173 research outputs found

    Islamisasi Sains dan Penolakan Fazlur Rahman

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    Islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan adalah salah satu topik hangat yang paling banyak diperdebatkan oleh kalangan cendekiawan Muslim di berbagai wilayah Islam di dunia. Perdebatan tentang hal ini terpecah menjadi dua kubu penting. Pada satu sisi, sejumlah cendekiawan Islam berpendapat bahwa islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan adalah sebuah keharusan sejarah karena Islam merupakan agama yang bersifat menyeluruh dan berisi aturan-aturan tentang semua aspek kehidupan pemeluknya. Di sisi lain, sejumlah kalangan muslim juga berpendapat bahwa Islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan adalah sebuah proyek yang mustahil bisa dilaksanakan, apalagi perlu dilaksanakan. Paper ini, oleh karena itu, bertujuan untuk mengekplorasi pandangan Fazlur Rahman, salah seorang pemikir Muslim paling penting dalam beberapa dekade terakhir mengenai isu tersebut. Menurut Fazlur Rahman, para aktor yang terlibat dalam perdebatan tentang isu ini seringkali melupakan pertanyaan mendasar berupa apa yang akan terjadi jika ilmu pengetahuan benar-benar terlah, anggap saja, berhasil di“Islam”-kan dan apakah ilmu pengetahuan yang telah “Islam” tersebut akan tampak berbeda dengan ilmu pengetahuan sebagaimana yang dikenali saat ini. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini, diantara berbagai pertanyaan penting lainnya, menurut Fazlur Rahman, tidak hanya dapat mengubah bagaimana isu islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan dibincang oleh kalangan Muslim namun juga dapat mengubah prinsip-prinsip keimanan dari pemeluk agama Islam itu sendiri

    Improving Reading Comprehension Through Semantic Mapping Strategy For Indonesian Senior High School Students

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    This research investigates how semantic mapping strategy can improve students\u27 reading comprehension. The subject of this research was the ten grade students consisted of 32 students. In this classroom action research, the researcher used quantitative data to see the improvement of the students\u27 reading comprehension, and qualitative data to explain the change in students\u27 behaviour during the implementation of the strategy. Based on the result of the test conducted at the end of the cycle and the analysis of the observation checklist and field notes, it could be concluded that both the students\u27 reading comprehension and the students\u27 attitude during the reading class have been improved. The students who passed the test improved from 43.75% at the baseline data to 87.5% at the end of cycle II. This improvement mostly influenced by the second and the third phase of semantic mapping strategy, which are brainstorming categorization. In this phases, the students activate their prior know and learn to visualize relationship between ideas and put them into categories. Thus, the students have a better comprehension of the text. The students also showed better motivation, interest, participation, and enthusiasm toward the learning process proven by the results of the observation. However, the materials in this present research were short reading texts. The implementation of the strategy on longer reading texts should be taken into a deeper study in the future research

    Using Short Story to Improve Student\u27s Reading Comprehension (a Study at the Second Year Student of SMPN 2 Kota Bengkulu)

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    The objective of this research was to know the differences in students score and also to know whether the student\u27s interest was improved or not, after did a treatment using short story and handbook. The instrument of this research was questionnaire. The result from short story was satisfactory. The mean score from pre-test was 45.1 for experimental class and 45.25 for control class. The difference both of class was 0.15 point. The result of post-test was 55.9 for the experimental class, and 51.8 for the control class. The difference in both classes was 4.1. It can be concluded that the experiment was success. The explanation above showed that the differences in improving students\u27 score and interest by giving the treatment, and the differences score between two classes are significant. It means that reading activity by using short story could improve students reading comprehension in class I of SMPN 2 Kota Bengkulu

    Penggunaan Model Word Square untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 001 Sedinginan Kecamatan Tanah Putih Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    This study aims to determine the Model Word Square Application Usage To Increase Motivation At Subjects IPS Student Class V SD Negeri 001 Sedinginan Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir with a total of 25 students. This research was conducted in several cycles with the subject of class V students of SD Negeri 001 Sedinginan Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir 2015/2016. Based on the survey results revealed that the Model Word Square can increase learning motivation IPS fifth grade students of SD Negeri 001 Sedinginan Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir. Activities teachers first cycle result is 43.7% in the category are not perfect and the second cycle has reached a success rate of 78.1% in the category that is perfect. Student activity cycle I result already achieved a success rate that is 50.5% and in the second cycle, the better the score with a score that is 84% in the very high category. Student motivation first cycle results are already achieved a success rate that is 52% and the second cycle has reached a success rate of 84% in the category of very high interval

    Language Skills, Sub-skills And Vocabularies Needed By Automotive Department Students Of Technical High School: A Need Analysis Study

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    This study aimed to analyze specific English language skills and kind of technical vocabulary that are needed by the third year automotive students of SMKN 2 Kota Bengkulu. The sample for interview comprised of 12 alumni, they were teachers and various company officers who have a MOU with SMKN 2 Kota Bengkulu. In the interview was used saturation sample. The results of interview with alumni indicate that the English skill most needed in the workplace is reading, the second was speaking, the third was writing and the last place was listening. The automotive students/ alumni need to comprehend the technical terms associated with technical terms in English. Related to car, are kick lever, oil pump, water cooling system, trail and rolling roof. Related to heavy machine are rear body offset, over hung, road clearance, light van and rear engine. Related to motorcycle are swing arm, bottom link fork, drum brake and kick starter. General automotive vocabulary are disc brake, gasoline, head lamp, piston and tire. Mastery of technical terms greatly affect the practice of industrial work (prakerin) of students in the work place
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