3 research outputs found

    Peran Strategis Kaum Perempuan dalam Mewujudkan Masyarakat Religi

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    This article explains about the position of Gender in an Islamic perspective and the role of women in the pursue and develop a generation that have a strong soul, great thinking and behavior that is dignified in the life of society, nation and State.Through the study of concepts and the results of the study of some researchers who have been dipublis through journals, both national and International writers gain an overview that Gender equality is not equal rights over men and women because each has its own characteristics. But more meaningful Gender Justice, equality inherent in every employee without having to see the gender (male or sister). While the role of each in creating the development community can be taken by men and women. Islam is very appreciative of women, likewise against males. If the man is a leader (qawwamuna) over women, but heaven is located on women. To the extent that the Prophet gave illustrations of the 3:1 (three as opposed to one) among women with men in terms of the means to a child. Thus, the perception that on behalf of religion to oppress women is a big mistake

    The Role of Scout Organizations in Formation of Leadership Character in Students at SMA Negeri 1 Pagaralam

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    The development of Scout organizations in Indonesian schools helps form leadership character for students and benefits their lives. This article discusses how the role of scout organizations in shaping leadership character in SMA Negeri 1 Pagaralam; This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Pagaralam. Researchers used qualitative research methods, namely, using interview techniques as a data collection technique to describe what was happening in the field. The results showed that the scout organization played an essential role in forming leadership character, especially for students. The results also show that scouting organizations are essential in schools because it is a place for students to form leadership characteristics that are not easy to do individually. The findings of this study recommend that the Scout organization be preserved in school life, not only in SMA Negeri 1 Pagaralam but also in other schools in Indonesia

    Teacher Supervision as a Policy Implementation of School Heads in Improving Teacher Performance at MTSN 1 and SMPN 1 Tulungagung

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    Teacher is one of the most important aspects of the learning process. This important role requires teachers to continue to improve their performance in order to be able to provide the best learning. The various policies taken by the principal are expected to be able to improve the teacher performance. The six competencies of school principals, the supervisory competence must also be mastered by the principal. Teacher supervision is a process of guidance carried out by the principal of teachers and other school personnel who are responsible for the learning process so that students can learn effectively and increase learning achievement. This study uses a qualitative approach, a type of case study with a multicase design. The results showed that teacher supervision as the implementation of the principal's policy by providing administrative supervision and direct supervision, involving teachers in seminars, workshops or scientific discussions related to improving the quality of learning and forming a special supervision team to assist the principal's duties