23 research outputs found

    Uji Ketebalan Dan Kekerasan Lapisan Chrom Keras Plat Baja St 37

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    Crhome plated processing has excellency rather than to others type of plating. Its excellence is : the resistance from worn out, crhome plated resists to gas interference and the temperature under 500 0C.Reseach methodology which is being done is experiment, in which is being tested as the sample of steel ST 37 product that is being plated with hard chrome. The testing is being done, invelop the test of hardness and thickness of chrome on steel ST 37.Hard chrome plated increases the thickness and hardness also reduce the friction coefficient and change the performance /surface of the object being plated, the hardness of hard chrome plated is also interferred by use of tight current and interferred by the processing time, at the liquid concentration 200 gr/lt Cr03 and 2,0 gr/lt H2SO4, and the thickness of hard chrome plated is interferred by tight current and also is interferred by the processing time, in the liquid concentration 200 gr/lt Cr03 and 2,0 gr/lt H2SO4

    Kekuatan Tarik Baja St 37 Pada Proses Las Oksi - Asetilen

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    Welding is a process of joining metals by pressure when the metal are hot. Welding planning to get a good result is a complicated process. A welding work should be planned about its way, observing the material and its type of welding. The procedure of welding involves: choosing parameter of welding type of being used, type of filling metal, type and also the thickness of metal plat and condensor as mediator and some standartd condition in welding in which the parameters will effect the mechanical characters of welding.An example of welding type is Oxy-Acetyline Welding (OAW). The heat being produced is lower, so this kind of welding is good to weld the thinner stainless steel ( 3 mm). The thicker one needs a longer welding time so that, it is not economic. This kind of welding is good for a thick stainless steel before using electrical welding. This welding is used for a simple construction that is not need strength, example in the fenceof a house or for welding a house hold.This process, uses material of ST-37 steel plate with 3 mm thickness. Weld with 1-2 mm in space between thew both material. Set the barometer up on the acetyline bottle is about 0,5 bar and the pressure on oxyigene bottle is about 2,5 bar, and a weather condensor. Use RBuZn-A, RBuZn-B and RBuZn-D as filling metal. Then do test

    Uji Kekerasan Baja Konstruksi St-42 Pada Proses Heat Treatment

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    In metalurgy term, especially the steel should have certain characters, for example anti wear resistancause of friction and has hard surface. Getting such components within their characters, it is need a heat treatment process in addition for getting hard surface and strength of the steel itself. Heat treatment process basically consists of some steps, at first, heating up to a certain temperature, then colding at certain speed.In this research has been done heat treatment process, it is a heating steel at the temperature 8500C and holding for 30 minutes at this temperature for some seconds, then colding by soaked it into the water in which 270C temperature so there is no enough time for austenit to change become pearlit and ferrit or pearlid and cementit, but austenit changes into martensit directly.Maximum hardness will be reached after heat treatment process is interfered by more carbon, the higher carbon in it the higher hardness will be gotten. And the result is the hardness value after heat treatment process higher compare than before the heat treatment process has been done.

    Uji Lentur Komposit Polyester - Serat Purun Tikus ( Eleocharis Dulcis )

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    Material komposit khususnya komposit berbahan polimer saat ini menjadi material alternatif pengganti material logam dan sangat banyak diaplikasikan dalam dunia industri karena sifatnya yang tahan korosi dan massa jenis yang kecil dengan kekuatan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan alternatif selain material logam. Dalam perkembangan penelitiannya serat alam (natural fibre) mulai dimanfaatkan untuk penguat pada komposit sebagai pengganti fiber sintetis seperti glass fiber. Hal ini dilakukan mengingat sifatnya yang ramah lingkungan dan banyak tersedia di alam, serta pemanfaatannya yang selama ini masih belum dioptimalkan. Masalah utama yang dihadapi dalam penggunaan serat alam sebagai penguat komposit polimer adalah sifatnya yang hydrophilic atau cenderung menyerap air, sedangkan polimer bersifat hydrophobic atau cenderung menolak air. Sehingga ikatan antara serat alam dan matrik polimer menjadi lemah, dan berdampak pada kekuatan yang lemah, hal ini yang menjadi alasan perlunya perlakuan pada serat sehingga memperbaiki ikatan antara serat dan matrik. Perlakuan khusus yang dapat dilakukan adalah perlakuan fisik, maupun kimia. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan komposit Polimer (Unsaturated Polyester) dengan menggunakan serat alam yaitu serat Purun Tikus (Eleocharis Dulcis). Tujuannya adalah melihat pengaruh waktu perlakuanKmnO4 sebesar 2% pada serat terhadap sifat mekanik komposit yang dihasilkan. Dimana variasi waktu yang digunakan adalah 5,10,15,30, 45 dan 60 menit. Kemudian dianyam dengan bentuk anyaman plain, satin dan mock leno sebanyak 3 layer. Selanjutnya dibuat spesimen uji lentur untuk mengetahui sifat mekaniknya. Hasil pengujian lentur menunjukkan bahwa lama waktu proses perlakuan KmnO4 mempengaruhi sifat mekanik komposit. Kekuatan lentur maksimum pada perlakuan KmnO4 selama 15 menit, yaitu kekuatan lentur sebesar 69,13 Mpa (plain) dan Modulus Elastisitas sebesar 45,17 Mpa (plain)

    Analisa Kekerasan Pisau Potong (Parang) Pada Proses Penempaan (Forging)

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    Forging is workmanship of steel or metal become form which good for by using compressor or hammer. Intention of this research to analyse the quality of from steel result of process forge in the bearing of with storey;level hardness of him. Besides to know the quality of cooler media able to be used so that can improve;repair the nature of physical and nature of is mechanical the than steel result of forging. From examination of hardness which can know that at process treatment of heat with different cooler media (air, water, and salt water), highest hardness is cooler media irrigate salt. But for the making of crosscut knife (parang) is water. Because the hardness storey;level of high enough and the him of compared to lower of salt


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    Konsentrasi besi pada air sungai di daerah desa Puntik Luar, Barito Kuala sebesar 19,27 mg/lt. Hal tersebut menyebabkan air sungai tidak dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat di lingkungan tersebut. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengolahan untuk menurunkan Fe air sungai dengan cara adsorpsi menggunakan zeolit sebagai adsorben. Zeolit merupakan batu yang berasal dari gunung berapi yang penggunaannya belum maksimal. Zeolit yang digunakan didapat dari Banjarbaru, Malang dan Banjarmasin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik zeolit dan pengaruh jenis zeolit terhadap penurunan Fe. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan kolom adsorpsi dengan ketebalan adsorben 100 cm dengan debit 3,3 ml/det. Dari hasil uji FTIR untuk karakterisasi adsorben sebagian besar puncak tidak mengalami pergeseran terlalu besar, ini menunjukkan adsorpsi terjadi secara fisika. Dan hasil penelitian penurunan Fe, adsorben mampu menurunkan 97,82%

    Pengaruh fraksi volume dan orientasi sudut serat komposit polyester-serbuk kayu ulin (eusideroxylon zwageri)-kawat kasa terhadap kekuatan bending

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    A composite is a material formed from the combination of two or more constituent materials through an inhomogeneous mixture. The ironwood waste has less economic value, which makes the authors interested in conducting research using mosquito nets and particle composite ironwood waste. Which is to find out the effect of volume fraction and angle orientation of the fiber composite polyester-ulinwood powder (Eusideroxylon zwageri)-mosquito wire on the bending strength. The bending test was carried out using the ASTM D-790 standard with the three point bending test method and the composite was manufactured using the hand lay-up method with the particle composition: polyester: 10%: 90%, 15%: 85%, 20%: 80%, and 25%: 75%. The results obtained in the comparison of the composition of less ironwood powder, a finer mesh size with an orientation angle of 45°, and mosquito wire show the highest bending strength and high deformation ability (ductile), and the addition of mosquito net as one of the composite specimen fibers of polyester resin does not increase significant bending strength but can reduce the deformability reduction effect


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    Indonesia sebagai negara yang multikultur dan multietnis serta keyakinan, di satu sisi menjadi rahmah dan di sisi yang lain menjadi tantangan. Keanekaragaman suku dan terlebih keyakinan menjadikan konflik horizontal sangat mudah terjadi. Tulisan ini memaparkan tentang pentingnya kerukunan umat beragama. Pemaparan dalam tulisan ini berdasarkan analisa dari data pustaka dengan model deskriptif. Dari hasil pembahasan dpata diperoleh simpulan bahwa kerukunan umat merupakan kebutuhan manusia. Kerukunan umat beragama ini dapat tercapai dengan efektif dengan cara melakukan dialog antaragama secara intens. Dengan adanya dialog dan komunikasi yang baik, perbedaan keyakinan tidak membatasi atau melarang kerjasama antara Islam dan agama-agama lain, terutama dalam hal-hal yang menyangkut kepentingan  umat  manusia. Penerimaan Islam akan kerjasama itu, tentunya akan dapat diwujudkan dalam praktek kehidupan, apabila ada dialog antar agama The tolerance among different believers is a necessity in Indonesia.Because, this country has been multicultural. As the successors of the country, we must respect the harmony within the relationship among the different religions Indonesia regardless the majority or minority status.The religion plurality in Indonesia, which is populated Muslim majority, obtains much critical attention from foreign observers.While certain domestic society are still unsatisfied toward religion life in Indonesia, the foreign observers begin to examine the dialogue model and the tolerance among different believers in Indonesia as an alternative way that should be developed.The different belief does not restrict and forbid collaboration between Islam and other religions, especially in relating the important of human being.The Islam acceptances of collaboration, it will be certainly applied in the life practice, when there any dialogue inter religious


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    Indonesia is an area that is unstable and prone to conflict. Confronted in a variety of social problems such as high levels of poverty, unemployment, social inequality, social tension, and political instability, as well as the political institutions of democracy are not yet effective, the areas in Indonesia holds the potential conflict which at times can be sticking to the surface into a violent conflict open. The violent conflict in the past, such as occurred in Maluku, North Maluku, Poso, West Kalimantan, Aceh, Papua, bringing the impact of conflict with the social damage and casualties is not small. While, though most areas of conflict in Indonesia has now entered a post-conflict situation, the potential for conflicts (latent conflict) is still very high. Thus potential conflicts at times can turn into open violent conflict, when efforts prevention conflict and peace-building have not worked effectively. The high pluralism in Indonesia create potential conflicts of Indonesia is also high. Potential friction and misunderstandings are also high. Both conflicts on a small scale or a large scale. In a small scale, the conflict is reflected in the communication not connected or not running as it should, causing a sense of hurt, angry, frustrated, disappointed, irritated, confused, wondering, and others. Meanwhile, large-scale conflict embodied in, for example, social unrest, multi-cultural chaos, hostility between races, ethnicities and religions, and others. One of the factors that encourage the appearance of a conflict-prone society is a problem related to the elements Tribe, Religion, Race, and groups (SARA). Especially religious differences, common be driving the emergence of tensions in society, for example, issues related to the establishment of a means of worship, religious activities and the implementation of practical political problems.Indonesia is an area that is unstable and prone to conflict. Confronted in a variety of social problems such as high levels of poverty, unemployment, social inequality, social tension, and political instability, as well as the political institutions of democracy are not yet effective, the areas in Indonesia holds the potential conflict which at times can be sticking to the surface into a violent conflict open. The violent conflict in the past, such as occurred in Maluku, North Maluku, Poso, West Kalimantan, Aceh, Papua, bringing the impact of conflict with the social damage and casualties is not small. While, though most areas of conflict in Indonesia has now entered a post-conflict situation, the potential for conflicts (latent conflict) is still very high. Thus potential conflicts at times can turn into open violent conflict, when efforts prevention conflict and peace-building have not worked effectively. The high pluralism in Indonesia create potential conflicts of Indonesia is also high. Potential friction and misunderstandings are also high. Both conflicts on a small scale or a large scale. In a small scale, the conflict is reflected in the communication not connected or not running as it should, causing a sense of hurt, angry, frustrated, disappointed, irritated, confused, wondering, and others. Meanwhile, large-scale conflict embodied in, for example, social unrest, multi-cultural chaos, hostility between races, ethnicities and religions, and others. One of the factors that encourage the appearance of a conflict-prone society is a problem related to the elements Tribe, Religion, Race, and groups (SARA). Especially religious differences, common be driving the emergence of tensions in society, for example, issues related to the establishment of a means of worship, religious activities and the implementation of practical political problems