. Mereka menggunakan dalil yang berbeza. Di dalam Kitab Al-Majmu’ Syarah Al- Muhazzab Imam Al-Nawawi menenerangkan bahawa berpuasa secara khusus didalam bulan Rajab tergolong sebagai sunnah. Sedangkan Imam Ibnu Taimiyyah berpendapat bahwa hukum puasa Rajab secara khusus tidak boleh dilakukan kerana tiada tuntunannya dari nabi dan sahabat sebagaimana yang dijelaskan didalam kitabnya Majmu’ Fatawa. Argumen Imam Al-Nawawi menyatakan bahwa hukum puasa Rajab adalah sunnah berdasarkan hadits riwayat Abu Daud. Karena hadits yang digunakan Imam Al-Nawawi bahwa hukum puasa Rajab itu dibolehkan dan sunnah yang dianjurkan, Dalil yang dijadikan sebagai dasar atas pendapat Imam Al-Nawawi adalah sebuah riwayat dalam Sunan Abu-Daud yang bercerita tentang seorang sahabat dari suku Al-Bahili. Hadits ini juga diriwayatkan oleh Abu Daud. Setelah dikaji dan diteliti, maka ilmu indikasi penulis lebih cenderung memilih untuk menggunakan pendapat Imam Al-Nawawi

    Trends in the availability and usage of electrophysical agents in physiotherapy practices from 1990 to 2010: A review

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    This is the Pre-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2012 Maney PublishingBackground: The use of electrophysical agents has a historically important role in physiotherapy practice. There are anecdotal reports that the availability and usage of electrotherapy modalities are declining, which may have implications for physiotherapy practice. The aim of this literature review was to provide scientific evidence on electrotherapy usage in the last 20 years by identifying trends in availability, use, and non-use of nine electrotherapeutic modalities in physiotherapy practices during 1990s and 2000s. Methods: Review of empirical studies published in the English language from 1990 to 2010 and identified through searching online bibliographic databases, which included: Medline/OvidSP, PubMed Central, CINAHL/EBSCOhost, ScienceDirect, Scopus, ISI Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Findings: In the last 20 years, ultrasound availability and usage show increasing trends in several countries. The availability and use of pulsed shortwave diathermy and laser have shown steady trends. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, interferential, and biofeedback availability and usage have shown increasing trends in the UK and decreasing trends in Australia and the Republic of Ireland. Trends of continuous shortwave diathermy availability and use are declining irrespective of the country of the study. The availability and usage of microwave diathermy and H-wave show steeply declining trends, while there is a sharp rise in their non-availability over the last several years. Conclusions: The availability and use of electrophysical agents have greatly changed in the last 20 years. Declining trends in the availability and usage along with increasing trend of non-availability of electrotherapy modalities may have implications for electrotherapy education, training, and practice in the coming years.This study was funded by Health & Safety Executive, UK (grant no. 4371/R47.022)

    Coordinated shift of olfactory amino acid responses and V2R expression to an amphibian water nose during metamorphosis

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    All olfactory receptors identified in teleost fish are expressed in a single sensory surface, whereas mammalian olfactory receptor gene families segregate into different olfactory organs, chief among them the main olfactory epithelium expressing ORs and TAARs, and the vomeronasal organ expressing V1Rs and V2Rs. A transitional stage is embodied by amphibians, with their vomeronasal organ expressing more 'modern', later diverging V2Rs, whereas more 'ancient', earlier diverging V2Rs are expressed in the main olfactory epithelium. During metamorphosis, the main olfactory epithelium of Xenopus tadpoles transforms into an air-filled cavity (principal cavity, air nose), whereas a newly formed cavity (middle cavity) takes over the function of a water nose. We report here that larval expression of ancient V2Rs is gradually lost from the main olfactory epithelium as it transforms into the air nose. Concomitantly, ancient v2r gene expression begins to appear in the basal layers of the newly forming water nose. We observe the same transition for responses to amino acid odorants, consistent with the hypothesis that amino acid responses may be mediated by V2R receptors

    Association between antipsychotics and weight gain among psychiatric outpatients in Pakistan: a retrospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has been known for a long time that use of antipsychotics, particularly atypical antipsychotics, is associated with weight gain and increase in risk of metabolic disturbances. In this study we have tried to find out if use of antipsychotics is associated with increase in weight and body mass index (BMI) in the Pakistani population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed a case note review of all patients who had been prescribed antipsychotic medication at the psychiatry outpatient clinic of a tertiary care university hospital in Pakistan over a 4-year period.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 50% of patients had a BMI in the overweight or higher range at baseline. Patients showed a mean weight gain of 1.88 kg from baseline in 3 months and 3.29 kg in 6 months. Both of these values were statistically significant. The increase in mean BMI from baseline was 0.74 and 1.3 in 3 months and 6 months, respectively. In patients for whom we had at least one further weight measurement after baseline, 48% (39/81) showed a clinically significant weight gain.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Pakistani patients are just as likely to put on weight during antipsychotic treatment as patients from other countries. Considering that this population already has a much higher prevalence of diabetes mellitus compared to the Western countries, the consequences of increased weight may be even more serious in terms of increased morbidity and mortality.</p

    Carotid artery injury from an airgun pellet: a case report and review of the literature

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    Historically airguns were powerful weapons. Modern models, though less lethal, are still capable of inflicting serious or life threatening injuries. Current United Kingdom legislation fails to take into the account the capacity for airguns to maim and kill. We believe that airguns should be governed by the same law that applies to firearms. We present a case of a potentially fatal airgun injury to the neck. The airgun pellet caused a defect in the anterior wall of the external carotid artery, which required rapid access and surgical repair. We discuss the mechanism of airgun injury and review the literature in terms of investigation and management

    A Discrete Event Simulation model to evaluate the treatment pathways of patients with Cataract in the United Kingdom

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    Background The number of people affected by cataract in the United Kingdom (UK) is growing rapidly due to ageing population. As the only way to treat cataract is through surgery, there is a high demand for this type of surgery and figures indicate that it is the most performed type of surgery in the UK. The National Health Service (NHS), which provides free of charge care in the UK, is under huge financial pressure due to budget austerity in the last decade. As the number of people affected by the disease is expected to grow significantly in coming years, the aim of this study is to evaluate whether the introduction of new processes and medical technologies will enable cataract services to cope with the demand within the NHS funding constraints. Methods We developed a Discrete Event Simulation model representing the cataract services pathways at Leicester Royal Infirmary Hospital. The model was inputted with data from national and local sources as well as from a surgery demand forecasting model developed in the study. The model was verified and validated with the participation of the cataract services clinical and management teams. Results Four scenarios involving increased number of surgeries per half-day surgery theatre slot were simulated. Results indicate that the total number of surgeries per year could be increased by 40% at no extra cost. However, the rate of improvement decreases for increased number of surgeries per half-day surgery theatre slot due to a higher number of cancelled surgeries. Productivity is expected to improve as the total number of doctors and nurses hours will increase by 5 and 12% respectively. However, non-human resources such as pre-surgery rooms and post-surgery recovery chairs are under-utilized across all scenarios. Conclusions Using new processes and medical technologies for cataract surgery is a promising way to deal with the expected higher demand especially as this could be achieved with limited impact on costs. Non-human resources capacity need to be evenly levelled across the surgery pathway to improve their utilisation. The performance of cataract services could be improved by better communication with and proactive management of patients.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Access and utilisation of primary health care services comparing urban and rural areas of Riyadh Providence, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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    The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has seen an increase in chronic diseases. International evidence suggests that early intervention is the best approach to reduce the burden of chronic disease. However, the limited research available suggests that health care access remains unequal, with rural populations having the poorest access to and utilisation of primary health care centres and, consequently, the poorest health outcomes. This study aimed to examine the factors influencing the access to and utilisation of primary health care centres in urban and rural areas of Riyadh province of the KSA

    Psychological Typhoon Eye in the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake

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    BACKGROUND: On May 12, 2008, an earthquake measuring 8.0 on the Richter scale jolted Wenchuan, China, leading to 69,227 deaths and 374,643 injured, with 17,923 listed as missing as of Sept. 25, 2008, and shook the whole nation. We assessed the devastating effects on people's post-earthquake concern about safety and health. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: From June 4 to July 15, 2008, we surveyed a convenience sample of 2,262 adults on their post-earthquake concern about safety and health. Residents in non-devastated areas (Fujian and Hunan Provinces, and Beijing) and devastated areas (Sichuan and Gansu Provinces) responded to a questionnaire of 5 questions regarding safety measures, epidemic disease, medical workers, psychological workers, and medication. The ANOVAs showed a significant effect of residential devastation level on the estimated number of safety measures needed, the estimated probability of the outbreak of an epidemic, and the estimated number of medical and psychological workers needed (Ps<0.001). The post-earthquake concern decreased significantly as the level of residential devastation increased. Because of the similarity with the meteorological phenomenon of the eye of a typhoon, we dubbed these findings a "Psychological Typhoon Eye": the closer to the center of the devastated areas, the less the concern about safety and health a resident felt. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Contrary to common perception and ripple effect that the impact of an unfortunate event decays gradually as ripples spread outward from a center, a "Psychological Typhoon Eye" effect was observed where the post-earthquake concern was at its lowest level in the extremely devastated areas. The resultant findings may have implications for Chinese governmental strategies for putting "psychological comfort" into effect

    Genetic variability in the precore and core promoter regions of hepatitis B virus strains in Karachi

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    BACKGROUND: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotypes have distinct geographic distribution. Moreover, much genetic variability has been described in the precore (PC) and basal core promoter (BCP) regions of the HBV genome. The local prevalence of HBV genotypes and mutations has not been well studied. The aim of the present study is to determine the prevalence of HBV genotypes and mutations in the PC and BCP region in HBV strains in Karachi. METHODS: A total of 109 chronic hepatitis B patients with detectable HBV DNA by a PCR assay were enrolled in the study. Sera were tested for HBeAg, anti-HBe antibody and liver profile. HBV genotypes and mutations in the PC and BCP regions were detected by INNO-LiPA line-probe assays. RESULTS: Of the 109 patients investigated, 38 (35%) were HBeAg positive while 71 (65%) were HBeAg negative. Genotype D was present in 100% of the patients. Two patients had co-infection with genotype A. There was no significant difference in the baseline characteristics, mean ALT levels, and presence of clinical cirrhosis in patients with HBeAg positive or negative strains with or without PC and BCP mutations. Of the 38 HBeAg positive patients, 9 (24%) had PC and BCP mutations. In the HBeAg negative patient group, mutations were detected in 44 (62%) of the strains investigated. More than one mutation was common, seen in 26 (37%) patients with HBeAg negative disease and 6 (16%) patients with HBeAg positive disease. Twelve (17%) HBeAg negative patients had dual T1762 and A1764 mutations. None of the HBeAg positive patients had T1762 mutation. Mutations were undetectable in 27 (38%) of patients with HBeAg negative disease. CONCLUSION: Our study shows that type D is the main HBV genotype in Karachi, Pakistan. Significant numbers of patients infected with this genotype have PC and BCP variants. Mutations at more than one site are common. Patients harboring these mutants do not differ significantly in their clinical presentation from patients having wild type infection
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