117 research outputs found

    Sistem Penjejak Posisi Obyek Berbasis Umpan Balik Citra

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    Makalah ini memaparkan hasil penelitian tentang Perancangan dan Realisasi Sistem Penjejak (tracking) Posisi Obyek dengan Menggunakan Bantuan Pemrosesan Citra. Keberadaan benda dideteksi oleh sensor visual. Pengambilan citra benda dilakukan dengan mengkondisikan Perubahan parameter tertentu terhadap benda yang diamati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sebuah sistem pendeteksian keberadaan benda dengan menggunakan kamera sebagai sensor visual. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan memanfaatkan pemrosesan citra (image processing) untuk melakukan pendeteksian keberadaan benda yang akan disorot dan diikuti laser pointer yang dikendalikan oleh mikrokontroler. Kamera yang terhubung dengan komputer melalui kabel USB akan melakukan capture pada benda yang berada di sebuah plant. Citra hasil capture diproses oleh aplikasi image processing menggunakan pemrograman Delphi untuk menghasilkan data koordinat yang akan menentukan keberadaan benda pada plant. Data koordinat akan dikirimkan ke mikrokontroler untuk menggerakkan laser pointer dengan menggunakan motor stepper. Ketepatan posisi penjejakan laser pointer terhadap benda akan ditunjukkan oleh titik koordinat X dan Y yang diperoleh dari hasil pemrosesan citra

    Implikasi Hubungan Kyai dan Tarekat pada Pendidikan Pesantren

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    Implikasi Hubungan Kyai dan Tarekat pada Pendidikan Pesantren. Pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan Islam tertua di Indonesia. Ia disinyalir sebagai lembaga khas Indonesia dan tidak ditemui di tempat lainnya. Di antara kekuatan pesantren adalah terletak pada kharisma kyai yang menunjukkan sosok yang sangat dikagumi dan senantiasa menjadi tauladan bagi muridmuridnya. Kekuatan kyai di antaranya terletak pada keterlibatannya dalam dunia tarekat-tarekat yang berkembang di Indoensia. Tetapi belakangan ada pergeseran banyak kyai yang tidak lagi berafiliasi pada tarekat, sehingga dia tidak mempunyai kelebihan tertentu (karamah) sebagaimana yang dimiliki para kyai terdahulu. Untuk itu, seiring dengan tidak adanya karomah tersebut, maka pengajaran yang dilakukan pesantren semestinya mengadopsi metode-metode modern

    Comperative Study of Woods Type to the Smoked Catfish (Pangasius Hypopthalmus) Flavour

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    This study was intended to evaluate the quality of smoked catfish smoked withdifferent types of woods. The fish weighing 250-300gr each were smoked with hot andliquid smoking method using rambutan wood (Nephelium lappacium) and medang wood(Dcinamouns spp). The smoked catfishes were evaluated for sensory quality, moisture, fenolvalue, acid value and pH. The smoked catfishes which were smoked with rambutan woodwere compared to that smoked with medang wood. The results showed that the smokedcatfishes which were smoked with rambutan wood had a better quality than that medangwood. Moisture, fenol value, acid value and pH of smoked catfishes which were smokedwith rambutan wood was 16,52%, 2,51%, 4,18% and 6,1% respectively, and that smokedwith medang wood was 18,31%, 2,17%, 4,10% and 6,33% respectively.Kunci : smoked catfish (Pangasius hypopthalmus) , sensory quality

    Analisa Nilai Kalor Dan Laju Pembakaran Pada Briket Campuran Biji Nyamplung (Calophyllm Inophyllum) Dan Abu Sekam Padi

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    The fuel is a source of energy with greatest consumption today. Where that stock is become less until 2025th. That's way, it must to find some new energy to replacement, that one of alternative that is a fuel of solid phase that become from briquette. The briquette that use is compound between nyamplung's fruit and rice husk. In this case because in NTB nyamplung's fruit and  rice husk  is overabundance. This research conducted three testing that are testing of heat value, testing of combustion rate, and testing of dry measure. In case where to testing of heat value using bomb calorimeter. Independent variable both of this research is combine. Between nyamplung's fruit and rice husk with comparison 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, and 1:3. The highest heating value is obtained from sample 3:1 as big as 4792,40 cal/gr, the lowest rate of combustion from sample 3:1 as big as 0,00156 gr/s and the lowest of dry measure lowest from sample 1:1 that is 21,52%

    The Effect of Chlorella SP Flour Fortification on the Quality of Dodol Added with Seaweed (Eucheuma Cottoni)

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of Chlorella sp flour fortification on the quality of dodol added with seaweed (Eucheuma cottoni) with organoleptic, and chemical. The method used was an experimental method and design as completely randomized design (CRD). The treatment fortification flavour Chlorella sp with consist four taraf, the taraf is (C1) Chlorella sp without flavour, (C2) 2 gram Chlorella sp fortification flavour, (C3) 4 gram Chlorella sp fortification flavour, (C4) 6 gram Chlorella sp fortification flavour. The parameter test of the reseach is organolephtic and chemical.The result of the reseach is 2 gram Chlorella sp fortification flavour showed the best of the treatment, with the characteristic is shiny, green and tidy (7.91), aroma typical of dodol and slightly smelly Chlorella sp (7.99), flavor sweet and a little taste of Chlorella sp (7.96), chewy textures and not sticky chewed (8.28). It contained of water 3.60%, protein 28.52%, fat 21,60% and crude fiber 1,32%

    Adaptasi Dan Stabilitas Hasil Delapan Varietas Lokal Padi Sawah

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    Adaptation and Yield Stability of Eight Local Lowland Varieties. Abd. Azis Syarif and Syahrul Zen. The availability of improved rice variety adapted to high altitude areas and suitable for consumers preference in West Sumatra is very limited. Majority of rice farmers in high altitude area in West Sumatra grow many adapted local varieties. This activity aimed at estimating yield adaptability and stability of selected local varieties as a requirement for variety release. The yield and other agronomic traits of eight local and one improved varieties (Batang Sumani) were evaluated at six locations in Solok District, using a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications at each location. Regression technique of varietal yields at each location on environmental index (mean yield of all varieties at correspondent location) was used to assess the adaptability and stability of particular varieties. The results showed that local varieties of Caredek Putih and Caredek Merah gave the highest mean yields, 5.39 and 5.18 t/ha (13.87 and 9.28% higher than that of improved check variety) respectively. These varieties were found to be stable, indicated by non significantly different of their regression coefficient from 1.0 and deviation from regression from 0.0
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