3 research outputs found

    Number of macrophages and transforming growth factor β expression in Citrus limon L. Tlekung peel oil-treated traumatic ulcers in diabetic rats

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    Purpose: To analyse the potential use of Citrus limon L. Tlekung peel oil in the treatment of traumatic ulcers in diabetic rats based on number of macrophages and transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) expression. Method: Standard steam distillation was performed to produce Citrus limon L. peel oil with its components subsequently analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Diabetes was induced with streptozotocin (STZ) via administration of a single 50 mg/kg dose. A traumatic ulcer was subsequently induced with a 5 mm burnisher heated for 30 s and applied without pressure for 1 s to the lower labial mucosa of the animals. Citrus limon L. oil gel containing 3% carboxyl methyl cellulose sodium was then topically administered to the traumatic ulcer for a period of three or five days. TGF-β expression was analysed through immunohistochemical staining and the macrophage number calculated with haematoxylin-eosin stain. Results: The major identified compounds in Citrus limon L. peel oil include fumaric (31.78 %), dlimonene (17.38 %), z-citral (13.55 %), L-linalool (8.51 %), geraniol nerol (3.56 %), geraniol (2.94 %,), αterpineol (1.25 %) and γ-terpinene (1.03 %) together with other minor constituents. Treatment of traumatic ulcers with Citrus limon L peel oil produced higher number of macrophages and TGF-β expression (p = 0.000). Treatment over a period of five days also indicated higher expression of TGF-β and number of macrophages compared to that lasting three days with Citrus limon L peel oil (p = 0.000). Conclusion: Citrus limon L peel oil stimulates TGF-β expression and an increase of macrophage numbers in diabetic subjects during traumatic ulcer healing after three and seven days. Clinical application of Citrus limon L peel oil constitutes a potential therapy in the treatment of traumatic ulcers in diabetic subjects

    Number of macrophages and transforming growth factor β expression in Citrus limon L. Tlekung peel oil-treated traumatic ulcers in diabetic rats

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    Purpose: To analyse the potential use of Citrus limon L Tlekung peel oil in the treatment of traumatic ulcers in diabetic rats based on number of macrophages and transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) expression. Method: Standard steam distillation was performed to produce Citrus limon L peel oil with its components subsequently analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Diabetes was induced with streptozotocin (STZ) via administration of a single 50 mg/kg dose. A traumatic ulcer was subsequently induced with a 5 mm burnisher heated for 30 s and applied without pressure for 1 s to the lower labial mucosa of the animals. Citrus limon L oil gel containing 3% carboxyl methyl cellulose sodium was then topically administered to the traumatic ulcer for a period of three or five days. TGF-β expression was analysed through immunohistochemical staining and the macrophage number calculated with haematoxylin-eosin stain. Results: The major identified compounds in Citrus limon L peel oil include fumaric (31.78 %), dlimonene (17.38 %), z-citral (13.55 %), L-linalool (8.51 %), geraniol nerol (3.56 %), geraniol (2.94 %,), α- terpineol (1.25 %) and γ-terpinene (1.03 %) together with other minor constituents. Treatment of traumatic ulcers with Citrus limon L peel oil produced higher number of macrophages and TGF-β expression (p = 0.000). Treatment over a period of five days also indicated higher expression of TGF-β and number of macrophages compared to that lasting three days with Citrus limon L peel oil (p = 0.000). Conclusion: Citrus limon L peel oil stimulates TGF-β expression and an increase of macrophage numbers in diabetic subjects during traumatic ulcer healing after three and seven days. Clinical application of Citrus limon L peel oil constitutes a potential therapy in the treatment of traumatic ulcers in diabetic subjects


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    Latar Belakang : Diabetes Melitus (DM) merupakan penyakit metabolik yang ditandai dengan hiperglikemia. Hiperglikemia dapat menyebabkan proses penyembuhan ulkus traumatikus terganggu karena adanya penurunan jumlah infiltrasi makrofag yang bermigrasi menuju jaringan luka. Citrus limon mengandung Asam Fumarat, D-Limonene, citral dan L-Linalool dapat mempercepat penyembuhan luka pada ulkus traumatikus. Tujuan: Membuktikan efektifitas pemberian minyak esensial kulit buah Citrus limon L. 0,78% topikal terhadap peningkatan jumlah makrofag pada penyembuhan ulkus traumatikus tikus wistar diabetik. Metode: Minyak esensial kulit buah Citrus limon didapatkan dengan metode distilasi uap. Tikus wistar sebanyak 28 ekor dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok dan diinduksi dengan STZ sehingga tikus mengalami DM. Tikus wistar diabetik dibuat ulkus traumatikus dengan menyentuhkan burnisher yang telah dipanaskan pada mukosa labial. Ulkus traumatikus pada 2 kelompok kontrol diberikan minyak esensial kulit buah Citrus limon dalam bentuk gel secara topikal, 2 kelompok yang lain diberikan CMC-Na 3% dalam bentuk gel secara topikal. Pada hari ketiga dan kelima tikus wistar dimatikan dan diambil mukosa labialnya, kemudian jaringan diproses menjadi preparat untuk dilakukan penghitungan jumlah makrofag. Hasil: Jumlah makrofag pada kelompok dengan pemberian minyak esensial kulit buah Citrus limon lebih tinggi dari krlompok dengan pemberian CMC-Na 3%. Kesimpulan: Pemberian minyak esensial kulit buah Citrus limon L. 0,78% topikal efektif meningkatkan jumlah makrofag pada penyembuhan ulkus traumatikus tikus wistar diabetik pada hari ketiga dan hari kelima