77 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Desain Alat Bermain Untuk Anak Tk Berbentuk Modular Menggunakan Konsep Biomimicry Berdasarkan Lokomosi Ulat Manduca Sexta

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    Masa usia dini adalah masa keemasan dalam proses tumbuh kembang anak karena pada masa inilah anak dapat mengambil manfaat dari aktivitasbermain yang turut membekalinya dengan kemampuan dasar dalam proses tumbuh kembang dirinya. Periode usia dini dapat dianalogikan denganperiode ulat yang mencari nutrisi sebagai bekal untuk bermetamorfosis menjadi kupu-kupu. Dalam proyek Tugas Akhir, penulis mengkaji aktivitasbermain anak TK untuk mengembangkan rancangan alat bermain untuk anak TK dengan menggunakan konsep biomimicry berdasarkan lokomosi ulattanduk tembakau (Manduca sexta). Tujuan pengembangan alat bermain ini adalah untuk menghasilkan produk alat bermain baru yang dapatdipergunakan dalam melatih kemampuan motorik kasar anak pada periode usia dini perkembangan dirinya

    Analisis Pengaruh Resiko Perbankan dan Kebijakan Moneter terhadap Kemampuan Perbankan dalam Penyaluran Kredit

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the effect of bank risk (the ratio of loan-loss provisions and expected default frequency) and bank-specificcharacteristics (the ratio of capital, size and liquidity) to bank lending channel at conventional commercial banks in Indonesia and to investigate and analyze the effect of bank risk (the ratio of loan-loss provisions and expected default frequency) and bank-specificcharacteristics (the ratio of capital, size and liquidity) to bank lending channel with interest rate of Bank Indonesia Certificates as a moderating variable.Secondary data collection is done by downloading the data published financial statementsconventional bank on www.bi.go.id and the data bonds obtained from the Indonesia Bond Pricing Agency. This study employs panel regression model for the first hypothesis testing and analysis of moderating variable regression model with residual method for the second hypothesis testing.The results of the study indicate that the first hypothesis is jointly bank risk (the ratio of loan - loss provisions and expected default frequency) and the bank-specificcharacteristics (the ratio of capital, size and liquidity) have significant impact towards bank lending channel at conventional commercial banks in Indonesia. Partial test showed that the independent variables are liquidity has no effect on bank lending channel. In the second hypothesis the results showed that the interest rate of Bank Indonesia Certificates moderate the effect of size to bank lending channel and also moderate the effect expected default frequency to bank lending channel. However, the interest rate of Bank Indonesia Certificates not moderate the effect of loan-loss provisions to bank lending channel, the effect of capital to bank lending channel, as well as liquidity to the lending bank channel

    Analisis Perbedaan Imbal Hasil Antara Perusahaan Manufaktur Dengan Pertambangan Yang Listing Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the difference between the yield of a manufacturing company in the field of automotive and mining are listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data collection techniques used in this research study documentation with data analysis techniques to determine the difference between the yield of a manufacturing company with mining listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange using a different test. The results of this study indicate that the answer to the problem in this research that there is a difference between the yields on the field of automotive manufacturing company with mining listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Besides testing different test t test based on table Coefficients known that sig. (2-tailed) and mining stock returns of 0,053 automotive companies which means that the sig. (2-tailed)> 0.05, so it can be said that Ha is accepted, and Ho is rejected which means that there is a difference between the yields on the field of automotive manufacturing company with mines in Indonesian Stock Exchange listin

    Analisis Manfaat Rasio Keuangan dalam Memprediksi Financial Distress pada Perbankan (2007-2012)

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    This research has a purpose to provide financial ratios in predicting financial distress of bank. The financial ratios that are used are CAR, ROA, ROE, LDR, BOPO, NIM and NPL. By using purposive sampling method, there 11 banks which experience financial distress and 11 banks which do not experience financial distress as comparison. This research used Logistic Regression to analyze financial ratios in predicting financial distress. Logistic Regression was used twice by using data of 2 years prior to financial distress and 1 year prior to financial distress. The result showed that logistic regression model by using data of 2 years prior to financial distress was a good model while model by using data of 1 year prior to financial ratios was not a good model and could not be used. The final result showed that CAR, NIM, and NPL have positive influence while ROA, ROE, LDR and BOPO have negative influence in predicting financial distress of bank

    Proposing an Integrative-progressive Model in Handling Troubled Indonesian Overseas Workers in the Transit Area (a Socio-legal Research in Tanjung Pinang City, Kepulauan Riau Province)

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    Tanjung Pinang City of the Riau Islands Province (Provinsi Kepulauan Riau) is a transit area for the troubled Indonesian overseas workers from Singapore and Malaysia. The Indonesian National Board for the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Workers (Badan Nasional Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia/BNP2TKI) reported that 15,105 troubled Indonesian overseas workers were deported from January to November 2014 via Tanjung Pinang City. Previous research revealed that citizens of Tanjung Pinang City criticized the treatments given by the local government to the deported workers by reason that they were not the citizens of the Riau Islands Province, yet the local government has to provide shelters and funds prior to returning them to their home towns. The treatments for the deported workers in the transit area have also raised pros and cons among the stakeholders who are in charge of handling the deported workers. This circumstance may not occur if a special regional regulation of the Riau Islands Province has been issued to govern the troubled Indonesian overseas workers in the transit area. Due to this vacuum of law, this research aims to establish a mechanism in handling the deported workers in the transit area by designing an integrative-progressive model which can be adopted by the stakeholders. The model is to link the legal and non- legal issues and as well as to provide the collaborative mechanisms for the stakeholders based on the approaches of the integrative and progressive legal theory

    Data Clustering Recommendations For Selection Student Majors To Higher Edication Using The K-Means Method (Case Study of SMAN 2 Palembang)

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    SMA Negeri 2 Palembang has two majors, science and social studies. As a result of choosing the wrong major after entering college, students sometimes experience difficulties and feel the wrong major, in connection with this problem the author tries to provide a solution for determining majors for college using the k-means clustering method. In this study, the students were grouped using the data mining method. The group is based on the attributes of majors, interests, traits, hobbies, talents, and the average value of science and social science subjects. Clustering data using the K-Means method and measuring the Euclidean distance, analyzed using Microsoft excel manual calculations and RapidMiner tools. The results of the study indicate that Cluster 1 is a cluster that is recommended to take the Language major. Cluster 2 is a cluster that is recommended for a major in Engineering. Cluster 3 is a cluster that is recommended to major in Health/Medicine. Cluster 4 is a cluster that is recommended for majoring in Economics. Cluster 5 is the recommended cluster for majoring in Language. While the results of the calculation research using RapidMiner, Cluster_0 is recommended to major in Engineering, Cluster_1 is recommended to major in Economics, Cluster_2 is recommended to major in Language, Cluster_3 is recommended to major in Education, Cluster_4 is recommended to major in Medicine/Health

    Fungal Population and Aflatoxin Contamination on Stored Gamma-Irradiated Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) Kernels

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    A study on the effectivenessof gamma irradiation at doses of 5 and 10 kGy on fungal population, Aspergillus flavus strains, and aflatoxin B1 contamination on stored nutmeg kernels was conducted. The kernels were collected from seeds in a period of one week from the ground at North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.Dried shelled kernels with ±10 %moisture content, packed in polyethylene bags at 2.1 kg/bag, were irradiated at 5 and 10 kGy and stored at ambient temperature (28°C) for 2 and 4 months. Kernel moisture content, fungal population, and aflatoxin B1 were determined before and after irradiation, and after 2 and 4 months of storage. Results showed that fungal population was reduced with the increasing irradiation dose. Five species of fungi were isolated, i.e., Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Eurotium chevalieri, and Penicillium citrinum. A total of twelve A. flavus strains were isolated, five strains from unirradiated kernels and five and two strains from irradiated kernels at doses 5 and 10 kGy, respectively. Among these strains, 58 % were capable of producing L sclerotia and 25 % were identified as toxigenic. Kernel moisture during storage was 7.3 % and no aflatoxin B1 was detected before and after irradiation, and after2 and 4 months of storage duration