20 research outputs found

    Properties and Management Implications of Soils Developed From Volcanic Ash in North Sulawesi

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    . Soils formed from volcanic ash have unique properties and are among the most productive soils for agricultural use worldwide. The purpose of this study was to characterize mineralogical, physical, and chemical properties of volcanic ash soils. Four soil profiles developed from volcanic ash in North Sulawesi were described, sampled, and analyzed for their mineralogical, physical, and chemical properties. Results revealed that sand mineral composition was dominated by opaque, volcanic glass, labradorite, augite, and hypersthene followed by hornblende and olivine, whereas clay minerals were dominated by allophane and hydrated-halloysite. The mineral composition indicated that the soils were developed from andesitic to basaltic volcanic materials. Soil morphological characteristics were dark colors, weak to moderate sub-angular blocky structure, and friable to very friable consistency. The soils showed coarse to medium texture with sand content of > 40%. The bulk density ranged from 0.79 to 1.19 g cm-3 and water retention at 1,500 kPa were generally low to medium (6.3-18.5%). The soil reaction in the upper horizons was acid to slightly acid and pHH2O and pHNaF values ranged from 4.8-6.5 and 9.1 to 12.3, respectively. The soil organic carbon content and cation exchange capacity were low to high, while base saturation was moderate to high. Two soil profiles (P1 and P3) met the criteria of andic properties and are classified as Andisols. However, the other two profiles (P4 and P2) just met the criteria for vitrandic soil properties at subgroup level of Inceptisols and Entisols. All the studied soils are highly potential for agricultural production. However, some soils exhibit low organic carbon content and high P retention. Therefore, land management should be directed for increasing organic matter content and availability of P nutrient

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Dosis Pupuk N, P, Dan K Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Terung (Solanum Melongena L.) [the Influence of Dose Combination Fertilizer N, P, and K on Growth and Yield of Eggplant Crops (Solanum Melongena L.)]

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    Pemupukan berimbang merupakan syarat pokok keberhasilan dalam meningkatkan produktifitas tanaman terung. Salah satu upaya dengan mencari dosis yang tepat. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi dosis pupuk N,P,K terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman terung, dan untuk mendapatkan dosis pupuk NPK yang paling tepat dalam meningkatkan produktifitas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Februri 2013 - Juli 2013 di kebun percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah, wera, subang. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok dengan 11 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan yang terdiri dari. a. (Kontrol) 0 kg/ha b. ( 0 kg N/ha + 100 kg P2O5/ha + 75 kg K2O/ha) c. ( 100 kg N/ha + 100 kg P2O5/ha + 75 kg K2O/ha) d. ( 200 kg N/ha + 100 kg P2O5/ha + 75 kg K2O/ha) e. ( 300 kg N/ha + 100 kg P2O5/ha + 75kg K2O/ha) f. ( 100 kg N/ha + 0 kg P2O5/ha + 75 kg K2O/ha) g. ( 100 kg N/ha + 200 kg P2O5/ha + 75 kg K2O/ha) h. ( 100 kg N/ha + 300 kg P2O5/ha + 75 kg K2O/ha) i. ( 100 kg N/ha + 100 kg P2O5/ha + 0 kg K2O/ha) j. ( 100 kg N/ha + 100 kg P2O5/ha + 150 kg K2O/ha) k. ( 100 kg N/ha + 100 kg P2O5/ha + 225 kg K2O/ha). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemupukan NPK berpengaruh baik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman terung, perlakuan dosis pupuk NPK sebanyak 200 kg n/ha, 100 kh P2O5/ha, 75 kg K2O/ha memberikan pengaruh paling baik terhadap semua parameter pengamatan.KeywordsTerung; Dosis; Kombinasi; NPK; Pupu

    Optimalisasi Penggunaan Lahan Rawa Pasang Surut Mendukung Swasembada Pangan Nasional

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    . Tidal swamp land resources can be a source of new production growth of agricultural production. However, it should be supported by reliable cultivation technology due to tidal swamp land generally have some constraints including technical aspects, infrastructure,socio-economics and institution.. Optimization USAge of a tidal swamp land is very strategic and has a great opportunity to increase rice production in the tidal wetlands that may contribute significantly to the national rice production. The optimization can be via (1) area expansion, (2) increase the cropping index (IP) (water management and the use of high yielding varieties), and (3) increased productivity (land arrangement, soil tillage, amelioration and fertilization, weed control, pest and disease as well as institutional strengthening). If optimization USAge of tidal swamp land is carried out and supported by technological innovation, good cultivation management, and improved cropping indices (IP 200), it is expected to obtain additional production of 3.5 million tons of rice grain per year. This achievement target can be done gradually by implementiing the priority principle, continuity, systematics, and focusing. In the connection of strong linkages among development sectors and sub-sectors in agriculture itself, the koordination, integration, and synchronization are the key of success

    Sosialisasi Gerakan Literasi Dini Kepada Guru TK dan PAUD Makanatut Thalibin di Kecamatan Aluh-aluh

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    ABSTRACT: Community service is aimed to socialize the early literacy movement for teachers and parents of PAUD I students in Pulantan Village, Aluh-Aluh District. This dedication was held on Thursday, March 22, 2018 in PAUD Makanatut Thalibin. The target of this activity is PAUD teachers and parents of students. The reason for implementing this service is a school that is far from the city center, a low level of education from parents of students so that the planting of early literacy to their children is often unthinkable to them, even the planting of early literacy they submit to school. The method in this socialization uses the lecture method, discussion and question and answer, to provide knowledge on the importance of early literacy in children. After this implementation it can be concluded that the awareness of students' parents the importance of instilling a culture of early literacy for children, while for PAUD teachers Makanatut Thalibin they understand that many methods of teaching early literacy are fun for students

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Sagu sebagai Pengendalian Gulma pada Lada Perdu

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    Limbah sagu di samping dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber bahanorganik juga potensial digunakan sebagai amelioran dan herbisida nabati.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh limbah sagu dan carapenyiangan gulma terhadap populasi gulma dan pertumbuhan ladaperdu. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan (KP) Institut PertanianBogor (IPB) dan Laboratorium Balai Penelitian Tanaman Obat danAromatik Balittro) dari bulan Mei 2003 sampai April 2004. Penelitianmenggunakan rancangan petak terbagi yang disusun secara faktorial. Carapenyiangan gulma (S) sebagai petak utama dan komposisi limbah sagu(L) sebagai anak petak. Susunan perlakuan sebagai berikut: S 1 =penyiangan bersih dan S 2 = penyiangan terbatas. Komposisi limbahsagu terdiri dari L 0 = tanpa bahan organik; L 1 = 100% limbah sagu, L 2= 100% limbah sagu, dekomposisi 1 bulan, L 3 = 100% limbah sagudekomposisi 2 bulan; L 4 = 75% limbah sagu + 25% kompos; L 5 = 75%limbah sagu + 25% kompos, dekomposisi 1 bulan; L 6 = 75% limbahsagu + 25% kompos, dekomposisi 2 bulan; L 7 = 50% limbah sagu +50% kompos; L 8 = 50% limbah sagu + 50% kompos, dekomposisi 1bulan; L 9 = 50% limbah sagu + 50% kompos, dekomposisi 2 bulan;L 10 = 25% limbah sagu + 75% kompos; L 11 = 25% limbah sagu + 75%kompos, dekomposisi 1 bulan; dan L 12 = 25% limbah sagu + 75%kompos, dekomposisi 2 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwakandungan limbah sagu 75% limbah sagu + 25% kompos dekomposisi2 bulan meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produktivitas lada perdu.Limbah sagu dengan 100% dalam bentuk segar dan dekomposisisampai 2 bulan efektif dalam menekan populasi gulma

    Teknik Penanaman Benih Bawang Merah Asal True Shallot Seed Di Lahan Suboptimal

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    Keberhasilan produksi umbi bawang merah dengan menggunakan TSS (True Shallot Seed) di lahan sub optimal tergantung banyak faktor, antara lain umur benih, kerapatan tanaman dan dosis pupuk N. Tujuan penelitian adalah menghasilkan umur benih, kerapatan tanaman, dan dosis pupuk N yang tepat untuk pertumbuhan tanaman dan hasil umbi bawang merah asal TSS yang optimal. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan di lahan sub optimal Subang-Jawa Barat (100 m dpl) dengan jenis tanah Latosol Merah Kuning, dari bulan Juli sampai Oktober 2013. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial, dengan tiga ulangan dan tiga faktor perlakuan. Faktor pertama (A): Umur benih di persemaian, terdiri atas: a, = 4 minggu setelah semai, a2 = 5 minggu setelah semai, dan a3 = 6 minggu setelah semai. Faktor kedua (B): Kerapatantanaman, terdiri atas: b1 = 150 tanaman/m2 dan b2 = 100 tanaman/m2. Faktor ketiga (C): Dosis pupuk N, terdiri atas: Cl = 150 kg N/ha, C2=225 kg N/ha, dan C3 = 300 kg N/ha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan tanaman (tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun) dipengaruhi oleh umur benih, tetapl tidak dipengaruhi oleh kerapatan dan dosis pupuk N. Umur benih 6 minggu setelah \u27sernat memberikan tinggi tanaman paling tinggi dan jumlah daun paling banyak. Bobot umbi basah per tanaman tidak dipenqaruhi oleh umur benih, kerapatan tanaman dan dosis pupuk N. Namun bobot umbi basah per petak dipengaruhi oleh kerapatan tanaman. Makin rapat tanaman (150 tanaman/m2) makin tinggi hasil bobot umbi basah per petak. Bobot umbi kering eskip per tanaman dan bobot umbi kering esktp per petak, serta susut bobot umbi dipengaruhi oleh interaksi umur benih dan kerapatan tanaman. Umur benih 6 minggu dengan kerapatan 150 tanaman/rrr menghasilkan bobot umbi kering eskip per tanaman (11,417 g/tanaman) dan bobot umbi kering eskip per petak (2,433 kg/2.4 rrr\u27) paling tinggi, serta susut bobot umbi paling rendah (33,63%). Kombinasi umur benih, kerapatan tanaman dan dosis pupuk N yang menghasilkan bobot umbi basah dan bobot kering eskip tertinggi adalah umur biblt 6 minggu setelah semai, kerapatan tanaman 150 tanarnan/m\u27 dan dosis 225 kg N/ha, yaitu masing­masing sebesar 4,195 kg/2,4m2 dan 2,80 kg/2,4 m2. Penggunaan benih asal TSS dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif dalam budidaya bawang merah