5 research outputs found


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    Abstract: The operation of railway station facilities prioritizes comfort, security and safety. In addition, the station also has high commercial value with commercial facilities. The role of users in commercial facilities as visitors to commercial facilities is very important. This relates to the level of comfort and satisfaction felt by visitors. This research will discuss about the performance of commercial facilities in order to get a railway station commercial facility arrangement that can adjust the level of comfort and user satisfaction. The level of comfort is indicated by the value of the visitor's perception, while the level of satisfaction is indicated by the value of visitor expectations of the railway station commercial facilities. Quantitative analysis was performed using the quadrant analysis method. The selected case studies are Bandung Station and Kiaracondong Station. The results of the analysis show that there are two important elements in the arrangement of commercial facilities for the railway station, namely disability facilities and family facilities. The results of this analysis are expected to be the basis for the planning of the railway station commercial facilities.Abstrak: Penyelenggaraan sarana transportasi kereta api sangat memprioritaskan kenyamanan, keamanan dan keselamatan operasional. Selain dari sisi pelayanan transportasi, stasiun juga memiliki nilai komersial yang tinggi dengan adanya fasilitas komersial. Peran pengguna fasilitas komersial yaitu pengunjung fasilitas komersial sangatlah penting. Hal ini berkaitan dengan tingkat kenyamanan dan kepuasan yang dirasakan oleh pengguna fasilitas komersial. Pada penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai tingkat kinerja fasilitas komersial stasiun kereta api guna mendapatkan penataan fasilitas komersial stasiun kereta api yang dapat memenuhi tingkat kenyamanan dan kepuasan pengguna. Tingkat kenyamanan ditunjukkan dengan nilai persepsi pengunjung, sedangkan tingkat kepentingan ditunjukkan mencari nilai harapan pengunjung terhadap fasilitas komersial stasiun kereta api. Analisis dilakukan secara kuantitatif dengan metode analisis kuadran important performance analysis. Studi kasus yang dipilih adalah Stasiun Bandung dan Stasiun Kiaracondong. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua elemen penting dalam penataan ini, yaitu fasilitas disabilitas dan fasilitas ibu dan anak.  Hasil analisis ini diharapkan dapat menjadi dasar dalam rencana penataan fasilitas komersial stasiun kereta api

    The Relations Between Green Building Concept and Pro-Environmental Behavior in Vertical Housing

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    Residential building in a post-occupation phase and building operations consume large amounts of energy and cause environmental degradation. To reduce the negative impact of energy consumption in residential building, green concept through occupant behavior (pro-environment behavior) is useful. Implementation of green concepts on buildings is expected to trigger the emergence of pro-environmental behavior. This study aims to analyze the correlation of green values in a residential building with the value of pro-environmental behavior, especially on student vertical housing. Based on purposive sampling (non-random/non-probability sampling), correlation analysis shows that the concept of green building has a high correlation with a significant value of <0.05 towards pro-environmental behavior. The application of the green concept in improving pro-environmental behavior can be made by considering three priority categories, namely the site development, energy efficiency, and the use of materials.     Keywords: green concept, pro-environmental behavior, vertical housin


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    Abstract: Tuan Kentang is a district that is located in downstream of Palembang City, South Sumatera. Geographically, Tuan Kentang has a potential position which is in capital city of Palembang and bordered by Musi river and Ogan river. This location is very unique because of the traditional houses which are well-known from Sriwijaya Kingdom, especially the tradition of handwoven which is called by Jumputan. According to this potential evidence, the various of tourism attractions stimulate the pedestrian and tourist movement. This goal of study aims to investigate the spatial pattern of pedestrian movement in Tuan Kentang village where this investigation will be recommended and design strategy to develop tourism attractions in this area. This research is formed by qualitative method descriptively. In addition, collecting data and observing area is executed by surveying in certain time. This sample of this study is non-random purposive sampling technically, such as local people and tourist who visit in this area. This analysis depicts tourist movement patterns in Tuan Kentang which have spatial goal-oriented on focusing to final destination. Keyword: Movement, Tourism, Tuan KentangAbstrak: Tuan Kentang adalah sebuah kelurahan yang berada di kecamatan Seberang Ulu I Kota Palembang, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Secara geografis, Kelurahan Tuan Kentang berada di Pusat kota Palembang, tepatnya bagian hulu Kota dan berbatasan langsung dengan Sungai Ogan. Selain kondisi geografisnya yang unik, Kawasan Tuan Kentang ini juga terkenal dengan peninggalan rumah – rumah tradisional Kota Palembang, seperti Rumah Limas Gudang dan budaya turun menurun dalam pembuatan kerajinan tenun tradisional Jumputan. Uniknya objek wisata serta banyaknya variasi objek wisata yang tersebar di wilayah kawasan wisata tuan kentang memicu adanya pergerakan wisatawan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pola keruangan yang terbentuk dari pergerakan wisatawan di Kawasan Wisata Tuan Kentang. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi rekomendasi dalam pengembangan titik-titik objek wisata di Kawasan Wisata Tuan Kentang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan sifat penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan survei dan observasi dalam kurun waktu tertentu. Sampel dipilih dengan teknik non-random purposive sampling, yaitu masyarakat lokal setempat serta wisatawan yang datang untuk mengunjungi kawasan wisata Tuan Kentang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pola Pergerakan wisatawan di kawasan wisata Tuan Kentang saat ini memiliki tipe spasial goal oriented, yaitu berorientasi pada tujuan.Kata Kunci: Pergerakan, Pariwisata, Tuan Kentan

    Bangunan Heritage Sebagai Materi Pembelajaran Daring Tematik

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    The Covid – 19 pandemic has been generated the biggest disruption of education teaching and learning methods at all levels of education, from kindergarten to tertiary institution. Distance learning solutions were developed as a quick response to support education continuity. At the early childhood educations, the teachers are expected to adjust quickly to create attractive and innovative  learning materials to replace face-to face learning in school and to make it easier for parents who accompany her children at home. Based on those issues, and the contect of distance learning currently held by schools, this Community Services Program are carried out by designing learning material packages that can be used by the kindergarten teachers to teach thematic learning online. The theme developed in this program is expected to replace the study tour around Bandung activity which is regularly held by school every year, in the form of project based learning for kindergarten with tutorial video available. Partner involved in this community services program is Taman Firdaus Percikan Iman (TPFPI), in Ciwaruga, Parongpong, Bandung Barat. Those learning materials packages regarding the introduction of heritage building in Bandung City by through fine motor and cognitivie stimulation activities. Thus, hopefully the results of this community services program can be an alterative solution for distance learning models, not only in TPFPI but also in other kindergartens in Bandung City