17 research outputs found

    An integrated genomic analysis of anaplastic meningioma identifies prognostic molecular signatures

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    Anaplastic meningioma is a rare and aggressive brain tumor characterised by intractable recurrences and dismal outcomes. Here, we present an integrated analysis of the whole genome, transcriptome and methylation profiles of primary and recurrent anaplastic meningioma. A key finding was the delineation of distinct molecular subgroups that were associated with diametrically opposed survival outcomes. Relative to lower grade meningiomas, anaplastic tumors harbored frequent driver mutations in SWI/SNF complex genes, which were confined to the poor prognosis subgroup. Aggressive disease was further characterised by transcriptional evidence of increased PRC2 activity, stemness and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Our analyses discern biologically distinct variants of anaplastic meningioma with prognostic and therapeutic significance

    A Multi-Part Orientation Planning Schema for Fabrication of Non-Related Components Using Additive Manufacturing

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) is a technique that progressively deposits material in layer-by-layer manner (or in additive fashion) for producing a three-dimensional (3D) object, starting from the computer-aided design (CAD) model. This approach allows for the printing of complicated shaped objects and is quickly gaining traction in the aerospace, medical implant, jewelry, footwear, automotive, and fashion industries. AM, which was formerly used for single part customization, is currently being considered for mass customization of parts because of its positive impacts. However, part quality and build time are two main impediments to the deployment of AM for mass production. The optimal part orientation is fundamental for maximizing the part’s quality as well as being critical for reducing the fabrication time. This research provides a new method for multi-part AM production that improves quality while reducing overall build time. The automatic setup planning or orientation approach described in this paper employs two objective functions: the quality of the build component and the build time. To tackle the given problem, it introduces a three-step genetic algorithm (GA)-based solution. A feature-based technique is utilized to generate a collection of finite alternative orientations for each component within a specific part group to ensure each part’s individual build quality. Then, a GA was utilized to find the best combination of part build orientations at a global optimal level to reduce material consumption and build time. A case study of orienting nine components concurrently inside a given building chamber was provided for illustration. The findings suggest that the developed technique can increase quality, reduce support waste, and shorten overall production time. When components are positioned optimally rather than in random orientations, build time and support volume are reduced by approximately 7% and 16%, respectively

    Targeted inhibition of ERα signaling and PIP5K1α/Akt pathways in castration‐resistant prostate cancer

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    Selective ERα modulator, tamoxifen, is well tolerated in a heavily pretreated castration‐resistant prostate cancer (PCa) patient cohort. However, its targeted gene network and whether expression of intratumor ERα due to androgen‐deprivation therapy (ADT) may play a role in PCa progression is unknown. In this study, we examined the inhibitory effect of tamoxifen on castration‐resistant PCa in vitro and in vivo. We found that tamoxifen is a potent compound that induced a high degree of apoptosis and significantly suppressed growth of xenograft tumors in mice, at a degree comparable to ISA‐2011B, an inhibitor of PIP5K1α that acts upstream of PI3K/AKT survival signaling pathway. Moreover, depletion of tumor‐associated macrophages using clodronate in combination with tamoxifen increased inhibitory effect of tamoxifen on aggressive prostate tumors. We showed that both tamoxifen and ISA‐2011B exert their on‐target effects on prostate cancer cells by targeting cyclin D1 and PIP5K1α/AKT network and the interlinked estrogen signaling. Combination treatment using tamoxifen together with ISA‐2011B resulted in tumor regression and had superior inhibitory effect compared with that of tamoxifen or ISA‐2011B alone. We have identified sets of genes that are specifically targeted by tamoxifen, ISA‐2011B or combination of both agents by RNA‐seq. We discovered that alterations in unique gene signatures, in particular estrogen‐related marker genes are associated with poor patient disease‐free survival. We further showed that ERα interacted with PIP5K1α through formation of protein complexes in the nucleus, suggesting a functional link. Our finding is the first to suggest a new therapeutic potential to inhibit or utilize the mechanisms related to ERα, PIP5K1α/AKT network and MMP9/VEGF signaling axis, providing a strategy to treat castration‐resistant ER‐positive subtype of prostate cancer tumors with metastatic potential

    The prognostic significance of Wnt-5a expression in primary breast cancer is extended to premenopausal women.

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    Wnt-5a protein expression in primary tumors from unselected breast cancer patients has revealed a tumor suppressive function of the protein. However, in vitro experiments on human breast cancer cells have reported contradictory results, indicating both a tumor suppressive and promoting functions of Wnt-5a. This could be due to various functions of Wnt-5a in different subgroups of patients. The unselected cohorts analyzed to date for Wnt-5a protein expression contained few premenopausal patients. The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the prognostic significance of Wnt-5a protein expression in a cohort of premenopausal women with comprehensive data on biomarkers, molecular subtypes and long-term outcome. In a randomized trial of adjuvant tamoxifen versus no adjuvant treatment, 564 premenopausal primary breast cancer patients were included. The median follow-up time was 14 years. A tumor tissue array was constructed and 361 samples were evaluated for Wnt-5a reactivity by immunohistochemistry. The primary end-point was recurrence-free survival. Wnt-5a protein expression was reduced or lost in 146/361 of tumors and correlated to younger age, estrogen receptor (ER) negativity and triple-negative phenotype. Wnt-5a was a prognostic factor in the whole cohort (p = 0.003). In patients with ER-positive tumors, Wnt-5a was an independent positive prognostic marker (HR 0.51 95% CI: 0.33-0.78 p = 0.002) and HER2 a negative prognostic marker (HR 2.84 95% CI: 1.51-5.31, p = 0.001) in a Cox multivariate analysis adjusted for standard prognostic markers and tamoxifen treatment. In the ER-negative subset, Wnt-5a added no prognostic information. In a subgroup analysis, Wnt-5a was significantly associated with better prognosis in patients with Luminal A tumors (p = 0.04). Conclusively, our results suggest that loss of Wnt-5a is a valuable prognostic marker in premenopausal breast cancer patients in particular in patients with ER-positive tumors and out-performed conventional prognostic factors in this subset of patients

    beta 2-syntrophin and Par-3 promote an apicobasal Rac activity gradient at cell-cell junctions by differentially regulating Tiam1 activity

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    Although Rac and its activator Tiam1 are known to stimulate cell-cell adhesion, the mechanisms regulating their activity in cell-cell junction formation are poorly understood. Here, we identify beta 2-syntrophin as a Tiam1 interactor required for optimal cell-cell adhesion. We show that during tight-junction (TJ) assembly beta 2-syntrophin promotes Tiam1-Rac activity, in contrast to the function of the apical determinant Par-3 whose inhibition of Tiam1-Rac activity is necessary for TJ assembly. We further demonstrate that beta 2-syntrophin localizes more basally than Par-3 at cell-cell junctions, thus generating an apicobasal Rac activity gradient at developing cell-cell junctions. Targeting active Rac to TJs shows that this gradient is required for optimal TJ assembly and apical lumen formation. Consistently, beta 2-syntrophin depletion perturbs Tiam1 and Rac localization at cell-cell junctions and causes defects in apical lumen formation. We conclude that beta 2-syntrophin and Par-3 fine-tune Rac activity along cell-cell junctions controlling TJ assembly and the establishment of apicobasal polariy