25 research outputs found

    Informational completeness of continuous-variable measurements

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    We justify that homodyne tomography turns out to be informationally complete when the number of independent quadrature measurements is equal to the dimension of the density matrix in the Fock representation. Using this as our thread, we examine the completeness of other schemes, when continuous-variable observations are truncated to discrete finite-dimensional subspaces.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum uniqueness

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    In the classical world one can construct two identical systems which have identical behavior and give identical measurement results. We show this to be impossible in the quantum domain. We prove that after the same quantum measurement two different quantum systems cannot yield always identical results, provided the possible measurement results belong to a non orthogonal set. This is interpreted as quantum uniqueness - a quantum feature which has no classical analog. Its tight relation with objective randomness of quantum measurements is discussed.Comment: Presented at 4th Feynman festival, June 22-26, 2009, in Olomouc, Czech Republic

    Feasibility of free space quantum key distribution with coherent polarization states

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    We demonstrate for the first time the feasibility of free space quantum key distribution with continuous variables under real atmospheric conditions. More specifically, we transmit coherent polarization states over a 100m free space channel on the roof of our institute's building. In our scheme, signal and local oscillator are combined in a single spatial mode which auto-compensates atmospheric fluctuations and results in an excellent interference. Furthermore, the local oscillator acts as spatial and spectral filter thus allowing unrestrained daylight operation.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, extensions in sections 2, 3.1, 3.2 and 4. This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in New Journal of Physics (Special Issue on Quantum Cryptography: Theory and Practice). IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from i

    Atmospheric Channel Characteristics for Quantum Communication with Continuous Polarization Variables

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    We investigate the properties of an atmospheric channel for free space quantum communication with continuous polarization variables. In our prepare-and-measure setup, coherent polarization states are transmitted through an atmospheric quantum channel of 100m length on the roof of our institute's building. The signal states are measured by homodyne detection with the help of a local oscillator (LO) which propagates in the same spatial mode as the signal, orthogonally polarized to it. Thus the interference of signal and LO is excellent and atmospheric fluctuations are autocompensated. The LO also acts as spatial and spectral filter, which allows for unrestrained daylight operation. Important characteristics for our system are atmospheric channel influences that could cause polarization, intensity and position excess noise. Therefore we study these influences in detail. Our results indicate that the channel is suitable for our quantum communication system in most weather conditions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Applied Physics B following an invitation for the special issue "Selected Papers Presented at the 2009 Spring Meeting of the Quantum Optics and Photonics Section of the German Physical Society

    A complete basis of generalized Bell states

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    A generalization of the Bell states and Pauli matrices to dimensions which are powers of 2 is considered. A basis of maximally entangled multidimensional bipartite states (MEMBS) is chosen very similar to the standard Bell states and constructed of only symmetric and antisymmetric states. This special basis of MEMBS preserves all basic properties of the standard Bell states. We present a recursive and non-recursive method for the construction of MEMBS and discuss their properties. The antisymmetric MEMBS possess the property of rotationally invariant exclusive correlations which is a generalization of the rotational invariance of the antisymmetric singlet Bell state

    Practical Receiver for Optimal Discrimination of Binary Coherent Signals

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    Quantum Key Distribution with Multi Letter Continuous Variable Alphabets

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    We present a new protocol for continuous variable quantum key distribution. The novelty of the protocol is a multi letter alphabet represented by coherent states of light with a fixed amplitude and variable phase. Information is encoded in the phase of a coherent state which can be chosen from a regular discrete set consisting, however, of an arbitrary number of letters. We evaluate the security of the protocol against the beam splitting attack. As a result we show the proposed protocol has advantages over the standard two letter coherent state protocol, especially in the case when losses in the communication channel are low

    Optimal receiver for coherent signals

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    Quantum key distribution with multi letter alphabets

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    We present a new protocol for continuous variable quantum key distribution (CV QKD). The novelty of the protocol is a multi letter alphabet represented by coherent states of light with a fixed amplitude and variable phase. Information is encoded in the phase of a coherent state which can be chosen from a regular discrete set consisting, however, of an arbitrary number of letters. We evaluate the security of the protocol against the beam splitting attack. As a result we show the proposed protocol has advantages over the standard two letter coherent state QKD protocol, especially in the case when losses in the communication channel are low

    Generic method for lossless generation of arbitrarily shaped photons

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    We put forward a generic method that enables lossless generation of pure single photons with arbitrary shape over any degree of freedom or several degrees of freedom simultaneously. The method exploits pairs of entangled photons. One of the photons is the subject for lossy shaping manipulations followed by a specially designed mode-equalizing measurement. A successful measurement outcome heralds the losslessly shaped second photon. The method has three crucial ingredients that define the quantum state of the shaped photon: the initial bipartite state of the photons, modulation of the first photon, and its mode-equalizing detection. We provide a specific recipe with a combination of these ingredients for achieving any desired pure state of the shaped photon