9 research outputs found
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad Terhadap Keterampilan Berbicara Peserta Didik
This study aims to determine the effect of the STAD cooperative learning model on the speaking skills of fifth-grade students SDN Pidada for the 2022/2023 academic year. The research method used is a quantitative approach with an experimental design. The experimental design used is an experimental design with a shape nonequivalent control group design. The results of data analysis of students' speaking skills in the experimental class which were given treatment with the STAD learning model underwent changes, the speaking skills acquired by students in the experimental class showed an average value pre-test of 57,552 and the average value post-test of 76,041, while the average value pre-test in the control class of 50,520 and the average value post-test of 57,291. Thus, the cooperative learning model typeStudent Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) can improve students' speaking skills
Analisis Keterampilan Menulis Artikel Ilmiah melalui Implementasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Riset pada Mata Kuliah Sains
Several learning facilities have been provided, but the writing skills of PGSD students have not reached the very good category. This indicates the need to use other learning facilities. The purpose of this research is to analyze students' skills in writing scientific articles through the implementation of research-based learning. We carried out this pre-experimental research at the PGSD Study Program, University of Mataram. The sample is determined purposively. Scientific articles written by each student are used as qualitative data instruments. The data that has been collected is analyzed descriptively. The findings that we obtained from the study were that the highest score achieved by students was 87.23. The grade for this grade is A and the interpretation is very good. The lowest value is 31.31 (grade E) with very poor interpretation. Classically, the score of scientific article writing skills is 74.05 (grade B+) with good interpretation. From the results of the proportion analysis it is known that grade A has the highest percentage (38.71%). Judging from its aspect, the part that is most mastered by students is writing the identity of the article, introduction, results and discussion, and conclusions. The achievements in these sections have been interpreted very well, where the range of quantitative values is 81.94 – 100. From the results of this study it can be concluded that students' skills in writing scientific articles are good because of the implementation of research-based learning
Kekayaan Spesies Amfibi di Pulau Lombok, Indonesia
Walaupun daftar tentang kekayaan spesies amfibi di Pulau Lombok telah ada di dalam buku The Ecology of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku, namun catatan tersebut memiliki kelemahan yaitu Limnonectes kadarsani tidak tercantum, penamaan spesies masih menggunakan klasifikasi lama yang telah mengalami revisi, dan Oreophryne jeffersoniana yang tidak ditemukan di Lombok namun ada dalam daftar tersebut. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa diperlukan kegiatan revisi terhadap kekayaan spesies amphibi di Pulau Lombok. Untuk melakukannya, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mendapatkan catatan terbaru. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menginventaris kekayaan spesies yang ada di Pulau Lombok. Survey dilakukan pada kurun waktu bulan Maret sampai dengan Juli 2016 di 10 titik yang tersebar di Pulau Lombok menggunakan metode Visual Encounter Survey (VES). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa telah ditemukan 12 spesies yang diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 famili. Keduabelas spesies tersebut adalah Bufo melanostictus, Bufo biporcatus, Rana erytraea, Rana florensis, Fejervarya cancrivora, Fejervarya limnocharis, Limnonectes kadarsani, Limnonectes dammermani, Phrynoglosus laevis, Oreophryne monticola, kaloula baleata, dan Polypedathes leucomystax. Dari 12 spesies yang telah ditemukan, 2 spesies di antaranya yaitu Rana erytraea dan Limnonectes kadarsani tidak tercantum di dalam buku Ecology of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku
Kemampuan Mahasiswa PGSD dalam Melakukan Analisis Data Berbantuan Program Statistical Product And Service Solutions (SPSS)
Melakukan analisis data secara manual dengan bantuan kalkulator saintifik atau Ms. Excel cenderung melelahkan dan memiliki potensi human error yang cukup besar, terutama ketika datanya banyak dan melakukan uji hipotesis. Mahasiswa PGSD FKIP Universitas Mataram difasilitasi dengan belajar menggunakan SPSS untuk menanggulangi dua kekurangan tersebut. Sebagai bentuk assesmen dan mendapatkan data dasar agar dapat merancang pembelajaran yang lebih baik, kami melakukan penelitian dengan tujuan menganalisis keterampilan mahasiswa dalam melakukan analisis data menggunakan SPSS. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada mahasiswa yang sedang memprogramkan mata kuliah Statistik Pendidikan. Sampel ditentukan secara purposive sampling. Data dikoleksi selama bulan Mei – Juni 2021. Data kemampuan mahasiswa dikumpulkan melalui hasil tugas. Tingkat kemampuan ditentukan berdasarkan derajat penguasaan dengan kisaran 0 – 100 dan nilai A – E. Nilai ini diinterpretasi menjadi 5 kategori. Data lain yang dikoleksi adalah respon mahasiswa terhadap pengalaman belajar yang mereka rasakan. Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif untuk menentukan derajat penguasaan, rata-rata dan proporsi. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa mampu melakukan analisis data berbantuan SPSS dengan kategori sangat baik. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiwa sudah siap menyelesaikan skripsi dari aspek analisis data
Multivariate Analysis of Environmental Factors Affecting Amphibian Community Structure in Lombok Island
The study of the effect of environment factors on amphibians there is no it in Lombok Island. This study aimed to analyze the environment factors that most contribute to the community structure of amphibians on the island of Lombok. Survey was conducted at 10 locations/points scattered on the island of Lombok. Both data of environment factors and community structure were collected on the square of 5000 m2 at each of the locations in the period from March to July 2016. The environment factors that the analyze including air temperature, water temperature, humidity, altitude, canopy, tree species richness, tilt, river length, width of the river and left-right width of the river to crawl. Amphibian community structure consists of species richness, density, species diversity, species evenness and dominance species. Data were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA). The results show that environment factors that effect to the factor of the community can be divided into four components, namely component 1 (high effect), component 2 (middle effect), component 3 and component 4 (lower effect). Component 1 consists of humidity, canopy and tree species richness factor. Component 2 consists of air temperature, water temperature and altitude. 3 and 4 consist of a length of the river, the river width, the width of the river and tilt left and right.
Pelatihan Implementasi Budaya Mutu Berbasis Kearifan Lokal di Sdn Gugus I Pemenang Lombok Utara
Budaya mutu merupakan seperangkat nilai, norma serta keyakinan yang termanifestasi dalam aktivitas, perilaku, dan simbol di sekolah agar mencapai keunggulan yang diinginkan dan diharapkan sehingga tercapai akuntabilitas sekolah. Berbagai terobosan baru harus terus dilakukan sebagai upaya meningkatkan pemahaman dasar tentang budaya mutu sehingga pelayanan di bidang pendidikan dapat dilakukan secara terorganisir dan professional di lingkungan sekolah. Dalam rangka membangun budaya mutu pada level kelembagaan sangat membutuhkan keseriusan dari semua elemen sekolah. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan mengikuti pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan budaya mutu. Sehubungan dengan itu maka tim pengabdian masyarakat dari Program Studi PGSD FKIP Universitas Mataram melakukan pelatihan implementasi budaya mutu berbasis kearifan lokal di SDN Gugus I Pemenang. Tujuannya adalah setelah mengikuti kegiatan ini, guru dan kepala sekolah dapat membangun budaya mutu di lingkungan sekolah masing-masing agar dapat lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitu tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap evaluasi. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh perwakilan guru dan kepala sekolah dari Gugus 1 Pemenang yang berjumlah 20 peserta. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan secara offline yaitu di Sekolah SDN 3 Pemenang. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan mengikuti anjuran protokol kesehatan covid 19. Kegiatan berjalan dengan sangat lancar. Respons peserta terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan sangat baik
Preliminary Analysis Kesulitan Mahasiswa S-1 Pgsd dalam Mereview Artikel Ilmiah di Jurnal
Reviewing scientific articles published in journals is a competency needed by students to improve their writing skills. As a form of implementation of Higher Education Tri Dharma in the field of education, lecturers are responsible for training students to review articles. To provide optimal learning facilities, information is needed related to student difficulties in reviewing articles in journals. This study aims to diagnose the difficulties of undergraduate students at PGSD FKIP Mataram University in reviewing scientific articles in journals. The study was conducted on S1 students of PGSD FKIP Mataram University who programed Quantitative Research Methods courses. The research subject of 36 students was determined using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection is done by assigning students to review 1 scientific article published by a SINTA accredited journal. The results of the review by students were analyzed descriptively to determine the location of student difficulties. The results showed that the largest proportion of student difficulties lies in the research method (86.11%), then the research problem (44.44%), and the smallest proportion is the research result (5.56%). Information from the results of this study can be used as a reference for providing learning facilities to improve student review skills. This skill can help students in completing theses which have been a problem for many undergraduate students at PGSD FKIP Mataram University