27 research outputs found

    Islam and the New Indonesian Democracy

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    Streaming video requires RealPlayer to view.The University Archives has determined that this item is of continuing value to OSU's history.Din Syamsuddin is a key player in both social affairs and politics in Indonesia. As president of Muhammadiyah, the country's largest modernist Muslim social and educational organization, he is directly involved in debates over the relationship between Islam and politics. In the case of Indonesia, Syamsuddin said, moderate and modernist Islamic organizations like Muhammadiyah are in a much better position than an outside power to reach out to extremist groups in the Muslim community and push them toward becoming peaceful and moderate players.Ohio State University. Mershon Center for International Security StudiesEvent webpage, streaming video, photos, and lecture summar

    Islamic Political Thought and Cultural Revival in Modern Indonesia

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    Views of Islamic political thought, at least there are three currents of thought among Indonesian Muslim intellectuals; formalistic currents, currents substantivistik, and fundamentalist currents. One view of current formalistic, he said Islam is a universal religion and overall (total). He emphasized the power of God on earth and as the views of Islamic fundamentalism, the danger of "Westoxication" or "jahili modern society". For this group, Islam must be instituted in order to be a force for liberation in this world. This institutionalization will pave the way for the formation of modern society Qur'anis.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v2i4.82

    Etika agama dalam membangun masyarakat madani.

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    xiv, 263 p. ; 21 cm

    Etika Agama Dalam Membangun Masyarakat Madani

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    Etika agama dalam membangun masyarakat madani

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    Etika agama dalam membangun masyarakat madani

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    xiv, 263 p.; 21 c

    Islam dan politik era orde baru

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    Etika agama dalam membangun masyarakat madani

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    Antara yang Berkuasa dan yang Dikuasai: Refleksi Atas Pemikiran dan Praktek Politik Islam

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    This article examines the relationship between the ruler and the ruled that are involved and become main factors and actors of socio-political life of a nation. In it, the writer explains the dynamics of political thought and. its consequent deeds in historical process of Islamic civilization both during pre-modem and modem.  Based on his research the writer concludes that there is a gap in the relationship between the ruler and the ruled in the perspective of Islamic political thought and practices. Political reality does not match with the religious ideality. The gap even continues in certain degree and in other form during current modem era.  Therefore, in order to develop modern society often called civil society, government role is very important, namely, to support the development of infra-structural life of community by providing public space in its real meaning. This means that government not only allows its people to speak but also opens its inner eyes for people's aspirations both delivered from formal and non-formal democratic institutions

    The Muhammadiyyah Da‘wah and Allocative Politics in the New Order Indonesia

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    The change of political Islam to proselytizing is the result of cultural introspection, which is a result of the unbalanced relationship between Islam and the state: Islam is at the inferior position while the country is in a superior position. The Islamic position by itself limit the range of motion activities to perform publicly. Meanwhile, the superiority of the state, much less to encourage Muslims to present themselves in ways more subtle and careful. This inequality then gave birth to a form of political practice other: allocative politics. Here the political activity emerged as an attempt to enter the values ​​of Islam into the political development process based on the results of a national consensus ideology: Pancasila. Thus, it could mean repolitisasi allocative political Islam within the framework of Pancasila.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v2i2.83