190 research outputs found

    Analisis Eva, Eps, dan Per terhadap Return Saham pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Makanan & Minuman

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    The companies of food and baverage sub-sector play a vital role in country\u27s economy and social life. This research aims to determine the influences of Economic Value Added (EVA), Earnings Per Share and Price to Earnings Rasio (PER) simultaneously on Stock Return. By using multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS 24.0 for Windows, the results of this research indicate that EVA, EPS, and PER simultaneously have a significant influence on Stock Return. In addition, the results of this research also show that EVA is a determinant variable in influencing Stock Return

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Penginapan Kurnia Pasir Pengaraian

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    This research aimed to analyze the level of customer satisfaction stayingin Penginapan Kurnia with the quality of services provided. The samplingtechnique is purposive sampling sampling techniques with special considerationthat deserves to be sampled. The results showed that the TCR values forindicators of physical evidence, reliability, assurance, responsiveness, andempathy in fairly good condition, while customer satisfaction in good condition.Quality of service significantly influence customer satisfaction. Her advice thatshould Penginapan Kurnia improve service quality dimensions in order to providean optimal guest satisfaction

    Strategi Bersaing Jasa Non Klasifikasi pada PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to compete formulating global strategy PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) in non-classification marine services business (independent assurance) in Indonesia that includes three business sector such as marine, industry, and energy. The methodology used the analytical descriptive method with techniques SWOT analysis. The number of population as many as 5.248 companies, the target population was the BKI non-classification customers (non-klas) or independent assurance in all three business sector susch as marine, industry, and energy. The determination of the total sample using Slovin formulas with the levels of trust 95 % obtained the total sample as many as 400 respondents. The research results showed that based on a position map of non-classification services business, BKI was on strategic rapid growth. BKI increased the number of a new job, increased new consumer on the non-classification services (independent assurance) in all business sectors, and focused on the type of non-classification service business certain having the the highest value income for BKI

    Peningkatkan Stabilitas Viskositas Pelumas Hidrolik dari Kopolimer Lateks Karet Alam-stirena

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    Kebutuhan pelumas hidrolik semakin meningkat setiaptahunnya, seiring dengan banyaknya pembangunangedung perkantoran dan tempat tinggal yangmengharuskan penggunan alat-alat berat. Oleh karenaitu, dibutuhkan pelumas yang dapat menunjangkinerja alat berat tersebut, terutama yang dapat dibuatdari bahan alam dan dapat diperoleh dengan mudah,contohnya lateks karet alam. Kopolimer pelumas latekskaret alam-stirena (LKA-stirena) dilarutkan ke dalam2 macam pelumas mineral pada konsentrasi 0%, 1%,3%, 5% , 7% dan 10% (w/w), kemudian campuranini ditentukan viskositas kinematik, indeks viskositas,titik nyala, titik tuang dan kadar airnya. Hasil yangdiperoleh menunjukan indeks viskositas pelumasmineral meningkat dengan adanya penambahankopolimer LKA-stirena, indeks viskositas dan viskositaskinematik pelumas mineral meningkat dengan semakinbanyaknya kopolimer yang ditambahkan. Pelumasmineral VIM 6 dan VIM 16 pada konsentrasi 1 sampai10% memberikan nilai viskositas kinematik dan indeksviskositas yang sesuai dengan syarat-syarat pelumashidrolik industri anti aus (SNI 06-7069.9-2005) yaituviskositas kinematik pada suhu 40°C sebesar 90-352cSt (ISO 3448 VG) dan indeks viskositas dengan nilaiminimal 90

    Manajemen Pelaksanaan Program Penguatan Infrastruktur Perdesaan Di Desa Tasik Serai Barat Kecamatan Pinggir Kabupaten Bengkalis Tahun 2014

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    The program implementation of rural infrastructure strengthen refers to aid program that is given by Bengkalis regency government to all villages in Bengkalis regency to increase the quality of rural infrastructure. The aims of this program are to increase donation and the basic infrastructure needs of rural society through program of society endeavoring but in reality get many deviations of rural infrastructure foundation. It is caused of foundation control lacking. The aims of this research is to know and analyze management implementation of infrastructure strengthening program in West Tasik Serai Pinggir subdistrict Bengkalis regency on 2014.The basic theory was management that included planning, organization, implementation and supervisor. In analyzing the data the researcher used George R. Terry theory. This research was qualitative that focus on descriptive. In collecting the data, the writer used interview, observation, and documentation. This research used key informers as the information sources tringulasi technique as the sources in data validity testing. After doing this research, the writer found that the implementation management of strengthen program of rural infrastructure was not good. There was many deviations in the implementation of local society organization formation (OMS) and also untranfaransi of cost planning calculation (RAB). Besides that there are factors that influenced management implementation like lack of workers (OMS), there was effort and mutual cooperation from society, untranfaransi of cost planning calculation (RAB) in the implementation management of strengthen program of rural infrastructur

    Adaptasi Masyarakat terhadap Perubahan Lingkungan (Studi pada Masyarakat yang Tinggal pada Kawasan Peternakan Ayam Petelur di Kanagarian Tigo Jangko Kecamatan Lintau Buo Kabupaten Tanah Datar)

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    The presenting of chicken egg layer industrial in society areahave many positives and negatives impact toward the society itself. So the society should be able to agree with them self toward the changing of environment. This research was conducted inTigo Jangko village, Lintau Buo sub district, Tanah Datar regency, Sumatera Barat. The aim of this research is to know the adaptation level of society toward the changing of environment and the pattern of social relationship between the owner of chicken egg layer with the society in Tigo Jangko village. This is descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive qualitative is the research which is aim to show the fact, situation and others phenomena. Thus the writer will apply the concept, collect the data and fact in research area. The techniques are interview and observation. While, the techniques analysis data are data collection, data reduction, showing the data, conclusion and suggestion. The result of the research is the adaptation level of society influenced by some criteria such as the distance of house from chicken egg husbandry, how long they live in, the smell of egg feces, the noise of the chicken, and the voice of rolling corn machine and contamination of environment. Thus from this phenomena it can be classified the adaptation level of society are high and medium. They are many adaptation strategies which are done by society to face the changing of environment. Egg layer husbandry in society environment Tigo Jangko village appears many balance relationship, for example giving education donation, food donation, sympathetic care of fatherless child, dhua\u27fa, social donation, job field, buying the egg with cheaper price and social interaction between husbandry owner with the society in various aspects
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