43 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kadar Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Serum dengan Severitas dan Luaran Cedera KepalaTraumatik

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    Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan kadar GFAP dengan severitas dan luaran 6 bulan pascacedera kepala. Metode : Ini adalah studi potong lintang, dimana kadar GFAP dinilai dengan metode ELisa, saat kunjungan pasien di IGD. Pada saat bersamaan dinilai Glascow Coma Scale (GCS) untuk severitas dan luaran dinilai dengan Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) 6 bulan pascacedera. Analisa bivariate dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan GFAP dengan severitas dan outcome. Hasil : Sebagian besar subjek penelitian adalah laki-laki (72,7%) dengan median usia 36 tahun (18-60). Kadar GFAP serum lebih tinggi pada kelompok cedera kepala berat (CKB) dibandingkan kelompok cedera kepala sedang (CKS) dan cedera kepala ringan (CKS). Ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara kadar GFAP dengan severitas CKT (p=0,017). Tidak ada perbedaan kadar GFAP fase akut dengan baik buruknya luaran 6 bulan pascacedera (p=158). Kesimpulan : Ada hubungan kadar GFAP pada fase akut dengan severitas cedera kepala traumatik dan tidak ada hubungan kadar GFAP dengan luaran (GOS) 6 bulan pascacedera.

    Bahan Kenaikan Pangkat Yuliarni Syafrita

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    Similarity Check Yuliarni Syafrita (Archive)

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    Relationship between Amyloid-beta 42 Levels and Y-maze Alternation Values in Sprague Dawley Alzheimer’s Induction Received Medium-Chain Triglycerides Therapy

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    BACKGROUND: At present, there is no pharmacological therapy that can cure Alzheimer’s disease. Treatment is only limited to preventing progression and controlling risk factors that worsen Alzheimer’s. Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) are nutritional therapies that are being studied to prevent the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. AIM: This study aims to see the effect of giving MCT to the value of percentage alternation Y-maze test and serum Aβ-42 levels as a marker of Alzheimer’s disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study is an experimental study using postp-test control group design. Samples from this study were 30 Sprague Dawley rats which were divided into positive control groups, negative controls, and three treatment groups. Positive control group and treatment were induced by Alzheimer’s by ovariectomy and d-galactose. After induction, MCT were given to the treatment group for 6 weeks. After treatment, the levels of Aβ-42 serum were examined by ELISA and cognitive function was examined by Y-maze. After that, the data were analyzed by ANOVA. p < 0.05 was said to be statistically significant. RESULTS: The results showed that this study was found a moderate relationship with a positive pattern. This means that the higher the percentage alternation value, the higher the level of Aβ-42 in serum which indicates that the higher the percentage alternation value, the higher the clearance of Aβ-42. CONCLUSION: This study concluded that the group of rats given MCT has a serum Aβ-42 level higher than the group of rats that were not given MCT

    Multiple Sclerosis Relapsing Remitting Progressive Type

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common neurologic demyelinating disease in high-income countries. The causes of MS is multifactorial involve genetics and the environment in which immune cell infiltration occurs across the blood-brain barrier, causing inflammation, demyelination, gliosis, and neuroaxonal degeneration in the substantia grisea in the central nervous system. A 23-year-old female patient was treated with four limbs weakened since 2 weeks ago accompanied by blurred vision, pain, cramps and stiffness in the back muscles and legs. The patient has experienced the same complaint before. Clinical findings reveal lhermitte sign, atrophy papillae, and tetraparese. On thoracic vertebral MRI examination without contrast and brain MRI with contrast obtained multiple sclerosis lesions. Patients receive steroid and antidepressant therapy. MS needs to be studied further because this number of cases began to emerge.

    Association between Serum Alpha-Synuclein Levels and Parkinson's Disease Stage (archive)

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer's. It is chronically progressive with the main symptoms of resting tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, and postural disturbances. Lewy's body and Lewy's neurite are the main findings in brain biopsies of patients with PD. The main component is alphasynuclein, a misfolding protein that plays an essential role in the pathogenesis of PD. This study aims to determine the association between serum alpha-synuclein levels during the PD stage and compare the levels between PD patients and healthy populations of the same age. A case-control study was conducted on 62 people with PD and 20 normal subjects as controls in the outpatient Department of Neurology of Dr. M. Djamil General Hospital and Ibnu Sina Islamic Hospital, Padang, from March to September 2020. The ELISA method examined serum alphasynuclein examination, and the PD stage was assessed according to Hoehn and Yahr stages. The differences in alphasynuclein levels between cases and controls and between stages of PD were analyzed by the Mann-Whitney test. Alpha-synuclein levels in PD patients were higher than in controls, and this difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). On the other hand, alpha-synuclein levels were higher in the severe stage than in the mild stage but not statistically significant (p>0.05). In conclusion, there was no association between alpha-synuclein levels and the stage of Parkinson's disease. Still, serum alpha-synuclein levels in PD patients were significantly higher than in the healthy populatio

    Profil Pasien Periodik Paralisis Hipokalemia Di Bangsal Saraf RSUP DR M Djamil

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    Hipokalemia Periodik Paralisis (HKPP) adalah sindroma kelemahan dan kelumpuhan otot yang langka yang terkait dengan hipokalemia. Kelemahan bervariasi dari kelemahan ringan sampai kelumpuhan total. Serangan membaik secara spontan dan pulih dalam waktu 3-36 jam. Fungsi kognitif dan sensorik tetap baik dan refleks tendon dalam mungkin akan berkurang atau tidak ada. Kami melaporkan 10 kasus pasien dengan Periodik Paralisis Hipokalemia di bangsal Saraf DR M Djamil Padang. Laporan kasus ini menggambarkan karakteristik klinis dan laboratorium pasien periodik paralisis dan untuk mencari etiologi dan terapi lebih lanjut. dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar kalium serum, kreatinin serum dan hitung leukosit pada pasien dengan periodik paralisis di bangsal saraf RSUP DR M Djamil Padang, dari periode Juli 2013 – September 2014. Diagnosis Periodik Paralisis ditegakkan berdasarkan temuan fisik dan laboratorium. Data yang dikumpulkan untuk diproses dan ditabulasikan secara manual. Jenis kelamin wanita sebanyak sembilan orang dan pria satu orang. didapatkan rerata umur 32.5 ± 9.16, berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan kadar kalium darah didapatkan nilai minimum kalium tidak terukur (50%) dan nilai maksimum 2.1 mmol/L, dan rerata hitung leukosit 19.820 ± 8.579. Sebagian besar pasien periodik paralisis yang dirawat di bangsal Saraf RSUP DR M Djamil masuk dengan keluhan klinis tetraparese dengan kadar kalium yang tidak terukur dan hitung leukosit yang meningkat

    Factors Associated with the Prevalence of External Compression Headache Attributed to Personal Protection Equipment Usage

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    Personal protective equipment (PPE) in the COVID-19 pandemic era is essential for healthcare workers to decrease the risk of infection. The PPE, such as N95 masks and goggles, can trigger external-compression headache (ECH). This study aimed to determine the factors associated with the prevalence of ECH attributed to PPE usage. It was an analytic-observational study with a cross-sectional design conducted at Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang in May 2020. The subjects were healthcare workers (doctors and nurses) who used level 3 PPE for a minimum of 4 hours. The diagnosis of ECH was determined by the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD) 3rd edition criteria. The Headache Screening Questionnaire (HSQ) determined the pre-existing primary headaches. The association between variables was analyzed using chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis tests. P-value<0.05 was considered statistically significant. A total of 113 healthcare workers participated in this study, consisting of 46 (40.7%) males and 67 (59.3%) females. The median age was 30 (23–46) years. ECH occurred in 102 (90.3%) respondents. Pre-existing primary headaches were present in 79 (69.9%) respondents, including migraine in 28 (23.6%) and tension-type headaches (TTH) in 46 (40.7%) respondents. The frontalis (69%) and temporalis (50.4%) were the most affected muscles. In this study, the significant factor associated with ECH was pre-existing primary headache (p=0.001, OR=7.795). There was a significant association between the pre-existing TTH (p=0.022) and ECH. There was a non-significant association between pre-existing migraine and ECH (p=0.284). In conclusion, the pre-existing primary headache was associated with the prevalence of ECH attributed to PPE usage


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    Peningkatan angka harapan hidup menyebabkan pergeseran pola penyakit dari penyakit infeksi ke penyakit degeneratif seperti hipertensi, diabetes melitus, serta aterosklerosis. Aterosklerosis pada tahap awal yang dikenal dengan atherosclerosis asimptomatis sering ditandai dengan adanya Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD). Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) adalah ratio tekanan sistolik ankle dan brachial yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai severitas oklusi arteri perifer yang merupakan gambaran penyumbatan arteri secara umum. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara nilai ABI dengan fungsi kognitif. Penelitian dilakukan pada 75 pasien lanjut usia yang berobat ke poliklinik saraf RS DR M Djamil Padang dengan metode consecutive sampling. Pemeriksaan fungsi kognitif menggunakan Indonesia Montreal Cognitive Assessment (InaMoCA). Data dianalisa dengan uji χ2 dengan nilai p0,05). Namun setelah sampel dispesifikasikan berdasarkan jenis kelamin, hubungan antara ABI dengan fungsi kognitif pada wanita bermakna secara statistik (p<0,05). Kesimpulannya, tidak terdapat hubungan antara nilai ABI dengan fungsi kognitif pada lanjut usia, namun terdapat hubungan antara nilai ABI dengan fungsi kognitif pada lanjut usia berjenis kelamin wanita