120 research outputs found

    Molecular Identification of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and Analysis of Its Resistance to Rifampin in Sputa From Tuberculosis Suspected Patients

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    An accurate identification of different species of Mycobacterium provides to allow appropriate treatment for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Beside that, drug resistance of M. tuberculosis strains to rifampin is not clearly understood in contributing to the spread of tuberculosis in Indonesia. To assess the molecular mechanism of rifampin resistance, a number of clinical specimens of M. tuberculosis were analyzed their molecular nature of a part of the rpoB gene using polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) methods. DNA\u27s extracted from sputum samples were amplified and 32P-labeled by PCR with the specific primers and the product was analyzed their mutation conferring resistance by MDE gel electrophoresis. Of the 70 specimens tested, 57 specimens were positive for M. tuberculosis organism only, three specimens contained a mixture of M. tuberculosis and non tuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM), and 10 specimens were negative approved by Duplex PCR. Of these sixty DNA positive samples (thus the sensitivity of PCR was 85.71%), 5 (8.3%) of them suspected to contain mutations in rpoB which were associated with rifampin resistance. Even though the frequency of mutation was low, the results from our study clearly indicate that the molecular mechanism of rifampin resistance in M. tuberculosis isolates from Indonesia involves alterations in the rpoB gene. Molecular diagnosis by PCR which is fast and easy to perform is useful for early and rapid detection of TB in sputum specimen. Received: 27 February 2009; Revised: 28 August 2010; Accepted: 30 August 201

    Molecular Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Analysis of Its Resistance to Rifampin in Sputa From Tuberculosis Suspected Patients

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    An accurate identification of different species of Mycobacterium provides to allow appropriate treatment for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Beside that, drug resistance of M. tuberculosis strains to rifampin is not clearly understood in contributing to the spread of tuberculosis in Indonesia. To assess the molecular mechanism of rifampin resistance, a number of clinical specimens of M. tuberculosis were analyzed their molecular nature of a part of the rpoB gene using polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) methods. DNA’s extracted from sputum samples were amplified and 32P-labeled by PCR with the specific primers and the product was analyzed their mutation conferring resistance by MDE gel electrophoresis. Of the 70 specimens tested, 57 specimens were positive for M. tuberculosis organism only, three specimens contained a mixture of M. tuberculosis and non tuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM), and 10 specimens were negative approved by Duplex PCR. Of these sixty DNA positive samples (thus the sensitivity of PCR was 85.71%), 5 (8.3%) of them suspected to contain mutations in rpoB which were associated with rifampin resistance. Even though the frequency of mutation was low, the results from our study clearly indicate that the molecular mechanism of rifampin resistance in M. tuberculosis isolates from Indonesia involves alterations in the rpoB gene. Molecular diagnosis by PCR which is fast and easy to perform is useful for early and rapid detection of TB in sputum specimen. Received: 27 February 2009; Revised: 28 August 2010; Accepted: 30 August 201

    Gene Mutation as Biomarker of Radiation Induced Cell Injury and Genomic Instability

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    Gene expression profiling and its mutation has become one of the most widely used approaches to identify genes and their functions in the context of identify and categorize genes to be used as radiation effect markers including cell and tissue sensitivities. Ionizing radiation produces genetic damage and changes in gene expression that may lead to cancer due to specific protein that controlling cell proliferation altered the function, its expression or both. P53 protein encoded by p53 gene plays an important role in protecting cell by inducing growth arrest and or cell suicide (apoptosis) after deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage induced by mutagen such as ionizing radiation. The mutant and thereby dysfunctional of this gene was found in more than 50% of various human cancers, but it is as yet unclear how p53 mutations lead to neoplastic development. Wild-type p53 has been postulated to play a role in DNA repair, suggesting that expression of mutant forms of p53 might alter cellular resistance to the DNA damage caused by radiation. Moreover, p53 is thought to function as a cell cycle checkpoint after irradiation, also suggesting that mutant p53 might change the cellular proliferative response to radiation. p53 mutations affect the cellular response to DNA damage, either by increasing DNA repair processes or, possibly, by increasing cellular tolerance to DNA damage. The association of p53 mutations with increased radioresistance suggests that alterations in the p53 gene might lead to oncogenic transformation. Current attractive model of carcinogenesis also showed that p53 gene is the major target of radiation. The majority of p53 mutations found so far is single base pairchanges (point mutations), which result in amino acid substitutionsor truncated forms of the P53 protein, and are widely distributedthroughout the evolutionarily conserved regions of the gene. Examination of p53 mutations in human cancer also shows an association between particular carcinogens and characteristicpatterns of these mutations. Even amongcancers of the same organ, the mutational spectrum of the p53gene could present different patterns by histologic subtypeor risk factors and mutagen involve

    Gene Mutation as Biomarker of Radiation Induced Cell Injury and Genomic Instability

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    Gene expression profiling and its mutation has become one of the most widely used approaches to identify genes and their functions in the context of identify and categorize genes to be used as radiation effect markers including cell and tissue sensitivities. Ionizing radiation produces genetic damage and changes in gene expression that may lead to cancer due to specific protein that controlling cell proliferation altered the function, its expression or both. P53 protein encoded by p53 gene plays an important role in protecting cell by inducing growth arrest and or cell suicide (apoptosis) after deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage induced by mutagen such as ionizing radiation. The mutant and thereby dysfunctional of this gene was found in more than 50% of various human cancers, but it is as yet unclear how p53 mutations lead to neoplastic development. Wild-type p53 has been postulated to play a role in DNA repair, suggesting that expression of mutant forms of p53 might alter cellular resistance to the DNA damage caused by radiation. Moreover, p53 is thought to function as a cell cycle checkpoint after irradiation, also suggesting that mutant p53 might change the cellular proliferative response to radiation. p53 mutations affect the cellular response to DNA damage, either by increasing DNA repair processes or, possibly, by increasing cellular tolerance to DNA damage. The association of p53 mutations with increased radioresistance suggests that alterations in the p53 gene might lead to oncogenic transformation. Current attractive model of carcinogenesis also showed that p53 gene is the major target of radiation. The majority of p53 mutations found so far is single base pairchanges (point mutations), which result in amino acid substitutionsor truncated forms of the P53 protein, and are widely distributedthroughout the evolutionarily conserved regions of the gene. Examination of p53 mutations in human cancer also shows an association between particular carcinogens and characteristicpatterns of these mutations. Even amongcancers of the same organ, the mutational spectrum of the p53gene could present different patterns by histologic subtypeor risk factors and mutagen involve

    Analisis Pemikiran Umar Bin Khattab Tentang Pengguguran Hak Mu'allaf Sebagai Mustahiq Zakat

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    In the reign of Khulafaurrasyidin, the fourth caliph no longer provide the right of mu'allaf to the beneficiary, relying on Umar who flatly refuse to give alms to the rights of mu'allaf in the reign of Abu Bakr, and his reign. In fact, since the time of the Prophet they continue to receive zakat. This is where Omar issued a statement of law, that the al-mu'allafah qulubuhum not get the zakat, which none of the companions who opposed it. So opinions of Umar is a statute (ijma') of the Companions and considered abrogatedpart mu'allaf. This paper studies about The reason of Umar bin Khattab did not provide the right of zakat to the mu'allaf as mustahiq of zakat, and how contemporary scholars put Umar thoughts about abortion right of mu'allaf as mustahiq of zakat in fiqh science literatures. The results of this research are, First, Umar bin Khattab abort asnaf rights for “al-mu'allafah qulubuhum” as a recipient of Zakat is due to the existence of a ‘illat (the reasons behind the solutions and decisions) that the state of “weak faith”. Second, the science of fiqh repertory, contemporary scholars put the Umar thoughts as a basis of ijtihad with the provision if the spirit of the background (‘illat law) is still visible, then the provisions of law applicabl

    Indikator Biokimia Sel Terhadap Radiasi Pengion

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    Radiasi pengion yang mengenai sistem hidup dapat menghasilkan serangkaian hasil akhir biologik meliputi proses pembengkakan, luka pada jaringan, karsinogenesis dan kematian. Tahap awal interaksi radiasi dengan materi biologi ini adalah pemindahan energi pada atom dan molekul yang menyebabkan pengionan dan eksitasi. Dosis letal sinar-X untuk pajanan akut seluruh tubuh pada manusia diperkirakan sebesar 4,5 Gy (450 rad). Dosis ini sangat kecil dan energi panas ekivalen dosis ini akan menambah suhu tubuh hanya sebesar 1/1000 oC. Daya mematikan dari energi sekecil ini berasal dari deposisi energi tak merata dalam sel dan melalui serangkaian proses biokimia yang menimbulkan luka. Proses tersebut meliputi pembentukan radikal bebas dan spesies aktif lain pada tingkat molekul dan pelepasan mediator biologik pada tingkat selular dan jaringan. Luka pada tingkat molekuler kemudian dapat menyebabkan luka pada jaringan yang dapat terjadi segera atau beberapa waktu sesudahnya. Proses lain dapat muncul melalui ketidakseimbangan hormonal dan pelepasan yang berlebihan agensia penyebab pembengkakan


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    ABSTRACT M. Zaki Syaifudin Anshori. THE APPLICATION OF STUDENT TEAM ACHIEVEMENT DIVISION (STAD) TYPE OF COOPERATIVE MODEL TO IMPROVE THE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOME IN THE SUBJECT OF MANAGING ARCHIVING SYSTEM IN THE 11TH OFFICE ADMINISTRATION 1 GRADE OF SMK NEGERI 4 KLATEN IN THE SCHOOL YEAR OF 2014/2015. Thesis. Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University. Surakarta. December 2015. The objective of research was to find out whether or not there was an improvement in the learning outcome of student through the application of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) type of cooperative model in the subject of Managing Archiving System in the 11th Office Administration 1 grade of SMK Negeri 4 Klaten in the school year of 2014/2015. This study was a Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subject of research was the 11th Office Administration 1 graders of SMK Negeri 4 Klaten, consisting of 36 students. This research was conducted in collaboration between class teacher, author and students. Techniques of collecting data used were observation, interview, test and documentation. This research was carried out in two cycles, each of which consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Each cycle was implemented in three meetings; the first cycle was carried out in 6 x 45 minutes and the second one in 6 x 45 minute. Data validation was carried out using data and method triangulation techniques. Data analysis was conducted using a descriptive comparative and critical analysis technique. The result of research showed that the application of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) type of cooperative model could improve the student learning outcome. It was reflected on the following indicators: (1) Students’ participation in paying attention increased from 69.44% or 24 students in cycle I to 86.11% or 31 students in cycle II, (2) Students’ participation in asking question increased from 52.78% or 19 students in cycle I to 77.78% or 28 students in cycle II, (3) Students’ participation in answering question increased from 61.11% or 22 students in cycle I to 83.33% or 30 students in cycle II, (4) Students’ participation in discussion increased from 72.22% or 26 students in cycle I to 88.89% or 32 students in cycle II, and (5) there was an increase in the learning outcome achievement of students from 72.22% or 26 students in cycle I to 86.11% or 31 students in cycle II. Considering the result of research, it could be concluded that the application of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) type of cooperative model could improve the student learning outcome in in the subject of Managing Archiving System in the 11th Office Administration 1 grade of SMK Negeri 4 Klaten. Keywords: Classroom Action Research, Learning Outcome, Student Team Achievement Division, STAD

    Tindakan Protektif terhadap Kelenjar Tiroid pada Kecelakaan Radiasi

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    Kata-kata ”radiasi” dan ”nuklir” bagi orang awam adalah sesuatu yang menakutkan. Hal ini cukup beralasan karena nuklir pertama kali dikenali karena efek negatifnya. Hal ini juga tidak selamanya benar karena radiasi terbukti merupakan suatu alat dan teknologi yang telah dipergunakan secara meluas untuk membantu kebutuhan manusia seperti dalam hal kesehatan, makanan dan pertanian, industri, energi dan lingkungan. Banyak data dan informasi mengenai pemanfaatan teknologi berbasis radiasi ini, bahkan tidak dapat diperoleh atau dilakukan melalui teknologi lain, dan hasilnya pun dapat diandalkan (impresif). Sebagai contoh lebih dari 25 juta prosedur pencitraan nuklir dilakukan setiap tahunnya di seluruh dunia untuk diagnosa penyakit, dan setiap tahun hampir 10 juta orang memanfaatkan radiofarmasi (obat mengandung zat radioaktif) terutama untuk pengobatan kanker. Pada saat yang sama, teknik molekuler dan radioisotop saat ini sedang digunakan untuk mengembangkan teknologi dan pengukuran yang lebih efektif untuk melawan dan memberantas penyakit infeksi seperti malaria, hepatitis dan tuberkulosis. Teknologi berbasis radiasi yang telah terbukti efektif selama berpuluh-puluh tahun ini digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia pada hampir setiap sektor kehidupan

    Waterbath Calibrator with Nine Channels Sensor

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    Water bath is a laboratory equipment that contains water or special liquid that can maintain the temperature under certain conditions during the specified time interval. For this reason, calibration is needed so that the temperature in the chamber waterbath is stable or not. calibration is carried out by comparing measuring instruments and measuring materials to be calibrated to traceable standards that are traceable to national and / or International standards. Based on the results of the identification of the problems mentioned above, the author makes a waterbath calibrator entitled "Waterbath Calibrator (9 channel)" which is very practical, and easy to operate. .This calibration tool uses a K type thermocouple sensor and also the output is displayed to the character LCD to make it easier for users to retrieve data, the reason for choosing a thermocouple sensor is because the error rate is +/- 1,1C while the LM35 is +/- 1,4C. The thermocouple temperature sensor can detect the chamber temperature quite well where the biggest error is obtained with a comparator of 2%, and the lowest error is 0%
