19 research outputs found


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    Redewendungen is a group of words that have an idiomatic meaning. This study discusses the using of Redewendungen contained in several sentences from Brigitte magazine and der Stern magazine as a semantic review. From the analysis that writers have done on the advertisement script, it can be concluded that Redewendungen has an idiomatic meaning. In the analysis found some meaning idiomatic, the are (1) metaphorical Redewendung, (2) orthonymische Redewendung, (3) allusive Redewendung, (4) remotivier bare Redewendung, (5) emotional Redewendung


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    This research discusses about illocution act. Illocution is an act of saying something, which is a field of study in pragmatic. According to the title of this paper, which is “Imperative Meaning on Speech Act as A Pragmatic study” Writer is determined to do a research on how the form of the imperative meaning can be seen from the grammatical and pragmatical side, also on how is this imperative meaning being applied into a speech act on the research object. The method used in this research is analysis- descriptive method. Based on the analysis of the story Der Räuber Hotzenplotz, the writer can clearly show that imperative meaning can be expressed not only by the construction of imperative sentence but also by the construction of declarative and interrogative sentence. The results of this research show that there are four meanings of imperatives; 1) instructive meaning, 2) requisite meaning, 3) permissive meaning, and threatening meaning


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    This research is trying to describe about auf as a preposition. The aim of this research to describe the meaning of auf as a preposition and then trying to describe the equivalent meaning in Indonesian. Theories which are used in this research are the theory of Gouvernment-Binding (GB) in order to describe the auf as a preposition related with the case which causes by the auf preposition. The method of this research is a descriptive analysis method. Data in this research is written and oral data (taken from the informan). The written data is taken from several novels using German language and German dictionary. The oral data is taken from three native German university students which are used to support the data. The result of this research shows that the auf preposition in German language which has meaning as a propositional to describe a space can influence accusative and dative cases. The prepositional auf can control the accusative case in pointing a direction (Richtung), in describing a movement (Bewegung) and describing a goal (goal). The auf preposition which has accusative case is expressed by the preposition of ke in Indonesian language. The auf preposition can also control the dative case if it is describes a situation or position in some place. The description of auf preposition with dative case is expressed by the preposition of di in Indonesian language


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    This study describes language disorders in the people with cerebral palsy and what kind of treatments to people with cerebral palsy related to language disorders. Cerebral palsy is a series of disorders with problems regulating muscle movements where it is as a result of some damage to the motor centers in the brain. Damage to the motor center in the brain that causes cerebral palsy can occur prenatal (before birth), perinatal (during the birth), or even postnatal (immediately after birth). There are several main problems that are often found and faced by children with cerebral palsy, they are: (1) difficulty in eating and swallowing caused by motor disturbances in the mouth, (2) difficulty in speaking, (3) difficulty in hearing, and (4) language disorders


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    Cyberbullying containing SARA is an act of humiliation, psychological violence, intimidation, and social terror perpetrated by a person or group of people based on ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroups through technological and information devices on social media or cyber space. This study aims to reveal the form of lexical meaning of cyberbullying containing SARA on social media, analyze speech acts using speech acts theory, analyze the validity of utterances using the felicity conditions theory, and describe the legal impact of cyberbullying containing SARA. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data of the research were collected from the copies of court verdicts that have permanent legal force from 2018 to 2020, where in the decisions there are lingual data containing SARA on social media. In this study there were 20 cases of cyberbullying. Consisting of five cases each of cyberbullying containing ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroups. The results of the study show that there are four forms of lexical meanings of cyberbullying containing SARA, including (1) the use of animal names addressed to a person or groups of people; (2) negative labeling; (3) mention of genitals or excrement; and (4) declaring immoral acts. There are four speech acts performed by the defendants, namely expressive speech acts (insults), assertive (accusations and lies), directive (sedition), and commissive (threats). The four speech acts found in this study fulfill the elements of felicity conditions, which means that the validity of the utterances in the research data is valid as an act of cyberbullying containing SARA. Meanwhile, the legal impact of cyberbullying which contains SARA is that a person can be charged on the Law of the Republic Indonesian Article 28 paragraph (2) Jo. Article 45A paragraph (2) Law Number 19 of 2016 about Information and Electronic Transactions (the ITE Law) with a maximum penalty of six years imprisonment and/or a maximum fine of one billion rupiah. Analysis of the aspects of lexical meaning, speech acts, and felicity conditions in this study confirmed that the defendants in this study had actually committed cyberbullying containing SARA. Therefore the results of this study are in accordance with the results of a court decision in which the defendants were legally and convincingly proven to have violated Article 28 paragraph (2) Jo. Article 45A paragraph (2) No.19 of 2016 about ITE


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    This research describes about directive utterances in the Venom movie manuscript. The aim of this research is to identify form of directives and classify the function of directives utterances. To identify and classify directive utterances, researcher uses specch act theory (locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary act). The data source of directive utterances is in the movie The Venom manuscript. The researcher uses observation and documentation methods in gathering data. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The result of this study shows that the most of directive utterances in the movie The Venom manuscript is imperative sentences (13 data or 60%), declarative sentences (6 data or 30%), and introgative sentences (1 data or 10%). The function of directive is commanding, suggesting, requesting, and prohibiting


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    Interference is a symptom of irregularities in language rules. It’s can be happend to someone who is learning a foreign language such as students of  STIBA Bumigora grade 2015 who learn German as the second foreign language. Language Interference consists of phonological, lexical, morphological, and syntactic interference. In this study, the authors limit his research only to syntactic interference. Syntactic interference consists of two things, they are inter-language interference and intra-language interference. The method of  this study is descriptive analysis. The results of the study show us there are several factors that cause errors in syntactic interference on students german essays  STIBA Bumigora Mataram. They are; (1) Errors caused by inter-language interference, it's because of the influence of Indonesian language into the German sentence structure. such as; misplaced words and omission of auxilary verb (to be). (2) Errors caused by intra-language interference, it’s because lack of understanding German grammar rules to german essays. Such as; case errors (nominativ, akkusativ, dativ) and verb conjugation errors

    Application of Multimedia Digital Story Telling in Speaking Learning at Information Technology Study Program

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    This article explains how project-based learning is being implemented (digital storytelling) to help students in the First Semester in Bumigora University in Mataram at become more proficient speakers. The aims of this research are to find out whether Project-Based Learning (digital storytelling) can improve students’ speaking skill and to analyze the students’ learning motivation when is implemented. A test, questionnaire, interview, and observation were used to gather the data. The researchers used action research and random sampling technique. The method used mix method, quantitative and qualitative. The steps in this design are Planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The study's conclusions showed that students' speaking abilities had improved in a number of areas, including confidence, fluency, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. A range of speaking exercises, such as oral presentations, voice recordings, group discussions, and interviews, helped to strengthen those areas. The study's conclusions showed that pupils' speaking abilities had improved in a number of areas, including confidence, fluency, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. A range of speaking exercises, such as oral presentations, voice recordings, group discussions, and interviews, helped to strengthen those areas. Moreover, the mean gain of the students’ post-test was higher than the mean gain of the students’ pre-test. In the pre-test, the mean gain was 56.37; however, the students could achieve 74.05 in the post-test. In addition, students’ learning motivation increased in terms of: students involve in learning process, students solve the problem and search the issue, students try to work harder to avoid the failure. A demanding multimedia-based project in which students generated digital stories might give meaningful experience and increase improvement students’ spoken ability

    Fenomena Anglisisme: Gabungan Prefiks Informal Nge- Bahasa Indonesia dan Kelas Kata Bahasa Inggris

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    Kontak bahasa yang terjadi antara bahasa Indonesia dengan bahasa Inggris menimbulkan suatu fenomena linguistik yang disebut anglisisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap fenomena anglisisme yang sedang marak terjadi di media sosial Indonesia yaitu peminjaman kata atau istilah bahasa Inggris dengan memadukan prefiks informal Nge- bahasa Indonesia. Data Penelitian diperoleh dari media sosial Twitter yang kini berubah nama menjadi X. Jumlah data yang digunakan adalah sebanyak 85 tuturan yang mengandung prefiks Nge- yang dipadukan dengan kelas kata bahasa Inggris. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui dokumentasi atau tangkap layar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 12 bentuk afikasasi prefiks Nge- yang dipadukan dengan beberapa kelas kata bahasa Inggris, yaitu; 1) Nge- + Verba; 2) Nge- + Nomina; 3) Nge- + Adjektiva; 4) Nge- + Adverbia; 5) Nge- + Verba + -in; 6) Nge- + Nomina + -in; 7) Nge- + Adjektiva + -in; 8) Nge- + Adverbia + -in; 9) Nge- + Verba + -ing, 10) Nge- + Nomina + -ing, 11) Nge- + adjektiva + -ing, 12) Nge- + adverbia + -ing.  &nbsp

    Difference analysis of long drive swing mechanical movement towards ball velocity based on analysis kinematics approach between skill and unskill golf player

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    The purpose of this study was to find out the differences in swing mechanical movement long drives towards the ball velocity based on the kinematics analysis approach between skills and unskilled golf players. The kinematic variables analysis consists of trunk forword tilt, club stick velocity, knee flexion, wrist hinge at the top, leading arm angle, lateral band, hip rotation dan shoulder rotation. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method, while the data analysis technique uses the average difference test analysis.The sample in this study were 2 trained and 4 amateur athletes in the Indonesian Education University of UPI Bandung, with an average of height 1.63 ± 2.4 m, Body mass 72.4 ± 3.6 kg and Age 37.4 ± 7.6 years. The results of this study indicate that of the ten kinematics variables analyzed there were four indicators which showed significant differences in the level of alpha 0.05 including club speed at impact (t = 0.007), lateral band after impact ball (t = 0.006), shoulder rotation (t = 0.005) and non dominant dominant flexion at elbow joint arm (t = 0.003)