14 research outputs found


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    Based on the writer’s preliminary study, it was found that most of students’ reading achievement was still less than enough. This problem caused some factors. For example, some of students cannot identify general information of the text, and cannot identify detailed information of the text. So, the writer is interested in carrying out the research about this problem The research was administered at MAN 1 Pekanbaru. The subject of the research was the second year students at MAN 1 Pekanbaru, and the object of this research was the effect of SQ3R method. The design of this research is Pre- experimental design. The population of this research was all of the second year students. The total number of population was 229 students. Due to the number of population was large, the researcher used cluster sampling by taking two classes only as sample; IPA XI. 3 consisted of 31 students as experimental group, and IPA XI. 4 consisted of 31 students as control group. So, the numbers of sample from two classes were 62 students. To analyze the data, the researcher adopted paired sample t-test formula by using SPSS. After analyzing the data, the researcher found that is significant effect of SQ3R method toward reading achievement of the second year students’ at MAN 1 Pekanbaru, where T shows 11.78 at significant level 5% it shows 2.04, and at level 1% it shows 2.75. Thus, null hypothesis (H ) is denied, and alternative hypothesis (H a o ) is accepted, in which shows 2.752.04. Then, the percentage of effect SQ3R method session also shows the quite improvement where it could help improve 13.84%

    Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension by Using Problem-based Learning Strategy

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    Abstrak This study explores an improving students’ reading comprehension by using problem-based learning strategy by formulating quasi-experimental design of Darma Yudha Junior High School. Reading is one of subject that some of Indonesia students faced many difficulties to understand for some reasons. The strategy selection has an important role to create the expectation of the teachers that can be answered by the implementation of creative method, interested materials or enjoyable learning process. Problem-based learning (PBL) is one of strategy of expressing ideas to experience real life context to build critical thinking and problem solving skill. In problem-based learning, students work in collaborative groups to identify what they need to learn in order to solve a problem. The goals of problem-based learning include helping students develop; 1) flexible knowledge, 2) effective problem-solving skills, 3) effective collaboration skills, 4) life-wide learning and 5) intrinsic motivation. In other hand; PBL is well suited to helping students become active learners because it situates learning in real-world problems and makes students responsible for their learning. Based on the result of research, it is found that PBL is one of instructional strategy that offers potentials help to improve students’ reading comprehension and motivation. Keywords: reading comprehension, problem-based learning, and motivation. &nbsp


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    Persaingan global dalam berbagai bidang menuntut penguasaan kompetensi skill danakademik yang memadai dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Dalam upaya peningkatankualitas sumber daya manusia didunia pendidikan, penguasaan bahasa asing, terutamabahasa Inggris, merupakan suatu hal yang sanga tpenting. Hal ini didasari atas bahasaInggris adalah bahasa global yang digunakan pada era saat ini. Berdasarkan analisayang telah dilakukan, pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-KifayahPekanbaru belum terlaksana dengan dengan baik, dan juga untuk persamaan persepsidalam pengajaran antara guru Bahasa Inggris dan wali murid juga belum terjalindengan baik. Atas dasar analisa tersebut maka diadakanlah pelatihan “PenyamaanPersepsi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris antara Guru dan Wali Murid bagi Anak UsiaSekolah Dasar” yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalammenguasai Bahasa Inggris. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pelatihan iniadalah metode ceramah, diskusi, dan role play. Adapun hasil Hasil kegiatan pengabdiankepada masyarakat ini mendapatkan sambutan yang sangat positif dari pihak mitra yakniMadrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Kifayah Pekanbaru karena program ini sesuai dengankebutuhan mereka. Bentuk sambutan yang sangat positif tersebut adalah terlihat daripartisipasi seluruh peserta pelatihan baik guru bahasa Inggris maupun wali murid yanghadir pada pelatihan tersebut sangat aktif dalam mengikuti seluruh proses kegiata


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    Community service carried out at the Fajar Harapan Orphanage in Pekanbaru City aims to provide counseling in increasing learning interest in the orphanage of the Fajar Harapan orphanage. The main problems faced are the low learning interest of children in orphanages, low interest in learning and a less conducive learning environment. The low interest in learning of children at the Fajar Harapan Orphanage has resulted in their performance decreasing in school and this is of course a problem for children and caregivers in this orphanage. To achieve the objectives of this community service activity, the lecture and discussion methods were used. In addition, an appropriate strategy is needed to foster children's learning interest in this orphanage, namely strategies to improve performance in schools, strategies to foster children's interest in learning and strategies to build a conducive learning environment. PPM activities that have been carried out take place smoothly in accordance with the expected plan. The participants of the activity responded positively and thanked the executor for providing useful knowledge to the participants, namely the strategy to foster interest in learning in order to improve learning achievement. Therefore they hope that this activity will not stop, but this activity will continue in the future

    Strategi Jitu dan Efektif Menyelesaikan Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris bagi Siswa Kelas XII SMK N 1 Bangkinang

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    Abstract The community service that has been done is aimed to give an idea and understanding of ​​the importance of English mastery and provide motivation for the participants in relation to English mastery. Furthermore, it is done in order to make the students easy to understand English, especially on basic materials with English learning methods that are related to students of SMK level using the concept of English for Specific Purpose (ESP) so that later students are able to do the English Language Test of National Examination well. Keywords: The community of public service, English for Specific Purpose, National  Examination &nbsp


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    The community service undertaken aims to provide training to the teachers at Handayani Senior High School about the importance of producing quality scientific papers. Specifically, this training provides the opportunity for participants to practice directly how to write scientific papers using Mendeley software for reference used in the paper. Mendeley is a computer and web program developed by Elsevier to manage and share research papers, search for research data, and work together online. Posts made with Microsoft Word, Open Office or LaTex can be linked to Mendeley software so that citations and reference lists (bibliography) can be arranged automatically. To achieve the goals and targets of this community service activity (PPM), the implementers use the lecture, discussion and practicum methods so that the trainees can easily understand the material provided in the training. The activities carried out involve the teachers at Handayani Pekanbaru Senior High School as participants. The response from the participants is positive which can be seen from their active participation during the activity. They also find the training really useful to help them become more productive teachers by writing more scientific papers using Mendeley.   Keywords: Community Service, Scientific Paper, Reference, Mendeley Abstract Pengabdian pada masyarakat yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kepada para guru SMA Handayani Pekanbaru akan pentingnya menghasilkan karya tulis ilmiah yang berkualitas. Secara specifik, pelatihan ini memberikan kesempatan kepada para peserta untuk praktek langsung bagaimana menulis karya ilmiah dengan menggunakan software mendeley untuk referensi rujukan yang di gunakan dalam karya tulis. Mendeley merupakan program komputer dan web yang dikembangkan Elsevier untuk mengelola dan berbagi makalah penelitian, mencari data penelitian, dan bekerja sama secara daring. Tulisan yang dibuat dengan Microsoft Word, Open Office atau LaTex bisa dihubungkan dengan software Mendeley sehingga sitasi dan daftar referensi (bibliography) bisa disusun secara otomatis. Untuk mencapai tujuan dan target dari kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat (PPM) ini, maka pelaksana menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi, dan praktikum agar peserta pelatihan dapat mudah memahami materi yang diberikan pada pelatihan tersebut. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan diikuti oleh para guru di SMA Handayani Pekanbaru. Peserta merespon kegiatan ini dengan sangat positif yang bisa dilihat dari keaktifan mereka selama kegiatan berlangsung. Lebih jauh mereka merasa pelatihan sangat berguna dalam membantu mereka menjadi guru yang lebih produktif untuk menulis lebih banyak karya ilmiah menggunakan aplikasi Mendeley

    Pelatihan Penerapan Note-Taking System Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Bagi Guru SMPIT Madani Pekanbaru

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    The community service undertaken aims to provide training to the teachers of SMPIT Madani Pekanbaru in order to increase the ability of teachers to understand the concept of material provided by presenters from various sources from seminars, workshops, FGDs or other activities, make it easier for teachers to remember the material presented and be more focused and also help teachers in compiling and processing information obtained through interesting notes so that they are easier to recall what they got in the material delivered by the presenters. To achieve the objectives of this community service (PPM) activity, the implementers used the lecture, discussion and practicum methods so that the trainees could easily understand the material provided at the training. The activities carried out were participated by the teachers at SMPIT Madani Pekanbaru. This activity is on target as evidenced by the enthusiasm of the teacher in following the entire process of activities. They are very active in discussing and interacting when given a material concept and instructing them to take notes with various Note-taking Systems.   Keywords: Community Service, Note-taking System, Understanding the Concep

    Pelatihan Speaking Dasar Dan Fungsional Untuk Relawan Muda Dan Pemuda Riau

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    The basic speaking training community service program which is one of the pillars in Higher Education Institution such as Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau is carried out aimed at providing an overview of the importance of knowledge about English and motivation concerning the mastery of English. This was done to make it easier for trainees to understand how certain expressions and vocabulary can be applied in international activities such as the International Youth Exchange Program, International Internships, Scholarship Interviews and so forth. Based on these objectives, the target to be achieved in this program is to provide knowledge of the participants, to develop the ability to speak English so that they can pass international programs, scholarships and continue their postgraduate degree. To achieve the goals and targets of community service activities, the implementers use lecture, discussion, think pair and share, and problem-based learning methods, so that the trainees can easily understand the material provided. The activities carried out and participated by program participants came from various University and Higher Education graduates in Riau. The training participants were very enthusiastic about participating. This was evidenced by the large number of participants who were active in the discussion and enthusiastic in taking the activities

    Cyberbullying in the Social Media Environment: Investigating Young Adults' Experiences in Malaysia

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    The rise of social media in Malaysia has transformed communication, yet it has also ushered in cyberbullying. This study explores cyberbullying experiences among Malaysian young adults, focusing on their engagement, language use, and coping mechanisms. Data from 148 university students reveal that cyberbullying is prevalent on platforms like Facebook which is mainly instigated by strangers, online contacts, classmates, and friends. The most common cyberbullying types identified are physical-related and intelligence-related. While most participants acknowledged the harm of offensive language, a significant portion admitted to ignoring incidents, emphasising the need for targeted interventions and education to combat cyberbullying among Malaysian youth. &nbsp