69 research outputs found

    Strategi Bersaing Jasa Non Klasifikasi pada PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to compete formulating global strategy PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) in non-classification marine services business (independent assurance) in Indonesia that includes three business sector such as marine, industry, and energy. The methodology used the analytical descriptive method with techniques SWOT analysis. The number of population as many as 5.248 companies, the target population was the BKI non-classification customers (non-klas) or independent assurance in all three business sector susch as marine, industry, and energy. The determination of the total sample using Slovin formulas with the levels of trust 95 % obtained the total sample as many as 400 respondents. The research results showed that based on a position map of non-classification services business, BKI was on strategic rapid growth. BKI increased the number of a new job, increased new consumer on the non-classification services (independent assurance) in all business sectors, and focused on the type of non-classification service business certain having the the highest value income for BKI

    Kajian Jumlah Biji Basah Dan Berat Bji Basah Kopi Robusta (Coffea Robusta Lindl.)Pada Beberapa Ketinggian, Kemiringan Lereng Dan Jenis Tanah Di Kecamatan Silima Pungga-Pungga Kabupaten Dairi

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    The purpose of reviewing robusta coffee (Coffea robusta Lindl.) production at some height, slope, and soil type in Silima Pungga-Pungga regency of Dairi. After overlaying map of ground tipe, elvation, and slope it was found 18 SPT (set of land) with the scale 1 : 25.000. The population of the research is coffee tree in the study field. Sum of point of sampling for coffee trees are 540 sample points. The result of data analysis showed the higest sum of ripe seed coffee production at Great Group Hydrudands as SPL (set of land) 12 and the lowest sum of ripe seed coffee production at Great Group Kadiudults as SPL 1. The highest weight production of ripe seed coffee production at Great Group Hydrudands as SPl (set of land) 12 and the lowest weight production of ripe seed coffee production at Great Group Kadiudults as SPL 1

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap terhadap Tindakan Wanita Pekerja Seksual Tidak Langsung Tentang Pap Smear dan Iva sebagai Deteksi Dini Kanker Serviks di Hotspot X Kecamatan Payung Sekaki Pekanbaru

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    Cervical cancer is a Malignant cell which lives in cervical cells. Cervicalcancer is in the second most common cancer after breast cancer in Indonesia.Based on the fact, indirect female sex worker have high risk factor of gettingcervical cancer. Only 5% of women in Indonesia who already have tested cervicalcancer early detection. The aim of this research is to find out the correlationbetween knowledge and attitude toward the action of indirect female sex workerabout Pap smears and IVA as the early detetction of cervical cancer in hotspot XPayung Sekaki district Pekanbaru. This research is conducted by using analyticcross sectional method and total sampling method for taking the sample and ituses questionnaire. There are 32 respondents in this research which most of themare lack of knowledge (78,1%), negative attitude (75%), and willing to do cervicalcancer early detection (96,9%). Writer finds that there is a correlation betweenthe knowledge toward the attitude (p=0,00). In other hands, there is nocorrelation between knowledge toward the act (p=0,607) and attitude toward theact (p=0,572). The conclusion of this research is most of the female sex worker inhotspot X Payung Sekaki district Pekanbaru have bad knowledge, negativeattitude, but have a positive practice towards servical cancer early detection

    Laju Pendinginan Coolant Ethylene Glycol Pada Mesin Pendingin Type Chiller Untuk Cold Storage

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    Refrigeration a necessity in life today's, especially for urban communities. Refrigeration can be in domesticrefrigerators, cold storage, refrigeration of vegetables, fruits, meat, drinks and so on. Vapor compression refrigerationsystem also used in HVAC applications. The aim of this refrigerating cools machine the coolant ethylene glycol so thatthe temperature is below 0°C for cold storage. Coolant ethylene glycol functions as a heat absorber that in cold storage,cold storage cooling at a rate influenced by temperature changes in and out in the cold storage, the greater the heatabsorbed by the coolant ethylene glycol, the greater the cooling rate

    Uji Potensi Ekstrak Daun Ekaliptus (Eucalyptus SP.) Sebagai Insektisida Nabati Terhadap Hama Kutu Putih (Paracoccus Marginatus) Pada Pembibitan Akasia Mangium (Acacia Mangium)

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    Acacia mangium is one of the plant that was planted in industrial timber plantations as the main material of paper. This plant no need the specific area to grow and can produce the best wood. Acacia mangium nursery have a problem to the pest. One of the pest that often attack the young plants in the nursery is Paracoccus marginatus. It can makes the low number of productivity. The efforts to control this pest is generally controlled by using chemical pesticides. One of the alternative that can be used to minimaze the application of chemical pesticide was using of Eucalyptus sp. leaf extract. This research aimed to know the influence of applicaton Eucalyptus sp. leaf extract to the attacking activity Paracoccus marginatus to the Acacia mangium nursery. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Pest, Agriculture Faculty of Riau University in March to April 2016. This research uses a Completely Randomized Design Method, which consists 4 treatments and 4 replicates with concentration levels of botanical pesticide. P0 = concentration Eucalyptus sp. leaf extract 0 g/l of water; P1 = 10 g/l of water; P2 = 20 g/l of water; P3 = 30 g/l of water. The results showed that the application of Eucalyptus sp. leaf extract at the concentration of 30 g/l water is the best concentration in controlling Paracoccus marginatus with results initial time of death fastest is 18.25 hours, the fastest time of turning off 50% (LT50) is 56.50 hours and total mortality amounted to 90.00%

    Pengaruh Jenis Adonan terhadap Jumlah Cacat Produksi Pakan Ikan Bentuk Pellet Kapasitas Produksi 26 kg/jam

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    Kebutuhan akan pakan ikan cukup besar sesuai dengan tumbuhnya industry perikanan budidaya air tawar dan air payau. Pellet adalah salah satu bentuk makanan ikan yang dibuat dari adonan dari berbagai jenis bahan yang dicetak dengan ukuran kecil dalam bentuk batangan. Pembuatan pellet ikan bisa dilakukan secara mandiri untuk mengurangi biaya produksi dengan menggunakan mesin pembuat pellet. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah perancangan mesin pembuat pakan ikan bentuk pellet. Metode perancangan diawali dengan mendisain mesin dengan software solidwork, perhitungan komponen utama dan dilanjutkan dengan proses fabrikasi mesin. Bagian utama seperti hopper, screw, penutup, reducer, cetakan, mata pisau ditempatkan pada rangka mesin. Mesin ini menggunakan sabuk V tipe B dan pulley besar berukuran 5 inch dan pulley kecil berukuran 3,5 inch. Gearbox speed Reducer digunakan untuk mengurangi putaran dengan perbandingan putaran 20:1. Bantalan Gelinding JIS 6004 dipasangkan untuk menumpu mesin. Mesin hasil rancangan memiliki kapasitas produksi 26 kg/jam dan ukuran pellet 3 mm yang menggunakan daya sebesar 1 HP. Adonan yang akan dijadikan pellet dibuat dengan 5 variasi komposisi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adonan 1 menunjukkan cacat yag paling sedikit yaitu 5%, dan yang paling tinggi cacatnya pada adonan 5 yaitu 13%

    Dampak Nilai Pelanggan dan Relationship Marketing dalam Membangun Kepuasan Pelanggan melalui Citra Merek sebagai Variabel Intervening

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar Pengaruh Nilai Pelanggan dan Relationship Marketing dalam membangun Kepuasan Pelanggan melalui Citra Merek sebagai variabel interverning keripik balado bintang jaya 4 x 7 Padang.Metode yang digunakan adalah Structur Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan Partial Least Square (PLS).Dengan mengedarkan kuesioner sebanyak 85 responden. Hasil analisis datamenimpulkan, terdapat pengaruh positif yang signifikan antara variabel.nilai pelanggan terhadap variabel citra merek. Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan variabel relationship antara variabel  citra merek. Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan variabel relationship marketing terhadap variabel kepuasan pelanggan.sedangkan variabel nilai pelanggan tidak berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel kepuasan pelanggan. Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan variabel nilai pelanggan terhadap variabel kepuasan pelanggan melalui variabel citra merek.Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan variabel relationship marketing terhadap variabel kepuasan pelanggan melalui variabel citra merek

    Laporan Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Rumah Sakit Atma Jaya secara Daring 11 Oktober 2021 - 08 November 2021

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    The Influence Knowledge Management on Marketing Performance

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    FPS Famous Pacific Shipping is a company engaged in the field of the expedition which was formed in 2006, the company began with the name Internusa Hasta Buana which was founded by Mr. Iskandar Zulkarnain in 1991. Internusa Hasta Buana then gave birth to a subsidiary namely FPS Indonesia (Famous Pacific Shipping). This research aims to determine the influence of knowledge management on marketing performance at PT. FPS Indonesia. The variables used in this study are Knowledge Management (X1),  and dependent variable (Y), Marketing Performance. The research method used is a quantitative method with descriptive and causal research types. The unit of analysis is a total sample of 20 employees of PT. FPS Indonesia. The data collection method was carried out through questionnaires containing 20 valid questions. The analysis technique uses simple linear regression and the data is calculated using the SPSS program. Based on the calculation of the coefficient of determination shows a value of 59.8% which means this value indicates that the Knowledge Management variable has an influence on Marketing Performance of 59.8% and the remaining 40.2% is influenced by variables not examined
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